Monday, February 24, 2014

     Last week was way nice and tranquil because the kids were out of school for the week.  It still went by in a blur, but the break was nice.  It gave us a chance to get unpacked and all of the clothes wershed. 
     The week started out normal enough.  Rooshkie wanted to take over FHE on Mondee night because she wanted to pass some stuff off in her "Faith in God" book.  We all gathered around and she started in on this humongous lecture on keeping the house clean.  I cannot be too critical because she sounded just like me.  I was quite surprised to hear it all coming from her, though.  Everyone, Ryan included, was kind of annoyed at Rooshkie.  He was hoping that she would have a more scripture oriented topic.  Finally Sage bursted in with a "Let's wrap this up already, and have a cookie!"  Rooshkie had made some cookies, and because I was too weary to assist her, they were greasier than all get out.  Everyone still ate them, but hey, I gotta hand it to Roosh-ke-bab....I had no desire to make any treats, or to lecture anyone on cleaning house.  I was grateful for the break.  She also is working pretty hard, and will probably be the first out of my girls to earn her Faith in God award.  Sadly, I was too space-y to push Jams and Sags to get theirs.  Luckily Rooshkie is way self motivated.
     On Monday night, Mo man got sick and threw up on me all night long.  I finally passed him off to Ryan at like 4am so that I could get some time to excercise.  Seriously, little to no sleep.  Anyhow, we got informed that someone wanted to view the house on Tuesday evening.  I had no time to nap because after the trip, we had tons of work to do.  I was way glad that the kids were home and could help me.  Mo acted like he was ready to run a marathon.  He acted like his usual energetic self all day.  I was glad because usually when the kids are sick they want me to hang out with them in the rocking chair all day.  It all worked out well.  I am not sure what the gal thought of the house, but it was way clean.  I really have a hard time looking at my house impartially.  I feel very confident that I could sell this home.  It has been a wonderful place for our family, and Ryan has done everything that he can to make things extremely comfortable and easy on me.  Sprinkling systems, instant hot water, water softener etc.  I have loved this home, and just cannot understand how anyone could ever be critical of it.  I know that I am going to have to ask for some outside criticism if I am ever going to sell it though.  For some reason we have still had no offers.
     On Wednesday morning, I got up and made myself a waffle after all of the kids had eaten cereal.  Mo wanted to join me.  I was not too happy with him because he got up on my lap and proceeded to shred the waffle all over my lap.  He then grabbed a banana out of my fruit bowl and begged for it.  The kids had named all of the banana's this week.  Their names were printed clearly on their peel.  Mo partook of "Tiffany" that morning, which resulted in the kids being mad at Mo.  Apparently they were rather fond of Tiffany.  They still had "Ricardo, Sam'" and others, but apparently Tiffany was missed.  Mo was really quite careless with food all week.  On another morning, he got up demanded toast, and then a bath.  I frowned when I went in to get him out to find his toast discarded, shredded and floating distastefully all over the bath.  Mo needs to learn the value of a dollar.
     We all kind of ended up with Mo's little virus off and on all week, but I am not complaining.  We have been so blessed with good health this winter.  Chlo and Oak somehow escaped it all, but they were the only ones.  I borrowed the "Phantom of the Opera" one night from a neighbor when Jams and Sags weren't feeling too good.  They have played some of the music out of Phantom.  Anyhow, I love the music from the play, but the story is pretty disturbing.  Anyhow, Chlo got somewhat annoyed in the middle of it, and finally said, "What is up with all of the woses (roses)?"  Chlo had had enough of the red roses and the black ribbons already.
     On another evening, Rooshkie somehow got the kids all stirred up about a ghost.  She even had Mo all frightened and bright eyed about the so called ghost.  Mo kept saying "ghost....door!"  Apparently the ghost was knocking on our door.  He was quite unnerved by the whole thing.  I had to get after Rooshkie because Chlo refused to even enter her room to get her pajamas on.  In a fit of rage she finally dictated a note to the ghost for Jazzerz to write.  It said, "Dear Ghost...I want to put you in the fire and lock you out.  Then I will let you die in the light.  I will let you eat yucky food and then I'll stuff bugs in your mouth."  After this tersly worded letter, Chlo was able to settle down and go to bed.  Whatever works.  Ryan has put a ban on all screen time during the week, and I have noticed that when the screens go off, their imaginations really come out.  They had fun getting scared of Rooshkie's ghost.
     Shrsh, was nice.  Mo got ready really early, and demanded to get to shrsh right then.  Ryan finally walked to the church with him because none of the rest of us were ready.  He actually acted a little better because of this.  He must have gotten a lot of his energy out on the way to church.  Chlo was having underwear flashing issues again, and Rooshkie and Jams needed to be separated.  Mo also required much coaxing to go to nursery.  I tried to just bring him to class with me, but he kept screeching and carrying on.  Finally, a kind man gave him a small bag of m&m's.  This was good until he would drop one.  Then he would screech until I would locate the missing piece.  I finally just went to the nursery with him until he was settled in there.  I enjoyed Relief Society.  There was no interfering Mo, and we had a great discussion on Elder Christofferson's talk from October confernce.
     Today has been kind of dumpy because Ryan called me first thing needing some parts ran down to him from the plumbing supply store.  His current job is in St. George.  I really don't mind helping Ryan because he takes on a huge task being our sole supporter.  The problem is Mo.  He is still horrible in the car.  I also had to spend some time chasing parts at Scholzen Products.  Mo was awful in that store.  He kept running into some random guys office, and running up their stairs.  Upstairs is just more offices.  When the guy finally did locate the part I needed, he stepped out to get it, and seemed to take a year.  Mo was jerking around that place and he would go limp when I would grab him.  He would then squirm and squeal in my arms until I released him again.  When I finally did get my parts, the guy smelled strongly of tobacco.  Yeah, I appreciate him taking a smoke break as I rastle around with Mo in a steel product store for twenty minutes.  Needless to say, it made me grateful for the fact that I stay home with my kids.  It is a great blessing.  We were only on the job site for a few minutes before the foreman was hollering at Ryan to remove the kids. They didn't have their hard hats on apparently.
 It's apparent that Wames is getting a ton out of scripture study
 Chlo's note to the ghost

Mo standing proudly by his varnish stain.  Ryan and I still need to clean it up....lovely

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