Monday, November 18, 2013

      I must admit that as a mom, I have been so proud and pleased with my kids, that it has brought tears to my eyes.  I have also been so embarrassed that I could cry.  Today, embarrassment prevailed. 
     This has been a good week overall.  It was good to be back, and get back in the saddle.  I must say that I thoroughly enjoyed my time with Ryan.  I love him and I really enjoy our time together.  He is fun to talk to, and be with.  However, I feel like a fish out of water when I am away from my kids.  It was good to get back to hauling them to and fro, and cooking and cleaning for them.  I really enjoyed getting stuff unpacked, and cleaning stuff up.  The kids got their dance costumes this week, and Sags got back to her guitar lessons. 
     Ryan ordered a package of grease guns this week for greasing up all of his equipment.  It came in a normal box, with wadded up paper for packaging.  Mo and Chlo had a ball with that stuff.  They seriously played with that stuff for hours and hours.  They rolled up in the paper, threw it at each other, and used it as blankets.  I was amazed at how much mileage we got out of it. 
     I have enjoyed watching Oak grow up a little bit, and go to school.  His teacher said that he was doing well, and he seems to enjoy kindergarten quite a bit.  When I picked him up after school one day, he seemed quite pleased with himself.  He explained that once again, no one had been able to "tag" him in their daily game of tag.  He said, "they didn't tag me today, and they haven't tagged me ever in my life."  I love that he is speedy, and feels important. 
     Chlo has been exhibiting some odd behavior this week.  She has some sudden paranoia about someone robbing the stuff out of our home.  Because of this fear, I find all sorts of odd things hidden in my bathroom closet.  There was some of her stuffed animals in there one day.  I questioned her about it, and she said that she was hiding them from the robbers.  Forgive me for thinking this Chlo, but if someone actually did break in, I doubt your stuffed animals would be a hot item to take.  I am thinking more along the lines of some of Ryan's tools.  Anyhow, my phone would turn up missing, and I would scour the house for it.  When I finally would mention it to Chlo, she would produce it from all sorts of odd hiding places.  One of those places was her duck puppet.  I never would have found it in a million years.  Oak also caught her eating crackers in his bed, which really made him mad.  She just shrugged and explained that she was exercising??????  Yeah, that makes a ton of sense.
     I had the opportunity to go with my parents, and meet Doug and Larissa at the temple this past Fridee.  It was very enjoyable, except that my mom kept pointing out all of her secret friends that I do not know.  "That is Marleena Hall, Angie....surely you know Marleena from Escalante???"  Ummmm that is a big "no."  Doug and I teased her a bit, because she told Doug to bring the usual "Waldorf Salad" for Thanksgiving this year.  Waldorf Salad????  As far as I know, that stuff has never graced our Thanksgiving table.  I think she was secretly trying to be like Anne Romney or something.  My poor mom cannot do anything without getting teased though.  We love, to tease each other.  To us, it is how we tell each other we care.  Crazy, but true.
     Jams and Sags went down to the temple to perform baptisms for the dead, and Ryan and I got with a realtor and looked at a house.  Yep, I want it...I get way enthused about everything though.  I told Ryan to buy it for me.  I mean hey, they only want $950,000 for it...easy right?  The property would be ideal.  It is secluded, and grassy.  It also has some nice farm ground, and a big barn.  Yes, I want it.  I also want to move to Oklahoma, and I would love to live on the mountain somewhere.  I feel that we need to make a move here soon.  I am sure that Ryan will help me make this happen.
     Today the kids have been just awful.  Weaning Mo has been a nightmare.  He was up most of the night Saturday night, and he woke up really early this morning.  He woke up the whole house with his wails.  Chloee woke up, and joined in bawling with him.  She bawled and bawled, begging for a peanut butter sandwich.  I got up and made her one, which ended her crying fit.  Mo, on the other hand refused to be consoled.  I made him a peanut butter sandwich too because I figure that hunger is probably his biggest problem.  He gets hungry, I can no longer nurse him, and so he gets really mad.  He bawled and hauled that sandwich around, and refused to take any bites.  This was at like 5 am.  He bawled until six, when I finally got up and began to study a lesson that I had been asked to present in Oakers primary class today.  He bawled and bawled while I studied.  I tried sticking him in the bath.  He bawled all through the bath, fiercely clutching his sandweech which he refused to eat.  I must admit that after the bath, I didn't want him to eat it.  Finally he ate some cereal, at like 7:30 and his mood switched to extreme joy.  He giggled and goofed around all morning after that.  I couldn't help but be appalled at him. 
