Tuesday, July 30, 2013

     We have had an eventful week to say the least.  Last Monday was a sad day.  We found out that Karleta had hit her head and was not going to make it.  We also learned that Isaac Bundy's daughter Rusti had passed away.  It was sad!  We love Karleta and we love all the Bundy's.  We immediately began praying for the families, especially for my nephews who had lost their Grandma.  She had played a huge role in all of our lives, but particularly theirs.  It was a sad and devastating loss.  We began making preparations to attend both of the funerals.  Unfortunately Rusti's fell on Jasmine's birthday and we had already sent out invites for a birthday party.  We decided to send Ryan up to Salt Lake alone.  I am very glad he was able to attend.
  We found out that Karleta's funeral was going to be on Saturday and that Gary was driving up for the funeral.  That got Ryan and I thinking about Jasmine's baptism.  The Stake baptism was scheduled for August 3rd and unfortunately he and Cliven were going to be in South Dakota that day.  We made a quick decision to go ahead and have the baptism on Sunday in Hatch,because all of my family would be around for the funeral.  We immediately began making phone calls and preparations for that as well.  Jasmine had her interview with the Bishop, and he thought it was a great idea. 
     In the meantime things went on around the house as usual.  Someone dumped tang in the toaster without my knowledge.  Sage went to make a piece of toast, and wow...it smelled like burnt paint if that makes any sense.  I believe that Tang must be made of sugar and paint.  It smelled like the dickens in my kitchen for awhile. 
     On Wednesday we headed for Hatch to enjoy the small town celebration.  After misplacing kids two years in a row at the Cedar festivities I learned that taking them to Hatch is so much funner and easier.  We also wear whatever pioneer garb that we can find and just jump right in to the parade.  Candy is thrown back and forth between people in the parade, and those watching.  The floats, and entries walk a short ways, and turn around and come back.  Hatch people are accepting and awesome.  We love the games at the park too.  Anyhow, I could not find an apron or a bonnet to wear with my dress, and so I wore a Captain America cape.  Chlo chose to be "Merrida" from Brave.  It was fine.  I love Hatch.  Oak enjoyed dunking his sisters in the dunking machine, and the girls won some awesome prizes and t-shirts at the archery shoot.  Ryan took second this year in the Hatch horseshoe tournament.  After the tournament it began to rain and hail extremely hard.  We had a good time laughing at my mom's for awhile while it poured.  Gary and Barry had both come over, and it was great fun.  We had to leave before the fireworks which was a disappointment.  We love watching the cows go crazy as the fireworks are launched over their pasture.  We had to get back, so that Ryan could put in extra hours.  He was leaving the next morning for Rusti's funeral.
     We brought our little cousin Julia back with us, and wow...that was a great idea on my part.  I figured that she could come with us and attend Jazzerz birthday party the next day.  Little Julia is a piece of heaven on earth.  She helped me with Moroni a ton.  He just loves her, and she could make him happy enough, that many of his usual tantrums never happened.  Julia, is just the type of gal, that just brings peace and contentment.  I am glad she stayed with us.  Anyhow, I took everyone to Evan's so that the birthday kids could get their hair and nails done.  Unfortunately, because Ryan was gone, I had to bring Oak, and Moroni.  Oak really felt like he was being tortured for a good hour.  They were booked full, or I would have let him get a haircut.  As it was, he probably asked me a hundred times if the girls were done yet.  The girls had fun, though.  Jamie looked kind of taken aback when she got assigned to a male student.  I wanted her to give him a chance, and so I explained that men are often really good at hair.  He did do a great job too. Jazzerz got plenty spoiled on her special day.  Gary and Barry showed up later and we all went to the park.  She got to play with her cousins, and Brandon chased Moroni around.  Troy also walked across the street and bought Oak a snow cone.  I am so glad that my kids have great cousins on both sides.  They are very blessed.
