Saturday, May 11, 2013

     I thought that I had better dedicate a post on Sooty.  Sooty is Chloee's pet caterpillar.  The other day, Ryan came home for a few minutes in the afternoon, just to drop off a fuzzy caterpillar that he had found for Chlo.  This was brilliant, because she had been out of sorts all day.  The caterpillar just gave her a delightful time.  She promptly put him in a cup.  I then noticed that she had tried to share her peanut butter sandwich crust with him.  I peeked in the cup and noticed the crust and he was crawling all over it.  The next thing I see, is Sooty was now on the kitchen table, on her sandwich.  Wow...Chlo was getting generous.  I don't believe Sooty eats peanut butter sandwiches, but I did not want to rain on Chlo's parade.  She then took him outside and they played and played.  When she brought him back in, she had filled his cup with dirt, leaves, and rocks.  For whatever reason, Chlo dumped Sooty, and the contents out on the wood burning stove and spread them out.  I guess she figured that Sooty needed to get out and stretch his legs.  Anyhow, I came upon this scene after awhile and noticed that Sooty was MIA.  Oh well.  I figured we would probably find Sooty smashed.  Too bad, so sad.
    The next day, I was cleaning my room, and as I was picking up Ryan's pants to wash, I behold SOOTY!  He was curled up on my carpet.  Wow,  Sooty had traveled long and far, and without getting trompled.  I put him in a cup, and went to show Chlo.  She was in the bath, and was so excited that she wanted to put Sooty in the bath with her.  I politely declined on behalf of Sooty.
     Ryan put Sooty in the house plant.  This is a good spot.  We have hopes that he will build a Chrysillus and that the kids can watch.  In any case, Sooty is a trooper.  To survive Chlo's lovin' is a feat indeed.

     Oak has been interesting lately.  He must have caught a little cold, because yesterday he told me that his tongue was on backwards.  He also woke me up in the night, saying he couldn't breathe.  I used some essential oil on him and he finally went back to sleep.  The weather has warmed up and he is usually outside, eating otter pops.  He is happy that his wood hauling days are probably over for the season.
     I walked in the kitchen yesterday, to see Jerusha whipping a bunch of cream.  I was kind of flabbergasted about this, because she was using the hand mixer, in a bowl on the floor.  Cream was splattered all over the floor and walls.  I asked her what in the world she was doing, and she explained that she wanted to dip her roll in cream.  I thought she was really overdoing it, because she had this whole bowl of cream, for her little roll.  It got eaten in the end, I am assuming Chlo helped, but I bet Chlo didn't have any rolls to dip.  Someone had just eaten it with a spoon. 

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