Monday, March 10, 2014

    I am grateful that we are on another Monday.  The sky is cloudy, and the air is fresh and cold.  Whenever we are coming off of a weekend, the house gets trashed, and I already have my kitchen straightened back up which is great.  I try to kind of ignore stuff on Sunday, and pay more attention to Ryan because his work weeks are really time consuming. I also try to do my best to keep the Sabbath because I am constantly asking for blessings. I always pay the price on Monday morning, but it is a price worth paying.  This morning, I was greeted with about four card games that had been tossed and scattered around my living room and kitchen.  Dishes, popcorn trails, and Mo's favorite toys were also found in the rubble.  At one point, someone had pulled a really ripe banana out of the freezer and stuck it on a stack of cards.  I like to freeze brown bananas until I have enough to make banana bars, but this banana was soggy, and had spilled its juice all over the cards creating a sticky, and unattractive mess.  It feels way good to have it all cleaned up again.  Back to reality is always great.
     Last week largely went by in a rush.  I encountered some issues with Oak's school attire about mid-week.  I noticed that he was going to school with holes in his knees.  I was not about to let him do this.  I do have some pride.  Anyhow, I went digging in his drawer and was frowning when I pulled pair after pair of hole-y jeans out.  I did find one pair and instructed him to change.  I just bought him a whole bunch of pants at Christmas, so how can every pair he owns be riddled with holes?  I scowled when I went to pick up his dirty laundry the next morning to see that his only pair without holes...currently had holes.  What in the world is he doing in his pants???  At scripture study that morning we had a discussion on what Oak was doing in his pants.  Our horse is in a pasture down the street and by a freeway underpass.  Apparently Oak has found it to be enjoyable to slide down this concrete slide that is the freeway underpass.  Now he has holes in his pants everywhere, so he must be experimenting with different ways to slide.  We had a patching marathon and fixed them all.  I wasn't about to buy him new ones until I know that his sliding days are over.  Maybe Oak should get a break from feeding and watering the renegade horse.
     Oak caused quite a bit of trouble last week in many ways.  Last summer I bought a few cases of frozen pops from Costco.  I usually avoid them because they are usually high fructose corn syrup, fake dye, and nothing else.  Costco had some that were the Otter Pop brand that were 100% juice.  They tasted just like the fake ones, but cost more.  Anyhow, I apparently forgot about a case of them and Oak found them.  They got into them and began drinking them by the dozens.  Mo would largely spill his, and I am now finding sticky spots in many locations.  I keep finding empty little sacks sticky with juice.  I told Oak no more unless they are frozen.  Ryan had fixed the kids a swing in the garage and so they spent a lot of time swinging and slurping unfrozen Otter Pops apparently.
     We also had a neighbor that needed some help distributing flyers for the upcoming caucus meetings.  This was no big deal, the kids had it done in no time.  She kept insisting on payment, and I kept refusing.  Really, service brings blessings, and we are in need of blessings always.  Finally she gave the girls a large sack of assorted lotions and perfumes.  They were thrilled.  I wasn't paying a whole lot of attention until a few of them came near me.  My head began to throb immediately.  Oak had really been spraying some stuff around.  She was so nice to give this little token of appreciation to my kids, but wow...It got to the point that I had to leave for a little while.  I ended up in a clothing store, and a young man asked me if I would like to sample some perfume.  I just started laughing really hard and said, ummm no.  I wanted to explain that the whole reason that I was at the store, and that my husband just unknowingly purchased me a new skirt for shrsh, was to avoid perfume for a little while.  Needless to say that the kids are smelling fresh now, because they have learned to use their gift in moderate amounts.  I am glad we figured all this out.  I am also grateful for thoughtful neighbors who feel like they can call on us if they need something.  Usually doing something for someone else makes my whole day great.
