So, Ryan had been invited to speak at the Patriot Summit in Virginia, and he had agreed to do that. I was a little annoyed because it was Ivy's wedding that weekend, and yet, I didn't growl too much because both of us figured that he would not be able to fly. I still tried to make preparations to go alone. My first concern was the van. It is seriously still hobbling, but driving that far, and in large portions without phone service, and with seven kids, it just wasn't a good idea. I toyed with the idea of just flying myself down there, but I did not jump too quick at that idea, and the longer I waited, the more expensive tickets became. That would have also slammed the door of Ryan going with me all together, and I really figured that he would not be able to fly to his speaking assignment. Finally, I just arranged to ride down with Troy, and ride back with Doug. That ticked the kids off, as they really wanted to see the Huntington family, and be a part of the wedding, but they are ticked off at me a large bulk of the time, and I am kinda used to that feeling. Anyhow, I enjoyed the rides. It gave me an opportunity to chat with Troy, and with Doug and Larissa.
Ryan was grilled for five hours in Vegas. His ticket is still marked with the SSSS label, meaning that he is a terrorist. Coupled with the fact that his wallet was missing, along with his photo ID, and I am still surprised they allowed him to fly. Somehow, the interrogators saw through the BS. It just goes to show that if God wants Ryan to speak, He will provide a way.
When we arrived, we caught wind that Gary was sick to the extreme. This put a damper on things, because Gary is tons of exciting fun. He had literally eaten a pizza with a gallon of orange juice the evening before as he watched the NFL draft. I could not say that I was too surprised that he did not feel great after eating an acidic pizza, along with acid juice. I would insitnctively know not to try such a combination, and as I am always trying to maintain a heifer appearance,so I would not have eaten more than two slices ha ha. I admire Gary for his ability to live life to the holding back. But, in this case he should have held back ha ha!
It had also been my plan to stay with Gary, but I was now concerned about making him feel like he had to play host and entertain me. Having your daughter get married is a huge deal, and a huge day, and so I scrambled around for a bit, and found a Marriott room for a good price, thanks to Jeff's employment there. This was a nice room, with a king sized bed, and a smart tv. I felt kinda guilty just being alone and having it all to myself. I missed the kids, and Ryan, but I soaked in the silence and the ability to just do whatever. I didn't get too wild. Watched a dateline on Youtube, and then fell asleep. All night, the bed seemed to go on for miles, and I could picture myself calling the lobby and asking for pillows or something to take up the extra space...but I didn't.
The next morning, we went to Gary's and he was sicker than I had ever seen him before. This prompted me to book a room again. The wedding was beautiful, and the groom's family had provided a full dinner buffet, and Kristiann had done a dessert bar with every dessert imaginable. I tried really hard to cover her portion, and Kelly helped me. Ivy was beautiful in a dress that Krisitann had made, and I really enjoyed being with the family. Gary was forced to stand most of the evening, and I could tell he was ready to pass out. But, things rarely ever go as planned, and he made it through it. It was also Julia's prom night, and I was very flattered when she asked me to do her hair. She even left it in for the whole evening ha ha! She looked gorgeous.
So, I returned Sunday evening, and after being interrogated for three hours on the other end of the country, Ryan returned at like 1 or 2 am. It was good to get him home.
Sage and Jerusha had like three FFA deals on three different evenings. Jazz and Oak insisted on going to the new Marvel movie that was like a gazillion hours long, and the week flew by. I spoke with Jamie again, who was struggling a bit, but I had her laughing before we hung up, and I am grateful that they modified that rule. I think it helps those missionaries get past sticky spots as they serve.
There is a boy from Moapa who has taken an interest in Jerusha. I am grateful that he is interested, and he comes from a great family, and seems nice, but she is still 15 and so I have been pretty annoying about limiting their time, and providing chaperones. He came up a day with his sister because he had some errands to run. They included Dill, which made her feel extremely important. He also spoiled her with four king sized candybars, and she was thinking she was it for the remainder of the day. She wouldn't really share, and was very selective on who she would break off a piece for. The hour break from being bossed around was nice too.
On Saturday, Ryan had a potluck dinner with the Sons of Liberty group and we were meeting at Cove Fort. Jerusha and Sage were both informed of this get-together pretty late in their defense and neither one of them wanted to go at all. Sage had volunteered to babysit for Megan Teerlink for the day, and it was her plan to switch off with Jazz. Jerusha volunteered to babysit instead because she had her friend's quincenera and she insisted that she had to be there. Sage just couldn't possibly go because of all of her math homework. It was a full morning of bantering and bickering, and I finally just told Jerusha that she was going with us. Jazz was not going to be available to team babysit, and that was that. Sage would have to handle the babysitting job alone, and she needed to work harder to try to come to family events.
