Thursday, August 8, 2013

     It has been a great week.  I really regret that it is our last week of summer.  I hate to think of school starting next Monday.  We have totally enjoyed our time off.
     Ryan has been busy as all get out.  For this I am truly grateful.  He took Jamie to work with him on Monday, and he took Rooshkie to work with him yesterday.  The kids have hung out in the water trough non-stop, and they have pretty much lived on ice cream. 
     I made muffins the other morning.  Chlo got up and helped herself to one.  She set it down, and Mo moved in on it.  He kind of hashed the top of it, and pulled it all apart.  When Chlo realized what was going on she bawled and bawled.  I finally got her muffin back, but she did not want it at all after Mo was done with it.  She claimed that it was "grungy all over."  Yep, it kinda was too.  Chlo normally only eats the muffin top.  She has kind of struggled for a few weeks.  She bawls quite a bit.  I do believe that she needs some more attention.  I realize that there is not much of me to go around in the summer.  Anyhow, I took Chlo to town the other day.  It was her turn to grocery shop with me.  I went in to "Sally's beauty supply" and let her pick out two bottles of nail polish.  She was delighted.  I also took her to lunch.  She got a little upset when I ordered her a mini pizza at the Pizza Factory because she wanted a big pizza.  Anyhow, Chlo and I had a splendid time together.  I think we both needed it.
     Today we had quite the day.  Cliven was going to Gunlock to get some peaches.  Ryan decided we should go and see him and help him.  Ryan had some business to take care of in St. George and we were needing an outing, and so it would work out nicely.  We met Cliven at Aunt Gertrude's house in the early morning, and we were met by some of the Jensen relatives.  Apparently Cliven has been getting melons for them and so they told him that he could pick one of their peach trees.  Anyhow, we started off rough because  Moroni woke up in a horrible mood.  He had shots this week and this might have been part of the trouble.  He bawled and moaned and was extremely needy.  We immediately got Jams and Sags picking and they are very good at it.  They know not to throw the peaches around, and to be way easy on the tree.  Jerusha is pretty good help too.  Oak, however went and caught himself a frog.  Jazzerz wandered aimlessly too.  She was supposed to pick up all of the ripe peaches off of the ground before they were stepped on, and we stepped on quite a few before she figured out her job.  Mo and Chlo pretty much wandered around and bawled.  We did get the tree picked, but it was mostly Jams and Sags who got the work done.  We then decided to go craw-dad fishing.  We drove down to the creek, and the kids were not having much luck.  The water was running pretty swift, and we decided not to get the bacon out because the craw-dads were hiding anyway.  To catch craw-dads we usually tie a piece of bacon on a string and the craw-dads just reach out and grab it. It works best in ponds, and slower moving water. They only caught four, and they were teeny.  I was nervous because all I had packed was a loaf of bread, and some peanut butter.  The kids had pretty much eaten the whole thing at this point.  I was kind of counting on the craw-dads for lunch.
     The girls got to work diverting the water and building a dam so that Mo could have a little stream of his own to play in.  Mo threw mud and rocks and Cliven fell asleep on the bank.  He is so great to have around.  However, I cannot figure out how he can sleep on a gravelly bank.  I guess that is a cowboy for ya'.  They work hard enough to sleep wherever they can.
     The kids were getting hungrier and hungrier, and I could see that the craw-dadding wasn't panning out.  Ryan decided to build a fire and let them cook bacon on a stick.  This was quite a fiasco because the matches that I had stored in the van were not working.  Something had dumped on them making them completely useless (shocker!)  Of course, this didn't stop Ryan at all.  Somehow, he started a small fire with some kindling in his hands, using his Dad's truck battery.  I saw him running over to the fire pit and he was burning the heck out of his hands in the process.  Just like Ryan, he always figures out a way, and the kids were then able to fry bacon on their sticks.  It was kinda comical.  Bacon and Cheetos.  Not my best mother moment, that is for sure. 
     While I am thinking about it, I would just like to mention that road trips are kinda clunky with all of the kids.  I will truly miss my kids tons when they grow up and leave, but I don't think I will miss traveling with them.  Someone is always bawling about their "spot."  This morning Oak had made himself a nice spot, and then Jazzerz and Chlo took it over.  This of course did not go over well.  Oak basically just took his spot back, and then Chlo started bawling.  They never agree on the temperature.  Someone is always cold, and someone else is hot.  Moroni is just plain awful in the car and always has been. He lurches, and bawls and screams in his car seat non-stop.  Today, the kids began hurling insults at each other.  We had Mo bawling, and insults flying.  "Platypus diaphragm!"  and "Woodpecker Uni-brow"  were some of the more ridiculous ones.  Nope- I won't miss the car trips too much.
     Well, we have a busy weekend coming up.  We shall see how it goes! 

     Notice on Oak's head...his nice little frog.  The picture's above are in Gunlock at Guy and Gertrude's home.  Gertrude has passed away, but Guy is pictured above with Ryan.  Ryan claims that he has great memories of Gunlock, and Aunt Gertrude was the only woman who would cook their craw-dad's for them.  She is Grandma Bodel's sister.  Anyhow,  I loved their place!  It was shady, and green and beautiful.  We had a great day with Grandpa Bundy!

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