Thursday, December 1, 2016

     Well, I am supposed to get moving our stuff out of the basement, and out altogether, and I am having the most difficult time getting to it all.  Dill and Mo are constantly needing attention and hugs and band aids or food.  I just cannot seem to get my tasks done...ever.  Dill is such a little cutie, but when she and Mo head out the door, and I think that I might accomplish something, she is bawling that she has been bit by an ant, or that she has a sticker in her heel.  Yeah, it is that impossible.
     Ryan and Ammon were also moved to a facility in Seattle, Washington for whatever reason. This has made zero sense in my book, but they were together, in a prison, and Ryan had his first piece of real meat since January.  They were kinda content (well as content as one can expect) for a second, but now they have sat there for over a week, and they have deadlines looming in the Nevada case.  Everything has been held up down here since day one, and it is high time that we get something moving down here.  Honestly...just let them come home.  I am tired of being a single mom.
     So, the days have just kind of flown by.  We have had a couple of interesting incidents though.  Last week, I went to get Dill ready for shrsh.  She had been flitting about the house in a diaper, and she had her cute little braids finished, but I needed to stick a pretty dress on her.  She had made an odd sound as she wandered about the house, and yet, I did not think a ton of it.  Well, when I went to change her diaper, it was full of change.  I am grateful that Dill was trying to be prepared with a little extra money, but I cannot imagine that all of that money was very comfortable, weighing her diaper down and all.  I am grateful that she is saving her pennies.
     Another thing that happened, was that Mo got another toothache.  When he came bawling to me about his tooth, I literally about went outside to bang my head against the wall.  I mean, we have been to a bazillion dentist appointments...what in the world is it going to take to get all of those dumb teeth fixed??  Luckily, we had an appointment in a few days, and I was able to get him in.  The problem was, I had forgotten who had the cavities, and who, besides Mo, needed the follow up appointment.  I interviewed the kids...Jerusha knew she was one, and Sage...Oak wasn't sure, but I felt like he was definitely on the list, and then Jamie had missed the check up altogether, and so I knew she was on the list.  I know that I have explained the dentist appointments before, but they usually cancel all of their appointments and clear their office, just for us.  So, no one else was in the office, and right in the middle of them fighting over the VCR with either their primates movie, or their ABC movie...and Dill was wanting to run around and squeal, a radio program called to have me on their show.  One of my biggest problems is, I agree to be on these radio shows and then I forget all about it until they call.  Anyhow, I was struggling to keep my mind open to the spirit, as I was asked questions about the court case and the outcome of our lengthy trial, and chase Mo around the dental office, where he is trying to remove paintings from the wall.  He and Oak were also sliding down the bannisters and Dill was running around wildly and loudly.  Luckily they started moving kids in and out of the dentist chair, and one by one their teeth were getting fixed.  The chasing kids and radio show came to an end, and we sat there and sat there waiting for them to call Oak back.  Finally I went and asked what was going on because hey, we are their only appointment at the moment, and she admitted that Oak did not need any dental work done.  Chloee on the other hand did, and I had sent her to school.  It was another one of those shining Mom moments...I had brought the wrong kid to the dental appointment.  Brilliant. 
     Dill and Mo seem like my biggest obstacle for accomplishing anything.  If I need to write a letter to Ryan, I get a million distractions from them.  They want to be involved and in the middle of everything I do.

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