Sunday, August 4, 2013

     Ryan has been gone all week.  We got him back last night, and it is way good to have him home.  Wow...the kids act better, and I act better when he is around.  It has been difficult mothering alone all week.
     The week started out pretty normal.  I think that I mentioned that Ryan took Oak to Monroe for a few days to complete his job up there.  I missed both of them terribly, but it is so good for Oak to spend time with his Dad.  Ryan said that he learns really fast, and doesn't complain when I am not around.  They have been working inside some schools around Richfield and Monroe.  Apparently, Oak disappeared for awhile, and Ryan went looking for him.  The janitor had put Oak to work, and he was vacuuming.  He worked 12 hour days too.  I am grateful Ryan takes the time to teach all of the children.  They are better people because of him.
     This week we rented the Parown pool for achievement days.  We had a great time.  The kids were doing flips off of the diving board, and Mo splashed around in his floating frog.  I had a real problem with Mo when he wasn't in the frog.  He has no fear, and he would get out, and run and cannonball off of the side of the kiddie pool.  No fear of drowning, whatsoever.  I was grateful for the swimming lessons because I had to keep my eye on him the whole time.  Chlo and everyone else did fine because of their lessons at SUU.  Chlo's floaty suit helped matters too.
     We caught Moroni eating ants the other day.  I am not sure what he was thinking, but Jams had to literally dig an ant out of his mouth.  We have been watching him a little bit closer after this incident.  We went to Woods Ranch on Wednesday.  We ate Cheetos, told scary stories, and chased Mo.  He ended up trying to catch and eat red ants, and we had to get pretty serious about telling him "No!"  He just didn't seem to understand. I knew he was going to get stung, and so we finally went around and stomped a bunch of them.  The meadows at Woods Ranch were chock full of grasshoppers.  This made Chlo and I frown.  I have an unreal hatred for grasshoppers.  When we were young, we had contests to see who could drown the most grasshoppers.  We used a large silver bowl, and just began catching them all over the garden, and yard. We would then stick them in the bowl that was half-full of water. My mom appreciated this game, because it helped clear the grasshoppers from the property.  Anyhow, it was really gross.  The grasshoppers would climb all over each other and try to get out.  There would be legs come off, and they would spit all over when we would pick them up too.  Yuck...somehow we found this entertaining.  Anyhow, ever since then, grasshoppers are just the epitome of gross.  I hate them.  Chlo couldn't stand them either.  They would fly all over, and land on her, and she would get quite upset.  I cannot say that I feel a whole lot better about them.  We kind of avoided the meadow because of this.
      We also went down to the spillway, and swam for awhile.  Chlo ended up naked in a bush.  She went in the bush to use the bathroom.  It is kind of a pain to use the bathroom in a swimming suit and she ended up just taking it off.  I was chasing Moroni all over the spillway, trying to keep him from falling, or drowning.  Oak was trying to get some help for Chlo.  I realized that I simply couldn't set Moroni down.  Finally I recruited Rooshkie to get her dressed, but in the meantime, an unsuspecting gentleman with a German Shepherd came upon Chlo.  Oak was still trying not to watch her, but was guarding the bush for her.  I am still non-stop amazed at what a great big brother Oak is.  Luckily, the guy asked no questions about the girl naked in the bush and just moved on.  I am grateful when people give me the benefit of the doubt and just move on.  We all survive all right.
     I have noticed that my nerves are shot this week.  I have roared at the kids a few times.  They have been tapping cups non-stop ever since the cup song came out in the movie "Pitch Perfect."  We have not seen the film, but the girls have watched the music video over and over trying to figure out the cup tapping scene.  I have been quite irritated with the non-stop tapping.  Jazzerz is tapping on everything all the time.  I find it quite unnerving to hear banging all the time, because Jazz never uses a cup.  She just bangs her hands on everything.  The kids also fight a lot more when Dad is gone, and we have had some of the dumbest knock-down drag-outs.  Oak has roared, and Jazz and Jerusha have tapped and banged until I had to scream.  One of the kids even told me to take my baby "for once."  This I burst out laughing about.  Mo is usually sleeping by my side, or keeping me up at night.  He bangs around the bathroom while I shower, and he is on my hip most of the day.  I love him, but wow..a break is nice every now and then.  Anyhow, toward the end of the week, I realized that all of the feeling sorry for myself was getting me nowhere.  Yep, I have my hands full, but what kind of a life would I lead, if my world was centered on me all of the time?  A miserable one for sure.  I have such a great opportunity to spend time with them, and teach them.  After that I stopped being grouchy and we got some good work done.  I enjoyed myself after that.  Our society says that women cannot be fulfilled at home.  I beg to differ.  I am needed non-stop, and I am irreplaceable in one place only.  Boo to anyone who feels like women cannot be happy at home full-time.  My attitude just needed to be tweaked a little.
     Mo has been throwing punches this week.  The kids kept playing a game with him where they pretended he was beating them up.  This has created an unreal monster.  I told them not to reward him for bad behavior, but now he thinks it is great to hit in the face.  We have had to back track on that one and frown at him instead.
     Chlo has been sleeping in the bookoo fudge.  Last night I noticed her asleep in the bookoo fudge, and she was wearing her swimming suit.  I cannot imagine that this was comfortable at all.  She did stick it out though.  For those who don't know, the bookoo fudge is a pile of blankets in the corner of the living room.  Sage named it the bookoo fudge because Jerusha liked to be in there, and Sage's nickname for her was "Bookoo."  You may have noticed that this name has evolved to "Rooshkie"  "Beekster" or the "Beek."
     Ryan had the opportunity to speak with his Dad at an R-Calf convention.  This is where he was for the rest of the week.  They flew to South Dakota, along with Carol, and Burt and Kathy Smith.  Cliven said that Ryan spoke and sang beautifully.  I am grateful that he had that opportunity.  I gave Wamer's lesson in Sunday school today.  I always learn a ton when I have to give a lesson.  Anyhow, I enjoyed that opportunity too.  Relief Society was really good today, except for a kid who came in and burped loudly five times.  I was just smiling because it wasn't one of my kids. Yep, Shrsh was great.
     Since Ryan's return, I have been reminded of why I like him so much.   We walked into the living room together to find that the kids had dumped cereal all over the floor.  He didn't say anything, he just calmly went and got a bowl, and scooped some cereal into it, and poured milk on it.  He is so calm and unfettered by all of the nonsense, it is great. Chlo wallered on him all through sacrament meeting, and he sits calmly through all of the cup song nonsense.  Yep, I am grateful for the big family that Ryan was raised in.  He truly rolls with whatever happens.  I am sure this has a lot to do with all of his siblings and his small home.  I chose well.  I am blessed,  another week has begun.

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