The ride is almost three and a half hours from here, and there was plenty of annoying bickering the whole way down. Oak had thought to bring a pillow, but wasn't using it. Jerusha was using it to lay down with and read her book, but of course, once Jerusha decided to use it, Oak just wasn't having it. He definitely needed the pillow and he needed it now. Mo was kicking Chlo, and she would pinch or hit him back. Dill really didn't need any reason at all to bawl, and plenty bawling was happening. When we finally reached Beaver, everyone was hungry, and Ryan volunteered to stop at the creamery and buy some squeaky cheese. He also purchased some crackers, and the kids wandered around, and learned a lot. Of course, all of the kids were begging for ice cream at that point, and yet we were 20 minutes away from a full blown pot luck dinner. Ryan had a really difficult time telling Dill "no". She bawled and bawled for the remainder of the drive at that news.
Jerusha was still quite mad that she was expected to attend the event and refused to do anything of the social sort. There were kids her age, and she finally did come out and visit with a young man dressed in a Confederate Uniform. They also took the kids on a hike so that the adults could have a discussion about the scriptures, and freedom and liberty. Dill got a little bit of pee in her underwear and so she stripped. I had to put her in the car, find her underwear, and I simply stuck her back in her pajamas. Oak kept climbing the tree that we were gathered around and the bark would fall on everyone seated...that was annoying, and so typical of Oak. The little kids had a war with wooden swords and shields and they seemed to have a really good time. Jerusha was very antsy to leave, and what was so very typical, was that Ryan had fallen asleep in the middle of the meeting, and so what really was the point? She hounded him to leave, and I was kinda surprised when he agreed to leave. Normally if you hound him to leave before his time, he will stay longer than necessary just to prove that he can.
Dill began bawling as soon as we left. At this point she had removed her clothes again, down to her underwear. She claims that she cannot cuddle down in a blanket with clothes because it is too "fluffy" or too "soft." Once again, she makes zero sense, but I have never had a kid that didn't go on the clothes protest for a period of time. I guess we are in that period of time with Dill. Anyhow, the bawling continued until Ryan promised to stop and buy her an ice cream cone if she would stop bawling...which she did. Is that rewarding bad behavior? Quite possibly, and I guess it explains a lot. Anyhow, once she had eaten her ice cream cone, she fell alseep in a cozy bed that Wazz had made for her, and she slept most of the trip home...which came back to haunt me later when it was time for bed. My thought at the time was to just assume that Ryan would not need to sleep much overnight because he had snoozed most of the trip up, slept through most of the meeting, and slept most of the trip back...but guess who was snoring by 9:30? Yep, which left me wrastling with a restless Dill until pretty late that night.
Sunday dawned and we were pretty unprepared. Oak could not find his church pants, Mo could not find his church pants, and Dill's hair was in literal knots. We washed the hair, and added plenty of conditioner in an attempt to soften things up, but it took quite a lot of work with happy brush to start seeing some results. Chloee needed happy brush too and asked Dilly politely if she could use it as soon as Dill was done with it. Dill told her she could, but continued to hold happy brush captive for a large portion of time. Chlo would ask for it repeatedly with no luck or brush from Dill. I finally could hear Chlo once again begging for happy brush, and I had decided it was time to go and intervene on behalf of Chlo. I will never forget the little sight I came in to find. Dill was kneeling on the floor in front of Chloee in her lovely shrsh dress with her hair brushed and styled nicely. She was explaining to Chlo that she was welcome to use the brush as long as she paid Dill a dollar for each use. There were no words, I was so surprised. Where does Dill get that kind of nerve?
While I was gone yesterday for awhile, Avery came to pick up Jerusha for a softball game that his sister was playing in. While he was here he got bombarded with mexican peanut butter candy that the kids crumbled and threw at him, along with the batch of clean clothing that was sitting in the basket on the couch. Needless to say, I am so grateful we always make such a great impression. It didn't even scare him off either. I was a little ticked off and embarrased when I learned of those turn of events.
Today, Dill and I cleaned up the office. Dill was excited to find her little stuffed lamb "Rachel". She has been playing with Rachel most of the day, and obviously blankets are involved because once again...clothes have come off. It is going to be a long summer with that child.
Sage and I are working on grad announcements, and I expect Jerusha will have an orchestra concert any day. Oak is hounding me over some summer activites, and it is just difficult to believe that summer is almost here.
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