     Our days this winter have been pretty nice.  Mo usually is content to play outside, but Fridee things got quite cold.  Because of this, Oak, Chlo, Jazz and Moroni spent a bulk of the day in a homemade hut.  They were being puppies.  It was hilarious.  Mo was the cutest little puppy ever.  The game turned from puppies to house, and Chlo was Mo's mother.  She took good care of Mo and sheltered him in her little hut for most of the day.  What kept making me laugh, was the hut wasn't very well built.  It was just a blanket, held up with books.  The books kept crashing on people's heads because Mo didn't know how to enter the hut carefully.  And just to pay Chlo some compliments, she and I had quite the discussion about being a good big sister this week.  Oak gave her the best example that she could possibly get.  He took really good care of her, shared everything with her, and always made sure she was happy.  Chlo has struggled with Mo.  She usually steals his toys, or gives him a shove.  We talked about what being a good big sister means, and she has done so much better.  She has been way more thoughtful.  Nice Chlo.
  The girls had made me a little tissue holder in achievement days.  It was held together with yarn, and was meant to be carried around in a purse or diaper bag.  Somehow Chlo came across it, and claimed it as her own.  It became her cookie holder.  Oak got quite upset when he saw her using it so frivolously.  He said, "Chloee, didn't you know that that thing came all the way from Guacamola???"  She didn't care either way, and I have no idea where he came up with the thought that the tissue holder came from Guacamola.  Jams and Sags made it years ago in achievement days.  It makes a fine cookie holder for Chlo.
     We went to shrsh yesterday, and I finally gave up with trying to get Mo to be a reverent warrior.  I sent him out with Sager, who was more than happy to chase him around the halls.  Chlo refused to let anyone use a hymnbook, and so we all crowded around Jams and Sager's ipods.  Oak kept leaning into me and putting his head in the way as I was trying to read my scriptures.  Jazzerz was once again being way goofy.  Seriously Jazz?  Why are you giving me grief?
     We had some friends over for Sunday dinner.  I had put a ban on the swing in the garage because Jazzerz fell off of it and cracked her head pretty good.  The garage just isn't a good place for the kids to play, but Oak kept leading the kids into the garage.  The next thing I know he is in the rafters.  I was ready to put a boot to his rear at this point.  He had given the kids an unfrozen otter pop, and was chasing around the rafters.  I mean, can he get any naughtier?  He got in some major trouble, but is acting way better today.
     A cousin of Ryan's lost a daughter this past week.  They were having a viewing in St. George last night, and we felt like we really wanted to help this family through such a difficult time.  She had a lot of problems with her body, but she was only twelve years old.  I was completely amazed at how well this family kept things in perspective.  I hugged the fourteen year old, and told her how sorry I was about her sister.  She smiled, and said that she was not sorry.  "Heaven is a happy place!"  she said.  I know that this little girl was in a lot of physical pain for a lot of the time.  The family seemed to be happy that she no longer had to hurt or struggle in her imperfect body.  I was so impressed as Chuck ( who was her dad) took Jazzerz by the hand and led her over to the casket where her little body lay.  He explained to Jazz that the best part of his daughter was no longer here.  The family comforted me as I tried to contemplate their loss.  I am sure that this little girl had taught them all how to be strong and deal with adversity in her short life.  I am so glad that we went.  Ryan has an incredible family and I love them all.
     For the record, Mo still refers to anything liquid as "glack."  His new word is "bone glack."  This is his word for lotion.  He likes getting his feet rubbed with "bone glack" at bed time.  He still falls asleep on my neck, but I can at least move him out of my bed for a bulk of the night.
     Sags has been disappointed this week because her the Principle at the school cancelled the play that she and some of her friends wrote.  I am hoping that with some extra time she can continue to improve it, and I will push to see if he will let them do it next year.  He felt that the kids had too many activities because of all of the preparations going into the Disneyland festival.  To a large degree he is right, but Sager and her friends worked really hard on the script, and I want her to be able to direct it at some point.  Thank goodness she still has another year at Gateway.  I am a basket case contemplating Wames' debut at the high school.  She is way too young, I swear.

 Chlo's giraffe...she has been sleeping with it every night, but it is hard and extremely clunky looking.
 Oak and his bow
 Grandpa H brought Jazzerz some lemons...seriously that is one happy Jazz
 Mo's peep...Grandpa brings him peeps, he licks the sugar off and smashes the 'shmallow into various things
 Another unwanted 'shmallow from Mo's peeps
The hut coming down...most of the homemade ones fall down a lot

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