Sunday, July 21, 2013

     I have enjoyed a nice weekend, and it was a nice Sabbath day.  Chlo needs to prepare a speech for next week, and I need to make a mental note, to locate Oak's boots on Saturday instead of scrambling to find them on Sunday morning.  We invited the Hedges over for lunch and it was fun!  Oak still considers Avayah his girlfriend and he set a nice place for her at the just happened to be next to his plate.  Anyhow, I got serving up the kids and I finally noticed that Oak was missing.  He was hiding in the laundry room because he could not find any pants.  Five minutes before the Hedges showed up, he and Jazzerz began a serious squabble over a lemon, (yep, a lemon) which ended up with Oak getting drenched with Tang.  I am still sticking to the floor, thanks to this incident.  I was glad that I noticed that he was hiding in his room without pants.  I was able to help him out.  Jazzerz also got into a big argument with Rooshkie and ended up falling in a box.  I could not see that Jazz was injured in any way, but she was terribly upset that Jerusha would shove her into a box.  It reminds me of a time a few years ago, when Jerusha called Jazz a party pooper.  Jazz was extremely offended over that insult.  It took me days to convince her that it really wasn't a big deal.
     Ryan fixed Chlo's hair yesterday and I have to laugh because whenever Ryan fixes the girls' hair they just end up looking like George Washington.  I was going to take a picture, but she didn't leave it in very long.  Seriously, I appreciate the fact that he does their hair from time to time though. 
     Today in Sunday School a nice lady in the ward gave Moroni a chocolate and peanut butter treat.  This would have been all fine and good, but we just happened to be meeting in the room where the Coal Creek Branch had already set up the room for their relief society meeting.  They had beautiful, white, lacy table cloths.  Mo kept returning to the table cloth and wiping his chocolate-y hands on it.  I finally had to take him out.  I did run into Sylvia Allred, who used to be in the General Relief Society Presidency.  I liked chatting with her and telling her how much I loved her Conference speeches.  She has an amazing spirit about her.  She even told me how cute Moroni was...I didn't want to mention that she might not want to look too close at the table cloths in relief society.  Mo's handiwork wasn't anything to smile about.
     Tonight, I am grateful for all of my blessings.  I had a wonderful childhood that I look back on and smile.  My brothers were funny.  We laughed a lot, and we still do.  I am so glad that I can look at life, and laugh. I have great parents too.  I am also so grateful for my husband and kids, and all that they do to help me be a better person.  I married well, and he is a great dad to the kids. I am grateful for my husband's family and particularly his Dad.  There is nothing my husband cannot fix and build, and I know his Dad had to have extreme patience in teaching him the things he knows. I still smile when we visit the ranch because I can see that he did a lot of learning around that place. Carol is one patient lady.  I am grateful for all of the people who care about us and what we are doing.  Heavenly Father has always helped me and provided guidance.  I am grateful for Him too.  Yep, I feel very happy and content.  Life is good.


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