Sunday, August 25, 2013

     Well, Rooshkie is one year older, and wiser too.  We celebrated her 10th birthday Fridee.  She is a great gal, and we are happy to have her.  Currently Oak is being a butler to Jerusha for three days.  I wish I could say that this was because he was being thoughtful to her for her birthday.  Nope, he agreed to wait on her hand and foot if she would give him a chip from her bag of potato chips. Yep a chip. Frankly I think he got gipped.  Talk about a mess of pottage situation.  Oak has much to learn.  In the meantime, Jerusha has him going to fetch for her non-stop.  He seems eager to do it, so I am not going to get involved.
     We have had much stress this week.  I have temporarily pulled Jams, Sags, and Rooshkie out of school.  We are working with the Gateway staff through correspondance.  The kids are great people, but it has gotten to the point where they have gotten their priorities mixed up.  School and friends were beginning to rule their life, and family didn't matter much to them.  Most simple tasks that were requested of them were completely ignored.  My goal is to put them back in ASAP.  In the mean time, I definitely need to get my priorities straight.  For the most part, I was allowing them to do whatever, as long as they weren't mad at me.  Ryan was turning into the only parent who was giving them any kind of discipline.  It was turning into a bad situation because I was not being a very assertive parent, and Ryan was seen as the bad guy.  They are at an age where they need to love and respect both parents.  I need to parent them full time to get this straightened out..  I have great kids.  We just all need a little time to get our priorities straight.  Luckily the school is very equipped to deal with this.  They do this sort of thing all the time.
     Yesterday, for Jerusha's birthday, my parents took her shoe shopping.  They have a great time doing this.  She was also taken out for ice cream, and her friends spoiled her too.  We had a birthday party for her at the SUU pool and so I was in charge of 11 kids for a few hours.  When we went in to swim, a gal with Downs Syndrome came right over to me.  She was nice but let me know that her niece was coming and that she didn't want all of my kids in the pool.  I was polite and smiled, but of course, made no plans to leave.  Just for the record, I love Downs Syndrome kids.  They are so loving and affectionate, but this one wanted us to leave pretty bad.  She was irritated with us being there.  Her grandma let me know that not only does she have Downs Syndrome, but she has obsessive compulsive disorder too.  She likes to go to the pool and walk back and forth in the same line every time she comes.  My kids were in her way...kind of like the North going Zax and the South going Zax.  Anyhow, she loosened up a little bit, and her Grandma said it was good for her to have to walk around us.  She did get mad at us because we lost the blue diving ring too.  The Bundy's brought chaos to her world on Friday.  I hope we didn't throw her off too much.
      Jerusha's best friend, Emily gave her a best friends necklace and it totally made her whole day.  Emily is a great friend.  It is such a relief that my kids are picking good people to be friends with.  My parents also brought the kids a dozen doughnuts for Jerusha's birthday.  For lunch Chlo sat down to a peanut butter and nuttella sandwich and a chocolate donut.  Sage asked Chloee if she wanted to be obese when she grows up.  Chlo thought about it, and let Sage know that she had every intention of being a spider when she grows up.  Hmmm, a spider.  We will have a spider, and a dragon in the family.  Oak has every intention of being a dragon when he grows up.  It will make for great family pictures I am sure.  The Beek's other birthday desire was a date with her Dad.  Ryan took her to the Family Festival at the park, and they watched a show on their big screen.  She loved it.
     Jamie made her cake, and she is still learning.  She wanted to decorate it, and I explained that she needed a ton of powdered sugar to decorate with.  Her first and only mistake was adding a couple of cups of milk to the sugar.  When all was said and done, Rooshkie's cake looked like an oozing smear of colored frosting.  I didn't even get a picture before it was eaten, but Wams is still learning, and it obviously tasted just fine.  (I didn't even get a piece, they ate it so fast.)
     Yesterday was interesting to say the least.  Ryan is starting some new jobs and is feeling pulled in a dozen different directions.  He finally decided that he needed to get to St. George and put up a silt fence.  He told the kids that if they came, they could play in the fire hose.  We got there, and it was a lot right in the middle of town.  He is going to help build an additional building to a rehabilitation center.  The existing rehabilitation center is right on the same property.  Ryan hooked up the fire hose and got on the tractor.  The kids were asking how they should play in the fire hose.  I told Rooshkie that it was going to be like she was going to jail, and that we were going to spray her so hard, she was going to get knocked over.  I could tell that they were trying to be enthusiastic about the whole thing.  Anyhow Dustin had dug some big pond areas, and Ryan told the kids to go ahead and fill them up with water.  They were having a muddy blast dowsing each other with the big hose.  It wasn't real pretty, but they were having a great time.  They claimed that the water was pleasantly warm too.  Anyhow, a timid gal from the rehabilitation center came out and wondered what we were doing, and explained that the property was under construction and not for play.  I had to chuckle because I could only guess what she was thinking...(hey kids, I have an idea!  Let's go to an abandoned lot in the middle of town and dowse each other with a fire hose!)  Anyhow I explained that my husband was one of the general contractors and that we were in fact working.  The water was actually needed in the soil to make compaction requirements.  She apologized and left.  We are definitely an interesting bunch.
     Jazzerz got hurt in our mud sport right off the bat.  She somehow stepped on a sharp rock, and it ripped her toe nail off.  She was bummed out the rest of the day.  I finally told her that she could keep playing, but that when we returned home, I would have to clean up her wound really good.  A good time was had by all after that.  Ryan made the mistake of getting hungry and mentioning "golden corral"  What??  the kids were mud monsters at this point.  I quietly declined but one of the kids had overheard.  Not good.  Ryan finally hosed them all off one by one with the fire hose, and they put their clothes back on.  They looked quite presentable after that.
     Golden Corral was an adventure to say the least.  We don't take the kids out to eat often because of the expense.  It was like $80 to feed them all.  Anyhow,  Mo wanted to eat on the table like usual, and we kept trying to get him to eat in his high chair like a civilized baby.  He was crawling around on the floor and throwing himself on the carpet.  People had to walk around him laying prostrate upon the floor.  What was really bad was the cotton candy.  The little ones went up to get more and more and more of it.  They finally got backed up in the cotton candy department.  I think Oak had like four rounds.  Anyhow, when the waitress came and asked if we needed anything Ryan told her that we needed her to take Mo.  She chuckled at this, but that is what we needed her to do.  Oh well, they had their fill of cotton candy for the year at least.
     Ryan, Sage, and Jerusha went back to St. George last night and spent the night at the job sight.  They still needed to get a lot more water into the soil.  I think the kids always sleep better when Daddy is home.  Chlo did get up this morning and she mentioned that she hadn't seen any zombies in her bed last night, and because of this she had slept well.  I was a little curious about this.  I asked her more.  She said that there had been zombies outside, but none in her bed.  Well, that's good.  Shrsh with Mo was pretty much a nightmare today.  He squirmed, and squealed, and screeched loudly in every class that I tried to attend.  After going in and out of classes 6 times, I finally gave up. The Relief Society teaches stopped her lesson, and couldn't continue because he distracted her so much.  I finally went to the car, and found him a chip bag with some crunchy crumbs at the bottom.  He toddled around the church grounds and munched instead.   
     After shrsh Mo has bawled and squawked enough that Chlo finally put ear muffs on.  Finally she is getting a small dose of how we feel about her non-stop bawling.  Hopefully she can see why we get a little annoyed too.  TTFN!

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