     On Saturday, we got up and went to attend the funeral.  I left Jams with the little kids at my mom's and Sage, Jazz, and Jerusha went to the funeral with Ryan and I.  It was a really good funeral.  Karleta led a great life, and she will be missed.  I was reminded, once again that life is short, and it does end.  After that, we have nothing but memories of how we handled our mortal tests.  It was a good reminder.  The day was overcast, the scenery was green and fresh.
     We had a hard time getting the kids to settle down and go to bed on Saturday night.  Chlo woke up from a late nap, and was higher than a kite.  They fought vigorously over who got to sleep by Julia.  This argument went on and on, until I felt like shrieking.  I was very tired at this point. It was quite late, probably close to 12am. I finally got up and said that Jamie was sleeping by Julia, because they were already settled in their beds, and everyone else just needed to find a place to settle in and sleep.  It was quite amusing where everyone ended up.  Jerusha ended up under a bed, and Jazzerz slept on the floor, by Julia's bed.  Oak and Chlo finally crashed on the couch.  I woke up abruptly to Jamie yelling at Jerusha at 4am.  She had come and tried to sneak in the bed with she and Julia, and groggily claimed she had slept walked there.   Why we had to keep the bed arrangement fight going is beyond me.  Anyhow, I had just drifted back to sleep, when Jamie started yelling again because the light was on.  Chlo was up and rummaging through her bag.  For whatever reason she wanted a different pair of underwear at 4:30 am, and no, her bed had not been wet in.  Her reasoning is beyond me.  I wasn't very nice with her as I got up to assist her.  Moroni woke up too and he was raring to get the day going.  He was higher than a kite until about 6am.  Needless to say, I didn't get much sleep that night.  We were also slow cooking a roast, and it smelled heavenly, but all of the dreams I did have, were about meat.  It was just one of those nights.
     Shrsh was great, but the kids were rowdy.  I helped my mom with her young women's lesson, and Will and Alicia Riggs spoke inspite of the death in the family.  They did an awesome job.  We immediately went to the cabin and began finishing up the food for the dinner.  My mom fell and bumped her head, and we got more rain, but other than that, we just enjoyed cooking and laughing in the kitchen.  Doug came up, and Chlo and Livia flew around the house with paint rollers, and dolls.
     Jasmine's baptism will forever be etched in my memory.  It was absolutely beautiful.  The sky was gray, and the meadows were green.  Carol gave an awesome speech, and Jerusha sang.  The baptism was beautiful, and I will never forget the wonderful rushing of the river, as she was confirmed. Thankfully, Barry and Mindi kept Mo in their car, as they watched...otherwise I am sure I would have been chasing Mo all over the riverbanks. I was also so happy that some of the Bundy's were able to come too.  We hadn't given people a lot of notice, but Carol and Cliven came, and they always do, along with Arden and Leeroy.  Stetsy and Clance came, and Hanna and Randy.  It was such a great weekend.  I enjoyed my family.  I loved it.
     Now it is back to reality, and cleaning up the mess.  Ryan took Oak, and went to finish a job in Monroe.  Chlo has been on one today.  She took a roll and smashed it into Moroni's forehead and the crumbs went everywhere.  She also found a worm and named it "Raquel."  She has been checking on Raquel in her dirt jar often.  She has also been worming around the carpet under a sheet.  I think she is trying to be like Raquel.  I have been encouraging Jazzerz to "choose the right" all day because she is our newest member.  I know she will never forget her beautiful baptism day. 


