This week we also moved eleven bins out of the field for sale. This has got me super excited. I am so grateful that we ran into Greg Kerr at the Wholefoods market in Vegas last year. He has gotten those melons in the store for us, and we were just not able to do that last year. Our melons are delicious as well. Seriously it must be something in the blood of the Bundy family. Ryan's ancestors have been growing melons for years and years. Tomorrow-we are supposed to get 24 bins out of the field to go to various markets in is also Chloee's birthday, and sophomore orientation at the high school. I am hoping that Chlo won't require a lot of hoopla tomorrow, but I know that Chlo is a big deal, and that her birthday should be a big deal. Thankfully, I went and got her a few gifts bought, and she will be satisfied riding around in melon bins on Monday. It is still new to her, and fun. Ryan and I will probably try to spoil her in the evening too by taking her to a movie of some sort. Thankfully, Greg's family is always there to help us pick, and things move along quickly. All of the hard work is now paying off...I just hope the vines keep producing for awhile.
All of this hard work has got me looking and smelling kinda scruffy. Mo informed me the other day that I smelled like "amatoes"... that was my cue to go in and have a long shower. We actually usually get knee deep in mud picking weeds, and so we then go and jump in the ditch and try to wersh a bulk of it off before even leaving the fields. It has been so hot, that by the time we reach home, we are pretty much dry. Ryan pulled the travel trailer into the field so that the babies have a place to play out of the dirt and heat. I can go take care of Dill whenever she needs me, and usually this gets one of the kids out of work for awhile. There are usually scuffles over who gets to take care of Dilly. Wazz usually gets my vote, but then Rooshkie usually has pain or strain going on somewhere within her body which makes her reluctant to get too busy working. Sags always keeps track of who works the hardest, and who doesn't because she is our record keeper. Ryan has her set up with a quickbooks program, and if Oak or Rooshkie don't work, she happily reduces their hours. Sags and Wams are powerhouses in that field. I am so proud of my kids really, and as much as we all complain about some of the early hours, and heat, it has been great to keep the kids busy and working by our sides most days.
We have had some drama going on this week because Rooshkie and Wazz have not been getting along too well lately. This made Jerusha want to trade rooms around. She wheeled and dealed some ideas to Ryan, and honestly, with all that he has on his mind, I don't think he had the energy or care to protest too much. She moved all of her stuff out of the room that she was sharing with Wazz, and moved Chloee down into the room with Wazz. She then took Chlo's room over. This had all of the girls upset because well, Wams has been begging for her own room for years. Technically she should get the first choice at that, being that she is the oldest. However, we have Dilly getting bigger by the day, and so we made it clear to everyone, including Rooshkie that she doesn't get her own room, but she gets to share with the Dill. Even though Dilly still sleeps in the room with Mom and Dad for awhile longer. I am actually hoping some good can come of all of this, because Rooshkie and Wazz were fighting quite a bit, and Chlo was too scared to sleep in her own room. Well, Rooshkie has become extremely territorial over her room and her things...there was a huge scuffle the other night with actual screaming, when she discovered Oak using her toothbrush, and not caring either way about it. Seriously, I thought someone had died with the amount of noise she made....toothbrushes are like two bucks. Anyhow, she woke up Dilly that night with her dumb fight, and Ryan threatened to move her back downstairs.
Some of the real problems have come up because she is so worried about her room, and her stuff. This has just made the little kids drawn to her room like a magnet. She has it clean and orderly, she has trinkets, and it is off limits because she wants no one within a two mile radius. She is constantly screaming and hollering about people being in her room, messing with her stuff, and jumping on her. To top it off, her room just happens to be the first room that the air conditioning hits first and it is the coolest room in the house. That is kind of sought after in my book because it has been so horribly hot lately. It has been 115 all week. I freaked out to a large degree one day, when I walked in, and she was cold, and had opened her window wide open. Thanks a heap Rooshkie! Our power bill has been extremely high due to the air conditioning and high temperatures. I told her that the next time she got chilled to hike around outside for five minutes. Anyhow, all of that aside, the kids want to be in there nonstop...she picked up Mo just a few moments ago, and dropped him because he wouldn't leave and wouldn't quit jumping on her. Jazzerz solution for not being welcome in her room is to take Dilly with her every time. Technically it is Dilly's room too and so Rooshkie cannot kick them out. She will go in there and hang out in the closet with Dilly for hours, just to tick off Rooshkie. It really hasn't been too pretty. We always have to have drama.
Moroni is still being lazy as far as the potty training stuff goes too. He does just fine if he chooses to, but he gets busy playing and has accidents because he doesn't want to stop what he is doing to attend to his bathroom needs. He doesn't care about smelling bad at all either. The other day, I got after him again because he wasn't smelling like a summer breeze. When I asked him if he had gone to the bathroom in his pants he told me that he had not. Why I even asked is beyond me because I knew that he had, and he smelled accordingly. I asked him why he smelled bad then. He informed me that he had been sprayed by a "stunk" and that was why he smelled. I like the name stunk for is quite appropriate. However, I cannot have him lying to there is constant pressure from this parenting stuff!
The other evening Jazzerz had been with a secret friend at the shrsh cleaning it. She has spent a ton of time with this little friend this week, and it has been great for my Wazz. She has needed some close friends like Rooshkie has found. Anyhow, in the midst of Jazzerz and her service in cleaning the shrsh, Ryan called me and told me that we needed to come out with a crew, bring some meat???? and pick melons. He also wanted us out there quickly. I stopped by the shrsh to grab Wazz and I sent Rooshkie in after her. Rooshkie came back out a moment later looking a little confused. She explained that Wazz was not in there, and that there were only people in there that were fixing either a dead guys hair, or a guy that was sleeping??? She told me that a guy was laying on a table, and that there were a bunch of people fixing his hair. It kind of reminded me of my experiences in Panguitch High School. Anyhow, we went to Jazzerz friend's house to see if she ended up there. Her friend's mother apologized and explained that they had to hurry and finish up at the church because they were getting ready for a funeral and a viewing. So, I guess that Rooshkie walked in on a bunch of people fixing the hair of a dead person. Not to be disrespectful, but I bet they were not too happy to see Rooshkie at that moment.
Because of all of the time spent picking weeds and melons, my food preparations have left a little to be desired. Mo the other day wanted me to make him meat and sugar, and that actually sounded pretty good to me. I can fry a steak, and just set out a bowl of sugar...easy. Chlo would be delighted at this dinner. The other day, she kept hopping in and out of the bath. I figured out later that she was going in and getting spoonfuls of sugar, and then coming back in the bath where she would eat her sugar and splash about. Sounds delightful, and I am too tired to care.
Yesterday, we were able to spend a lot of time getting the house in order. I was a little ticked off at the kids because they were throwing soggy washrags around the living room. I didn't see how this helped our cleaning situation. Oak explained that they were throwing the damp cloths at the ceiling fan and that the damp cloths were dusting it off in the process. It was actually working like a charm...great idea Oakers! Oak, Chlo, and Mo had a ball chucking the damp rags around and dust bunnies went flying. Sometimes I need to realize that the kids are helping in their own odd ways.
Today was shrsh day, and Mo was up to his usual antics. He got sent out in the hall with Wazz which just ended up with him shrieking and running to escape her. I was in taking care of Dill, and so I wasn't in there to see that Sags be the one to take him out....Sags puts up with none of Mo's nonsense. Here is the kicker...Mo was all appalled at Dilly for making some cute happy noises. He was actually shushing her....I really couldn't believe it.
the kids cleaning the fan blades with their damp wash rags
Dilly has been walking around with minimal assistance