Monday, June 23, 2014

     I really need a computer.  I am going to attempt to update on my phone because so much is going on, and I really want a record of this stuff.  We are still living at the ranch.  The summer temperatures have soared, and I am trying to smile and deal with it in a tough fashion.  We have been busy as all get out.  Wams and Sags took turns with their dad in plowing up the melon field, my younger ones have fed baby calves morning and evening, and we just started our squash bugging program.  Yep...we squish squash bugs between our fingers.  It has to be done, or there won't be a melon crop this year.  Sage was telling me how much she hates the stinky sour apple smell that happens when the bug goes squish.  I told her that there are a lot of stinky things in the world.  I am personally glad that squash bugs don't smell like stink bugs, for example.  I really hate the stench of stink bugs.
     Some of the only heat relief we get is swimming at the river and head gate.  Mo and I had a grand ole time in the river on Saturdee.  He would jump stomach first and land in the river.  I cannot say that it looked pleasant.  We also made a burger was a heap of sad looking mounds, that looked somewhat like a mound of burgers.
     We have had some interesting times down here.  Mo has played and played with the kittens until they have scratched the heck out of him in self defense.  Ryan kept telling me that he would learn to leave the cats alone because, he will get sick of the scratches and bites....nope.  He has scratches all over, and his latest one happened when he attempted to throw the squirming cat in a pool of water.  He really isn't learning.
    We had a gentleman down last week that was thinking about doing a reality show at the ranch.  He sat on the couch and visited with Carol and her girls for several hours.  He was trying to see if there would be enough material for one.  What he may not have realized, is that we had a reality show going all over the ranch that evening.  Mo had been poking a stick at the dog, and he bit Mo in the eye.  This made me angry, and Arden went and got after the dog.  The kids weren't allowed in the house during the interviews, and so they spent the evening in the ditch, catching frogs and carrying on.  In the meantime, the interview went on and on.  Everyone got really hungry.  I finally decided to sneak in the kitchen and cook something.  I told Ryan that I needed some hamburger from the freezer.  He finally came back in with a huge bin of frozen hamburger.  What in tarnation was I supposed to do with it?  I asked him this, and he instructed me to get a hatchet, and start hacking at the burger...yeah, that'd be just great.  Anyhow, I finally found the whole situation hilarious, and began laughing.  We seriously have a fine reality show go on daily here.
     We went to McKay and Noelle's wedding reception last night.  McKay is our cute nephew....anyhow, Mo and Chlo went a little wild at all of the delectable pastries on the table.  Mo finally settled on a huge, double layer piece of chocolate cake.  It had a lovely pink rose right on the top.  I have cut all extra sugar with my last five pregnancies, but I must admit that the cake looked way tempting.  Anyhow, Mo ate the lovely, pink flower, but refused another bite.  I had to take the rest of the cake to Ryan, who happily finished it for him.  He and Chlo then ran around and around the joint.
     I don't know if it was the cake, or what, but Mo woke up in the night making all kinds of demands.  He wanted a breakfast with syrup, and he wanted me to purchase him a home of his very own.  He kicked and bawled and squirmed.  I refused to oblige him at 3am....jeez, I hope he does better tonight.
     We got an ultrasound down for baby #8, and it is a lovely, healthy, little she.  I am really excited.  A little sister will do Mo so much good.  Wow, does he ever need to grow up a little!
     Oak, has been as happy as all get out at the ranch.  I caught him putting a grasshopper in the freezer though, and this was disturbing....I really hate grasshoppers and I cannot think of a need for a frozen one.  He helps with calves, and spends his free time swimming.  Yep...he is kinda spoiled

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