Sunday, July 21, 2013

     I have enjoyed a nice weekend, and it was a nice Sabbath day.  Chlo needs to prepare a speech for next week, and I need to make a mental note, to locate Oak's boots on Saturday instead of scrambling to find them on Sunday morning.  We invited the Hedges over for lunch and it was fun!  Oak still considers Avayah his girlfriend and he set a nice place for her at the table...it just happened to be next to his plate.  Anyhow, I got serving up the kids and I finally noticed that Oak was missing.  He was hiding in the laundry room because he could not find any pants.  Five minutes before the Hedges showed up, he and Jazzerz began a serious squabble over a lemon, (yep, a lemon) which ended up with Oak getting drenched with Tang.  I am still sticking to the floor, thanks to this incident.  I was glad that I noticed that he was hiding in his room without pants.  I was able to help him out.  Jazzerz also got into a big argument with Rooshkie and ended up falling in a box.  I could not see that Jazz was injured in any way, but she was terribly upset that Jerusha would shove her into a box.  It reminds me of a time a few years ago, when Jerusha called Jazz a party pooper.  Jazz was extremely offended over that insult.  It took me days to convince her that it really wasn't a big deal.
     Ryan fixed Chlo's hair yesterday and I have to laugh because whenever Ryan fixes the girls' hair they just end up looking like George Washington.  I was going to take a picture, but she didn't leave it in very long.  Seriously, I appreciate the fact that he does their hair from time to time though. 
     Today in Sunday School a nice lady in the ward gave Moroni a chocolate and peanut butter treat.  This would have been all fine and good, but we just happened to be meeting in the room where the Coal Creek Branch had already set up the room for their relief society meeting.  They had beautiful, white, lacy table cloths.  Mo kept returning to the table cloth and wiping his chocolate-y hands on it.  I finally had to take him out.  I did run into Sylvia Allred, who used to be in the General Relief Society Presidency.  I liked chatting with her and telling her how much I loved her Conference speeches.  She has an amazing spirit about her.  She even told me how cute Moroni was...I didn't want to mention that she might not want to look too close at the table cloths in relief society.  Mo's handiwork wasn't anything to smile about.
     Tonight, I am grateful for all of my blessings.  I had a wonderful childhood that I look back on and smile.  My brothers were funny.  We laughed a lot, and we still do.  I am so glad that I can look at life, and laugh. I have great parents too.  I am also so grateful for my husband and kids, and all that they do to help me be a better person.  I married well, and he is a great dad to the kids. I am grateful for my husband's family and particularly his Dad.  There is nothing my husband cannot fix and build, and I know his Dad had to have extreme patience in teaching him the things he knows. I still smile when we visit the ranch because I can see that he did a lot of learning around that place. Carol is one patient lady.  I am grateful for all of the people who care about us and what we are doing.  Heavenly Father has always helped me and provided guidance.  I am grateful for Him too.  Yep, I feel very happy and content.  Life is good.