     The kids had some secret game going before shrsh that was raucous and rowdy.  I think this is why they had a hard time settling down for our Sunday meetings.  It included force fields, and shields.  It had much screaming and pain, rastling, and squealing. Everyone was wallering on everyone else. After my escapades with Mo, I kinda just let them play so they would give me a break.  We had to scramble to get them ready, which set the stage for a rowdy sort of feel at church.
     Sacrament meeting was a full on nightmare today.  There is not one of my kids that were good.  I finally sent Sage out with Mo.  Sage was furious with Jamie, and was calling her all kinds of ugly names, and Mo was flip flopping around and bawling.  Sending them out, improved things quite a bit.  Oak kept complaining to me that he was starving, Chlo kept rubbing her head on the bench, and everyone's legs.  I had fixed her hair up so nice, and she ended up looking like a human cotton ball.  The talks today in shrsh were excellent too.  I need to come up with a reward system.  Seriously, something has got to happen to improve our behavior at church.
    The home teachers came over today, and again I was mortified by the kids behavior.  Jazzerz was rolling around on the floor with her rear end in the air, Chloee was rastling with Rooshkie, and Mo dumped a big bucket of toys all over the floor.  After that I looked over to see Jazzerz sucking on her toes, and Jerusha was ripping paper into strips and licking it.  Oak also began dragging Rooshkie around by the feet.  This whole time we are trying to have a normal conversation about General Conference.  I kept shooting them horrified, and mortified looks which did nothing to improve their behavior.  Oak finally looked at them and said, "Wow, you guys have been here a long time!"  Which actually wasn't true at all.  It was just terrible.  I have heard that kids seem to lose all sense of normal behavior when the home teachers are over, but this was a bit ridiculous.  I was discussing this sort of thing with Ryan's cousin Tayna.  She comes from a family of 11 kids, and she claimed that they got spanked sometimes after the home teachers left.  Because of this, they didn't really like to see them come over.  I can totally see why.  Last month, we sent one away with a bloody nose after his rastle with Oak, this month, everyone acted way dopey.  Whew...hopefully I can figure out how to get my kids to act decent. 
     Ryan and I went to a convocation at the University about preserving our religious freedom.  It was actually pretty horrifying.  Ryan is on the front lines of the freedom battles in so many different arenas.  State's rights, gun control, reducing business regulations etc.  I had no idea that our religions are under attack too.  Former Governor Mike Leavitt was the keynote speaker, and he did an excellent job of explaining things.  I wouldn't know how to live without my religion.  I was so frustrated with my kids' Sunday behavior that I had to turn on a conference talk by Sister Beck just to put things back into perspective.  It did too.  It calmed me down, and helped me to realize just how much being a mom means.  At that point, even though I was sleep deprived, I felt like enjoying them again.  I turn to my religious beliefs to fix just about every problem I ever face.  When I get upset at someone I know that I have to forgive them, if I consider myself a follower of Christ.  It makes all of us better people.  America needs religious freedom in order to stay moral.  This is another fight, I am sure Ryan and I will enter if necessary.  I learned a lot.
     The convocation had its price, however.  When I came home, the girls had let Mo run amuck and he had spread honey on the counter tops.  He then had proceeded to stick cocoa crispies all over in the honey.  Ryan mentioned it to my older girls, and they hopped right up and cleaned it all.  They are pretty good gals, but obviously weren't paying Moroni a ton of attention.
     Well, on to a new week.  I love Monday's and all of the new and fresh possibilities that a new week brings.  I am thankful for all of my blessings. 

  Notice the nice dumped toys in the background...thanks Mo!

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