So...much has taken place, first and foremost, Jamie left on her mission a few weeks ago, and actually flies to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in two days. Cache, left the same day, and flies to Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and he flies out early in the morning. They have absolutely loved the MTC in Provo. Jamie, has been better to write more details, and she has grown a ton. I miss her, but there were a few really rough weeks getting her out there. We received a ton of opposition from Satan, and so obviously she is doing exactly what she should, and it was a relief to get her out there serving. She was so ready, and so eager to get out there. Ryan and I drove her up, and we went and did sealings in the Provo Temple right before she had to leave. It was an amazing morning, and Ryan also gave her an amazing blessing. She was told when she was set apart, that she would have an added measure of the spirit. That was a huge comfort.
The rest of us, are crazy busy like always. Jerusha and Jasmine are in the middle of drill team season, and so I am usually at their performances several evenings a week. Sage is involved in pretty much everything. She is on the seminary council, the yearbook committee, FFA president, ward history consultant, Laurel President, and she has taken up yoga. She is in yoga classes five days a week for the most part. Oak is begging to do baseball, but Ryan really wants him to be around to help at the ranch, and so I will probably keep him out and let him do football again in the fall. Anyhow, it is a busy world.
Ryan did not do well in the election, but it is a huge relief to get it over. He did what he felt he needed to do. The Government is filing an appeal to overturn Judge Navarro's decision to dismiss their court case, which has meant a ton of study and computer time for him. He has been working at the ranch when he can, and also he has been blading a lot of roads. We are still way behind on some bills and he is working as much as possible to get us caught up.
So..the kids. Chloee on down. They are still busy playing most of the time. They often have huts all over the place. Dill has been refusing to go to her primary class and has opted to go to class with Oak. This has had me concerned, because I do not want her to be a distraction in his class. Oak's class is taught by Victoria Hafen, who just happens to be one of the most amazing people I have ever met. I did ask her if Dill was being a distraction. Ryan and I teach a class that hour, but I would rather have her distracting us, than distracting the 11 yr olds. She said that Dill was being really good and even was good to participate. Somehow, I just cannot picture Dill participating. Dill has been bossy and controlling, and so I don't want her bossing around the class.
I would now like to share some of the bossy things I have been dealing with. For example, today, Dill decided that she wanted pasta shells with cheese for lunch. Simple enough, and so I said that would be fine. Well, Jerusha had been assigned to clean the closet in the kitchen. She was also clearing some things out of the fridge and so when I went in to clean, she volunteered to cook lunch. (Yay.)
Fast forward about 10 minutes and Dill catches wind that potatoes are being cooked and she is 100% not okay with that news. She and Moroni start throwing fits about the change in plans. I finally told them that they could throw a fit all they want, but that lunch plans had changed and it would all be just fine. They did eat and survive just fine, but talk about someone small, trying to control everything in the universe. It is not bad for a child to learn that things do not always go the way that was planned. Rolling with different things is so important.
She has also been hinting at the fact that perhaps Ryan should sleep elsewhere because his snoring "creeps her out". I told her in no uncertain terms that she was welcome to sleep anywhere else in the house. Her dad was going to be in my bed, and she was tolerated there when she came in because she was scared, but she could leave at any time. Her snoring dad stays. She can go if she wants.
Yesterday, we had the opportunity to show a supporter of the Constitution stop by and she attended shrsh with us, and we drove her around, and showed her the significant areas where events took place in 2014. The kids were kinda awful. At church and otherwise. Dill had eaten several rounds of breakfast before shrsh, but became famished when the speakers started speaking. Mo kept thrashing around, and Ryan did his best to keep him settled down. Later, at the dinner table, Oak and Sage had some interesting brawl about the fact that Oak needed manners, and Oak was claiming that Sage simply did not allow him to eat ever. It got ugly and more heated. Then, as we drove around, Dill was saying certain phrases over and over, and over again. It was annoying, but Chloee bawling because she wouldn't stop saying things over and over, just made things worse. Cindy was way patient about all of it. Later, when she left, Sage had decided to make cookies for some neighbors. Sage is very thoughtful, and often likes to do flower arrangements for people, or make them treats. Anyhow, she had some homemade oreos on a plate. Oak grabbed one and bit it. World War 3 broke out at that point. Oak tried to do damage control by throwing the cookie he had bitten to avoid Sage's wrath. That totally backfired, and then she found it and chased him all over the house, claiming that he now had to eat the cookie...had to... because he bit it. Well, Oak is not one to do things that are demanded of him, and so he ran, she chased him all over the house. I just wanted to eat the bitten cookie for him in order for the fight to be over. He ran with sheer terror, she ran with pure anger. Yeah....he needs to watch it when it comes to messing with Sags.
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