Saturday, July 20, 2013

     Wow, I am so grateful for my awesome man tonight.  It has been a very difficult week, and he took all of the kids with him to take care of the animals this evening.  Yep, ALL of them.  He took all of them this morning to run some errands too, and it was nice.  I am grateful that he can tell when the week has been hard.  He has had a busy week too, and yet he takes the time to take care of me.  I am a blessed woman.
     The week was hard because my little Mo Man got sick.  I think he was just have issues cutting teeth because no one else came down with the symptoms that he had.  He woke up from his nap on Tuesday and he was burning up.  I had to cancel Achievement Days, and Visiting Teaching because he was just completely miserable.  He rode on my hip until yesterday, when he slowly started feeling better.  I was up most nights with him, and during the day he was just sad, sad, sad.  I am so glad he is feeling better.
     For our mid-week activity we decided to take a hike on a bike trail up to the waterfall. It is just at the start of Cedar Canyon.  I was going to cancel it too, but the girls reasoned that Mo had been in his stroller tons anyway.  They are right too, the only thing that seemed to calm Mo-ster down was going around and around the block.  We seriously strolled around and around and around.  So, I gave in, and we went hiking.  I wish that I could say that it was just a great idea, but it wasn't.  When I get out of the house, I am much more aware of how I just can't seem to get it together.  Chlo couldn't find her shoes as we were leaving the house, and so I grabbed an old pair of Oak's thinking that they would probably work.  They should have been fine, but I had forgotten to grab socks.  Chlo was jus unaccustomed to them and bawled and bawled when Jamie put them on her feet.  The path is a really nice, paved surface, and Chlo is not used to wearing shoes at all anyway, so I told her she could remove them.  She did, and I hid them in some tall grass.  This didn't seem to make her happy either.  She just wouldn't stop crying.  On top of it all, the Mo just didn't feel good and he was fussy too.  I ended up carrying Mo, and pushing a sobbing Chlo. We also met up with a stink-bug.  I told the kids to leave it alone, and they did, but this kicked off a new round of crying from Chlo, because she claimed that the stink-bug was giving her a headache. I finally got mean with Chlo, and she straightened up.  When we reached the waterfall, the kids immediately got in.  I just sat back and held my sick baby, and watched as Jamie and Sage lifted the kids up and down the different levels of the waterfall...it is probably more of a spillway.  Anyhow, I always amazed at how my older girls take over when they are needed.  They are great gals.  The kids had a great time swimming.  Even Chloee was beaming when we left.  I guess it was worth all the trouble.
     On Thursday I was appalled at Rooshki, Jazz, Oak, and Chloee's room and I demanded that they clean it.  They drug their heels on this project for hours and hours.  I went in to find Jazzerz with a ninja mask on.  I am still unsure of how this was helping them clean up their room, but it did.  It wasn't until the ninja mask was on that it finally got done. 
     And speaking of Jazzerz, she has been giving me the frowns for the last few days.  Just for the record, Jazz is a great gal.  She is so easy going and low maintenance.  What a refreshing child! Anyhow, I guess she needs to be a little bit of trouble every now and then.  Anyhow, yesterday I was sitting at the computer when all of the younger kids came in.  Rooshkie, Jazz, Oak, and Chlo.  A huge tidal wave of Citronella stench washed over me as they entered.  I finally asked why they reeked of bug spray.  Jerusha explained that they were just gearing up to go feed the steers.  Now, this was early afternoon, and we don't need to feed the steers until 6 or 7pm.  Another mind boggling problem, is that I have yet to see a mosquito down there at all.  Yes, there are flies, but just houseflies.  After about 30 minutes of swimming in a citronella ocean, I finally ordered them outside.  My head was just pounding.  They had doused themselves good.  They finally took turns in the bath.  I am still unclear what that was all about. 
     I guess that last issue, wasn't Jazzerz fault alone, but tonight she was supposed to be watching Moroni while I cooked dinner.  He came in drenched, and alone.  He had been watering the tree, and himself apparently while Jazz swam in the water trough.  I then instructed Jazz to go and clean her bedroom.  Instead she got in a warm bath and returned to the kitchen wearing a gown that looked just like Ronald Weasley's dress robes.  She then proceeded to steal Mo's taters that I had given him.  Mo, got bored with his tater's, climbed on the table and started bouncing.  He then threw his chewed up steak in my potaters.  Boo to Mo too.
     Chlo's clothing choices have been interesting at best this week.  She couldn't find her swimming suit today, and just borrowed a pair of Oak's swimming trunks.  She also wore nothing but her underwear and a purple mitten on Thursday.  See what I mean?  I just cannot get it together.  Hopefully they will all turn out semi-normal in the end. 

     In closing I would just like to mention that we have had a great and productive day.  We have cleaned the house from top to bottom, and Chlo, scrubbed both bathtubs today.  Nice Chlo!  This made her happy.  Yep, when we're helping we're happy!


