Sunday, December 22, 2013

     It has been a great week this week.  The kids had a busy week at school and they are done for the year...Wahoo!  I am looking forward to a few weeks without a schedule.  There is also no dance classes and Young women's activities.  I love Christmas, and this Christmas season has been wonderful.
     Mo has been extra difficult this week.  I finally noticed that he is cutting his eye-teeth.  He has been whinier, and crabbier.  A friend invited us over for ice cream sundies this week and he kept throwing fits about different toppings that were or were not being added to his sundae.  He also kept me up most of the night on Fridee night.  He was completely restless.  Because of this, I went to bed kind of early on Saturday night.  I was lightly sleeping and noticed that he was zipping around back and forth with a toy 4-wheeler.  This toy makes a lot of engine type noises.  I was too tired to care.  Anyhow, at some point he decided it was time for him to settle down for the night.  Everyone else had gone to bed.  He crawled up on my bed, and lightly began driving his 4-wheeler around on my face.  I finally woke up and rocked him to sleep.  Nice Mo, he couldn't figure out how to go to bed without his Mom.
     Oak had been hounding me for a haircut.  He really liked getting his haircut from Connie a few months ago.  He started hounding me last week, but I was too busy to get him an appointment.  I walked into my bathroom one afternoon and there were hair clippings all over the counter top.  I immediately thought of Chlo.  We just got her hair looking decent from her last DIY haircut.  It wasn't Chlo it was Oak, and of course he wacked a big chunk off right up front and close to the scalp. Anyhow, I did get him and Mo into see Connie this week.  She does a really good job with them.  Jams and Sags wanted to come too because they wanted to go in to a store and do some shopping for their friends.  When Oak was done we walked over to grab them.  Oak immediately began klomping all over the store in his moon loud.  He ran behind their soda fountain counter.  A bewildered girl who worked behind the counter was quite awestruck with Oak's behavior.  I yelled at him, but that store had a million break-ables and he just kept klunking around and around the place in his big boots. I guess he was feeling sporty with his new haircut. Finally I just told Jams and Sags that I couldn't let Oak stay in there another second.  I removed him and myself.  Talk about bull in a china shop...jeez.
     Mo got to go to school with Sags on Wednesday.  She had a class that required them to observe little kids.  He colored a picture and got really crabby at some point.  Sage was smart enough to realize that he was just hungry.  She excused herself to go and grab her lunch box.  She let Mo have her Doritos and he acted much better after that.  I understand that the need for Doritos can be pretty strong at times.  He felt pretty special about the whole situation.  The next day he got up and wanted to go to school with Sage.  Too bad Mo.  It was a one day deal.
     Ryan had signed us up to ring the bell for the Salvation Army on Saturday.  He instructed all of us to dress up nice, and he told the girls to get their musical instruments.  He then drove us up to Wal-Mart.  We sang hymns while Jams and Sags played their instruments and the outcome was amazing.  There was rarely a person go by that did not donate some money.  We have rang the bell many seasons, but never have I seen people respond to us that way.  It really got us into the true Christmas spirit.  Oak and Chlo took turns ringing the bell, and Mo got squirmy, but other than that it was great. 
     Jams, Sags, and Rooshkie also had the opportunity to go ice skating with some friends this week.  They had a great time.  Jamie also went to a surprise party for one of her best friends.  I had these ideal scenes in my head about me waiting up to hear about my teenager's evening.  I was going to be a good mom who stayed up and waited.  On this particular evening I sat in the chair, and waited and waited.  I finally completely fell asleep.  When she came home I was fully clothed and sleeping soundly in the chair.  I was so mad that she had stayed out so late, and did not call.  Shame shame Jams...
     Ryan mentioned that he had a meeting on Friday, but had the rest of the day off.  His meeting was in St. George and then he mentioned helping me finish up some Christmas errands.  Anyhow, it was funny because we went to one store.  I purchased like three items and his shoulders were quite shlumpy when we left.  He mentioned that he was all shopped out.  I asked him to just take me to Cal Ranch...this is definitely his type of store.  They have horse tack, and tools galore.  I just needed to grab a few items of clothing.  He sat on a chair while I was thumbing through some clothing racks.  The next time I checked on him was sleeping soundly in the chair.  I think that stores need to install beds for husbands to sleep in...maybe beds with t.v.'s and remotes.  This would solve all kinds of problems.
     My brother Gary sent us a big box of citrus from his trees this week.  It was a great gift.  I still cannot figure out how Jazzerz can eat lemon after lemon and not even have a pucker-y face about it.  Jazz is a lemon girl that is for sure.
     Ryan and I were in charge of the Christmas program.  It was kind of stressful, but we initially just passed out sign-up sheets.  Every person that participated was a volunteer and the program turned out great.  About a year ago, Ryan's sister Katie sent him a musical medley that followed the Savior's life.  It started out with the prophesies, and ended with the resurrection.  We just took all of the songs and assigned them to people and it turned out great!  I was so relieved.  I had stressed about it quite a bit.  Ryan sang, Sags and I sang with my friend Robin, Jamie played her violin for Rooshkie and a friend of hers to sing, and we had numerous people from the ward sing.  We ended with a volunteer choir that sang "Joy to the World."  It sounded amazing.
     Chlo had to give the scripture in primary today.  I went in there and whispered in her ear the words.  She would basically just whisper into the mike the last word of each sentence of the verse...good enough.  When we arrived home she threw herself into the bookoo fudge and bawled and bawled.  I finally ventured over to her and asked her what kinds of problems she was having.  It turns out that she was upset because when we arrived at home, I had cleared the table to get everyone some lunch.  Unknowingly I had cleared the bag of cereal that she was wanting to partake from.  When we got that figured out, she got happy again.
     Ryan and I were upset to find two of his nice, white shirts on the floor in a heap.  Sprinkled throughout the heap were a bunch of chawed up cashews.  Why???  I figure Mo was behind this, but I have no proof and I have no clue why Ryan's shirts had to be involved.  If you are going to chew up nuts and spit them out, why on Ryan's shirts?
     Another laugh that we had this week, I received a brochure in the mail that had a house for house.  The pictures looked really good, and I had worked really hard that day to get everything in order so that the pictures would look good.  But, right in the middle of my beautiful, clean kitchen floor Mo's train was there big as anything.  We all had a good laugh about it.  No matter how hard I try, Moroni leaves his mark. 
     Ryan and the girls put a huge star on the roof this evening.  It turned out great.  There was a lot of banging around and squealing but no one fell, and they had a good time with their Dad.  Chlo has also decided that when she grows up she either wants to be a frog, a spider, or a psychic detective.  I explained to Chlo that there is really no such thing as a psychic detective.  She has been watching "Psych" with Sags.  I explained that even on the show, the guy isn't really psychic but just really observant.  Chlo didn't understand any of this.  She still has her three choices when she grows up.
I cannot picture Chlo as any of these things, but there is still time to convince Chlo that maybe there are other things to pursue. 


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