Last weekend was busy as all get out. Jerusha had drill team review, and Jazz was performing in it too. Sometimes Ryan does not comprehend the importance of some of this stuff and so I drilled it into his head long ago, that this was not something he could miss. He doesn't necessarily like missing kid stuff, but it takes a ton of hours to earn a living, and try to see to the needs on the ranch. Anyhow, he worked all morning, and then came home in good time to either start another project, one that was small enough that he could make it to review.
So, we had started reading a book together, and he was really into the story, and so he told me to read to him for a short while and then he would get back to doing something. I began reading for a bit and then I got an interesting text from Jerusha. She was off at Stetsy's who was awesome enough to do her nails and hair for her. Jamie Wakefield was doing her makeup. Anyhow, it was around 2:30 when she texts and mentions that I am supposed to set up a table for her and her date at the high school. What?? So, I begin flooding her with questions, that she frankly has zero answers to. She mentions a paper that had been handed out about the table. I frantically begin digging in her drawer, and sure had been sitting in her desk for weeks. The moms were supposed to set up the tables for the dinner. I texted Jerusha and was hopeful that perhaps maybe someone else she was sharing a table with had gotten the memo in a timely manor. The only other couple at her table was Kaden and her date. I texted Dawn in the hopes that she had heard about this long before now....and nope. Kaden had failed to mention it to her too. Set up times for these tables as was now around 3pm. Dawn said she would bring a table cloth and centerpiece if I would set up the dishes etc.
So, I am fully wondering at this time, how fancy is the dinner supposed to be? Jamie had been on the drill team and it had all been catered and fancy. After all, the dancers, and their escorts were in formal attire. I am worrying about napkins, fancy place settings. Dawn texted and said that it for sure wasn't fancy and just to get there and throw a plate on the table type of situation. I start going through our dishes, which are in worse shape than I usually recognize. I have tin cups, that are awesome at keeping drinks cold, but are scratched and dented beyond all recognition. My silverware are all mismatched, and my dishes are chipped. Still, I was able to pull together four place settings that matched, and I even brought two plates for each in case it was fancy. My cups were too embarrissing though, and so I went to walmart and purchased some beautiful goblets, and some linen napkins just in case.
So, I get to the school, and all of the tables are done, but one. And I am talking some moms had pulled out all of the stops. Intricate table cloths, chair covers, fancy name plates, along with little gifts, light up tree centerpieces, glass designs, crystal, elegant place settings....oh my heck. I am so grateful Jerusha let me know all about it. Dawn called me at that moment. She was at Smiths hunting a table cloth because all of her stuff is in storage as they build a home. She wondered if a paper table cloth would be good enough. At that moment, I am checking out these little glass squares with fancy designs and the layers of table cloths the other moms had pulled off. All I said was, "Ummm, no... we might have to go buy a table cloth." When she came up, she about had a heart attack like I did. She started getting angry that we had not been informed, and that is when I told her that the girls had been informed, and all about the detailed paper that they had failed to give us. So, then she is kinda mad at Kaden, just like I am pretty ticked off at Jerusha.
Luckily, some excellent mom had left a few spare table cloths in a box. I seriously do not own a large, round table cloth because our table is large and square. I figured that she would have to understand, and we spread our bare table with it, and a fancy one that overlaid it with sequins. Dawn had managed to get a beautiful centerpiece, but compared to the other was just not cutting it. I am kinda competitive and so I am discussing building a fountain out of rocks just to try to compete, but we ended up going to Smiths, buying a bunch of greenery, and that dolled things up just enough. So yeah...I figured if Jerusha felt slighted in any degree because she didn't have individual gifts and placards with everyone's name, it was her own dang fault.
Review was outstanding, amazing, and wonderful. Ryan really enjoyed it too, especially the ballroom dance the couples did at the end. It was just phenomenal. Jazz did a great job in her performance and man...I wish she would try out again. She is determined not to, but review is just such an awesome night. She is so talented, but she struggled with many aspects of Drill team this year, and really wants to try flag football for next year. I am already pushing her to try out for the team next year. I just really, really like watching her dance.
Sunday was good. Our family lesson still consists of many distractions, whining, fighting, bawling etc, but we do the lesson. I am actually extremely proud that we have been so consistent so far. We discussed the life of the Savior, the casting out of devils into a herd of swine, and many other aspects. Shrsh was a circus again, but Mo was writing his own story, which really helped him be reverent, but then Chlo would make fun of the story, which would bring moans, and sadness from Mo. I told Chlo to pipe down but to no avail. Ryan accompanied Dill to her class, which I am hoping will ease her into going on her own.
After church, Ryan decides it is too good of a day to not go out on the range. He wants to go clear out there as far as possible, and that got a few complaints out of the kids, and I even grumbled a bit. I just mentioned that the trips sometimes are just full of bawling, fighting, and complaining and that we would rather be outside enjoying the range rather than fighting in the car. He was a little ticked off, but by the time Cliven was ready to go, it was kinda late anyway, and so we only went to rabbit, which is really not far from the ranch. It was beautiful. The grass is covering the desert hills like carpet right now, and the kids and Cliven went to work right away to gather a little wood for a fire. Oak of course had to climb the water storage tank, and I finally made them all get down when Dill got up there. My heck, the last thing I need right now is another round of hospital bills. Dill brought me some flowers, and the kids immediately started roasting marshmallows. Steak should come first, but not to the kids. Their version of roasted shmallows entails, catching them on fire and then blowing them out a few times. I personally, do not like the burnt taste, but rather have them slightly browned. That did not stop Dill from making me flaming shmallow after flaming shmallow...and how can I not eat it, when she so lovingly burnt it just for me?
We listened to a few Mason Ramsey songs, and Cliven told us a story or two. The steak on a stick was excellent and flame broiled as really just doesn't get any better than steak on a stick. However, this round I brought lamb, and one package was lamb's tail...which was kinda bony and hard to eat, but there were few complaints about the steak and marshmallow dinner.
This week has flown by. Oak and Chloee have been walking their pigs, who like to hide under the travel trailer. Sage has prom tomorrow night, and Senior pics this afternoon. It blows my mind she is graduating. It seems like only yesterday we were at her kindergarten graduation, and I was kinda wanting to die because she wasn't being too ladylike in her short skirt.
Jazz has been frantically trying to bring her grade up in math. The other day Ryan told me to go take her picture because her studying efforts were just beyond all comprehension. I went in to find her completely asleep on a novel. Drill team is over for Jazz too, and so she has been out making a ton of progress on her steer. Fair is right around the corner.
Jamie is doing better and better, and getting more and more comfortable with full time missionary work. I miss her, but she is growing in ways that she never would have if she wouldn't have gone. She is helping the members and people in her area, and I couldn't be happier with her. Jerusha sent her some pics and videos from review, and she was way happy to get them.
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