Sunday, July 14, 2013

     We had a great time speaking in shrsh in the Hatch ward today.  I am so grateful that two of my brothers were able to be there as well.  We had a great time, and a great day.  I must say that Hatch is absolutely gorgeous this time of year.  It was so green and fragrant over there.  I love sitting on my parents porch and listening to the river, and watching the cows graze.  It is great.
     My sis-in-law Mindi, had brought a great big box of fashionable beads to my mom's for the girls to make bracelets and necklaces with.  The kids had a ball making themselves some hip accessories.  Mindi used to make beaded watches for extra cash, and so she has some really pretty beads.  They all made themselves a nice beaded bracelet for shrsh.  Troy and Brandon were also there and Troy was nice enough to push the Beek on the swing for awhile.  Barry and I teased my mom about her pepto-bismal nails, and I was told early on by Barry, that I looked like a "Joyce," and a U-dot employee...nice.  Just the look I was hoping for.
     Tammy Nesmith gave us a little back rest that massages the lower back.  It has been funny to watch Moroni hop up onto the couch, and press the massage button.  The kids brought the massager on the trip and I was mildly annoyed that Chlo had to have it on for the two blocks that we drove to church.  I had to run out to the car later to get some books to entertain Mo Man and it was still buzzing.  C'mon Chlo...you haven't worked hard enough to require a back massage!
     Lyvia and Chlo were all about having good times in sacrament meeting today.  They came and sat by us on the stand and were chucking their beaded bracelets against the wall, and then scrambling under the chairs to retrieve them. So it was throw, bang, scramble...over and over. Who would have thought that they could create such a distraction with their bracelets? Chlo then removed her boots.  Doug and Larissa came and sat on the stand and helped me out with them during our speeches.  My Dad had to finally take Mo out, he was so naughty.  Too bad, he missed Ryan's speech.  Jazz and Jerusha told some stories from our family history, Sags and Wams wrote really good stuff, and Wams told the story about Lincoln Bundy's mom praying over him when he had appendicitis.  Sags also played the flute, which was great.  All in all, it was good for us to study and prepare.  We have not spoken in church for a long time.
     After Shrsh it was fun just hanging out with the family.  Lyvia and Chlo were hilarious.  They mothered baby dolls, and carted them around everywhere.  Lyvia and Moroni also got quite intent on sweeping all over the place.  They wacked each other with brooms quite often in the process.  The funniest, was when Doug and Larissa were ready to leave, Lyvia had all sorts of bracelets up and down her arm.  They explained to her that she could only keep two.  With that, she dashed up the stairs, and was not cool with the idea of leaving most of the bracelets behind.  Doug kept telling her that she was going to have to come down with only two bracelets.  My mom and I were sitting on the couch that is under the staircase, and we felt a shower of beads raining down on our heads.  Beads just being chucked, in retaliation.  I chuckled because I love little Lyvia.  She is a gal with spunk.  We definitely plan on going back over for the Hatch 24th celebration.  After all...Ryan is the Hatch horseshoe champ, and we like to watch the cows in the fields go nuts because of the fireworks.  I cannot wait for that!


