Dill is now three and extremely sassy. I never dreamed that she would act the way she does, but she is three. Three has always been a difficult age for me because they want to be so independent and yet dependent at the same time. They are picky about some of the dumbest stuff and bossy as all get out. They have an opinion on what and how they will eat, what color of cup they want, how and where it is served etc. I feel like I am ordered around by a pint sized dictator all day, every day. This past week, I purchased several cans of air freshner, because they were on sale for .99 cents. It is hilarious to watch her walk into each room, get on the floor with it, and spray it. It is her aim to make each room smell fresh. Unfortunately, one of the scents, is kinda awful. But, she is so excited and eager to help in her own little way, that I can't really discourage her.
I haven't been getting much sleep either, because I am trying to get her and Mo out of our bed. With Ryan back, it is quite crowded. It is quite the circus every night.
Jazz and Jerusha performed in drill team review on Saturday night. They did a beautiful job. Jerusha had a solo, and nailed it. I know it sounds cheeseball, but I always want to bawl when they dance. When did they grow up? My kids make me very happy and proud most of the time. It just went by while I was busy I guess.
Anyhow, we had three weddings to attend, and drill team review, and a lesson to do for our Sunday School class. Ryan and I teach the 12-13 yr olds. Busy, crazy weekend. Ryan and I went and attended the session for Dave Wyatt, and Jesse Cox in the Cedar temple on Friday. That was the first time that I had been in the Cedar City temple, and it was absolutely beautiful, and small-ish. There is always a powerful spirit in the temple, though. I can hear my Heavenly Father really easy in there. I have still had so many fears that Ryan is going to get locked up again because of the conspiring nature of our Government. It is a fear that almost consumes me some days, and it is difficult for me to focus on my everyday tasks. I did feel a tremendous amount of peace though, as I sat through the session, and waiting for the sealing. The sealing was beautiful. Wyatt was a little toddler when I was dating Ryan. The first time that I went to the ranch, there was this cute little blonde boy walking around the corrals in a diaper. I remember thinking "where is this kid's mother? Where is his clothes?" Oh how the tables turn...I still remember my little blonde Moroni running around the corrals after 2014 while all of the baby calves were bottle fed. Never ever judge. That is something I have learned ha ha!
We enjoyed the reception, and we spent the night in Hatch with my parents. My Aunt Jaleen got married the next day and it was good to see all of my Shurtz cousins. I do not see them nearly enough. My parents then hung out and went to drill review with me.
Our lesson went well, and we also had the opportunity to have a discussion taught in our home. Jerry has been staying here, working with Ryan, and reading the Book of Mormon.
After the missionaries left, Ryan mentioned getting out of the house. I will be honest, that is the last thing that I wanted to do. I had been gone and busy all weekend, and I needed to try to start getting some things back in order. Maybe I should not have been having those desires on the Sabbath, but the house was trashed. Dishes were piled high, and kids had thrown their clothing and shoes everywhere. Smooshed up fish crackers adorned the carpet. But, I realize that I so desperately wanted Ryan home, and spent a lot of lonely Sundays. Sundays were definitely the most difficult because they were always our family days. So, we packed the kids up to go and visit Carol and Cliven. Cliven had some other ideas about going out on the range for a picnic. Mel and Briana showed up with their kids about that time. We ended up taking four of their kids, and all of ours out on the range. It was a loud car ride to say the least, and Sage about jumped ship ha ha! Oak usually likes to add in sound effects for good measure. We built a small fire...and I should say here that we had gotten a nice rain the night before. I cannot even explain how good the range smells and feels after a rain. It smelled and felt fantastic. Carol had sent us with two packages of lamb steaks, along with some salt and pepper. I must admit that I kinda balked at the lamb (aren't we cattle ranchers? ) I was wrong. Cliven gave us a few sticks and we stuck our lamb steaks in the fire. It just cannot even be described how good it tasted. She had also sent us with some sourdough and honey butter. Once again, we just roasted dough on a stick, and added the honeybutter. It was more amazing than I can even describe.
The kids had a blast climbing on the rocks. Even little Dill ended up climbing pretty high with Jazz and Montana. Most of Mel's kids did not have shoes even. Luckily, it was in the mid 70's, and it didn't slow anyone down much. Montana found a pair of Chloee;s shoes in the car and utilized them, and when the sun went down, there were plenty of jackets (sometimes its a blessing when I don't get the car cleaned out). Also a nice lady named Cathy that is in my parents ward always sends us her extra "ensure" drinks. The kids had a heyday with those. Needless to say that it was the best time I have had in a long time.
We have the fair around the corner. Two steers being taken care of by Jamie, and Sage. Jerusha and Oak are doing pigs, and I should note that Jerusha claims she will never do a pig again. The squeal and moan before their morning feedings and she feels like they are big brats ha ha.
Jamie is in a Government class that was working on showing how bills are passed and modified. Of course, her bill was to abolish the BLM. She stood alone and argued for it, but no one seemed to care. One kid even claimed that the land should belong to the Government. They felt like her feelings were not valid because the Government had not come after them. Its such a shame that people feel like if things don't effect them directly that they don't matter. Well, I was still extremely proud of her for standing alone.
On top of everything else, Ryan, through much prayer has come to the conclusion that he should run for Governor. I kinda balked and begged him to pray again ha ha. But heck, why not. One more thing, right??
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