Friday, July 12, 2013

     We have had a game show going on at our house most of the day.  Tammy Nesmith next door gave the children a microphone this morning, and it came with a stand and a button that allows you to hear applause any and all of the time.  Jerusha has been the host and her sponsors have been "Jazzerz Mattress Store," and "Chlo's Ice Cream Shop." There was applause and cheering after everything that was done in the game show. The microphone sounds pretty staticky and so it was kind of a relief when the batteries wore out.  I didn't volunteer any new ones, but that didn't stop the game show and the lip syncing. It has been a great toy.  I am not sure how the game show worked, but thank goodness for our sponsors.  I think I will purchase a mattress from Jazzerz just to show my appreciation.
     Ryan caught a bug last night, skittering across the kitchen floor.  He put it in a jar because it was interesting looking.  Jamie, looked it up, and it was in the guiness book of world records for being the fastest invertebrate. It is called a "camel spider." They named him Conrad and played with him most of the day.  They do bite, but they aren't venomous.  They caught grasshoppers and watched him munch on them, they watched him make a hut out of dirt.  Who would have thought that Conrad could provide so much entertainment.  We had to keep Mo away, though.  He was longing to hold Conrad.
    Jazz had to go get a tooth fixed yesterday.  We decided to go to the splash park.  There is a great splash park down by the Tabernacle.  It has a cool little waterfall and river that runs through the place.  Oak bumped heads with some kid, and it kind of ruined his experience, but everyone else had a great time. We got rained out, which was just lovely.  I have totally been thrilled with the rainy weather.  What a blessing!  It has cooled things off, and freshened everything up.  I love it, absolutely love it!
     Chlo didn't come with us to the splash park.  She wanted to go and finish concrete with her dad.  She was decked out in mud boots and everything.  Ryan said that he handed her some finishing tools and she went right to work.  Nice little worker Chlo.  All that she required for payment was an ice cream.  And speaking of Chlo, she has been pretty much eating nothing, but "angry birds" popsicles.  My parents dropped off a box of them on Monday, and everytime I see her, she has another one, and another one, and another one.  I might have to lock the freezer.  This cannot be a good diet for Chlo.  She has been the one kid who has been completely unreasonable when it comes to food.  I know what it takes to break her of this habit.  I just cannot seem to focus and get it done. I do pretty good for a few days, and then we are back to pandering to her requests.  She will eat eggs, peanut butter sandwiches, tortillas, and cereal.  That is pretty much it.  I keep thinking she will grow out of it, but not yet.  I always have so much going on, that I cannot seem to focus on the problem.  Hopefully, inspite of my short comings, she will learn to eat more stuff.
     My Dad has asked us to come and speak in Hatch in his ward this weekend.  It has been great to see the kids work on their speeches.  Jazzerz talk is just a few sentences, but she wrote the whole thing herself.  Sage thought that she had a really long speech, and it is like two paragraphs.  Ryan and I will just have to make our speeches extra long...either that, or I have heard tales that the Hatch ward will just let everyone out early.  I am looking forward to seeing the family.  It will be great fun.
     Well, I will keep you posted on Conrad.  He might make a great, long lasting pet if we can just keep feeding him grasshoppers.  The kids are way excited about him.

     In the picture of the Beekster, it appears that the Bookoo fudge is getting out of control.  The Bookoo fudge is our blanket storage.  Sage used to love to leap in the blankets and she named it the Bookoo fudge.  We always have a fudge going somewhere, but it gets out of control, and must be cleaned from time to time. 

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

     K.  I have a huge mess in a horse trailer already.  I love the Bundy reunion, but it always brings a far and wide mess. My parents were nice enough to bring some treats yesterday when they came over, but who would have thought that milk duds would add to my mess so effectively?  I am always grateful for my parents and their thoughtfulness, but Mo took many, many milk duds and sucked the chocolate off of them.  He then proceeded to stick the leftover caramel all over the carpet and tile.  When I walked in the door, after dropping Ryan off at his tractor, it was almost like a riverbed.  There were little caramel rocks stuck all over in the carpet.  Because he licked the chocolate off, it didn't stain the carpet, but we had to pick them all up, and then scrape them off of the tile.  Mo, then climbed up onto the table and poured juice all over it, which then dripped all over the kitchen floor.  Because of the two Mo projects, there really isn't anywhere I can go in my home without sticking to the floor.
     I would also like to say, that I was quite skeptical about camping in the horse trailer.  I balked at Ryan's idea.  After a thorough cleaning, the horse trailer was a great camping tool.  Ryan even put an old couch in it, and Wams and Jazz slept on it at the reunion.  It was perfect!  When it came time to pack back up, there was plenty of room for everything, there was no tent to take down, and the kids' beds were already loaded.  I vote for the horse trailer on every camping trip!
     Chlo now believes that drinking pop sucks out your brains.  This was something that her cousin, Rebecca taught her.  Chlo seems quite convinced about it, and yet, she was drinking a switch last night.  She must not care about her brains too much.

     The pictures include Jams dancing with Arden, Oak by his fun dumpster, Jerusha, Jamie, and Cliven after their races, and all of the grandkids at the end of the reunion.  Good Times!