Monday, December 9, 2013

     This week has been great!  Christmas season is in full swing and I love it!  Rooshkie and Jams had a dance performance on Monday.  They performed for some folks at a rest home and it was fun to watch them.  I kinda fizzled out and refused to bring Mo.  Sometimes I just don't feel like wrestling with his squirminess.  Sags and Jazz didn't feel too great after our Thanksgiving festivities.  They stayed home from school on Monday and so he got left with them.  It was fun to watch all of the kids perform.  I am grateful that they have been able to join the dance team. 
     We have had some interesting events happen this week.  A huge snow storm moved in on Tuesdee.  It was bad enough that I decided not to drive the girls to Young Women's.  We put our house up for sale with a realtor, and put an offer on another place.  Nothing is set in stone yet, but we did get the ball rolling to get into a bigger home.  This is truly needed because we really have no room to put our little Mo-ster.  I am excited because we have been talking about moving for years.  It feels like we are finally taking the steps necessary to make that happen.  My parents even brought a sink-y rollaway bed for Mo, but I really don't even have the room to store it during the day anywhere.  Mo has been camping out on the couch for the most part until he bawls and comes into our bed.  His tantrums are becoming less and less, thank goodness!
     The kids have been their usual interesting selves.  I found myself frowning often as I walked into my kitchen.  There was always a scattering of chocolate chips all over the floor.  I would holler at people to stay out of the chocolate chips.  I would clean it up, and the next time I would walk into the kitchen....chocolate chips all over the floor.  I would clean them up and make a statement about staying out of the chocolate chips.  This went on a few times until I caught Oak pushing the ice dispenser on the freezer door.  Chocolate chips were flying out of that thing at high speed.  Someone had filled the ice dispenser with chocolate chips and the kids found it very convenient for their snacking needs.  They would simply stick their hand out, and push....chocolate chips!  The only problem was, they didn't catch most of them.  I must admit that I had never thought about turning the ice dispenser into a chocolate chip dispenser.  Quite ingenious really.
     Mo has been going through the Lo lo like nobodies business.  The ward party was this week.  We went and all of the kids in the ward got coloring books from Santa.  Mo climbed up onto the counter so that he could have access to his lo lo.  He would chomp the lo lo as he colored his pictures.  His coloring was slobbery and sloppy. This was not because of Mo's coloring skills.  He does fine work.  He was getting too much drippy lo lo juice on his pictures. Too bad that lo lo (melon) season is over.  This is the last batch we will get until next fall. 
     My Dad got us a Christmas tree this week.  It has been bitter cold...10 and 15 below zero.  That didn't stop my Dad bringing us a tree.  We put it in the house and the kids got to decorating that thing all fancy dancy.  Mo threw many of the décor all over the house.  I guess that this is to be expected.  Everyone else seemed to understand that the balls were to hang on the tree and not to be tossed around like baseballs.  Luckily most of my balls are plastic.  I also heard Jerusha and Jasmine putting on commercials all morning to advertise the beauty of the Christmas tree.  Sell it Rooshkie.  She would urge her listeners to check her website at  I don't think she knows what she is talking about.
     We had a pretty good day at shrsh today.  I really enjoyed the speeches.  A young woman from our ward reported her mission to Russia.  It was interesting to hear about her difficulties and challenges.  Our stake president spoke too.  Oak and Mo kept trying to get some kind of a boxing match going with Ryan, but he was trying to ignore their banter so that they would listen.  Jazzerz had an occasional loud and unrestrained outburst of laughter which would result in me scowling at her.  Ryan finally got after her and it stopped.  At one point, Ryan had Oak on one of his knees, and Chlo on the other.  I was sitting by Ryan in the corner.  Oak just happened to be on the knee that I was closest to.  He was literally driving be insane.  His wallering was just out of control.  He kept knocking into my head, and my side sliding from one side of Ryan's knee to the other.  Needless to say that I was way excited for primary. When I went to pick up Chlo from primary, she was in the corner all huddled up and bawling.  Her teacher explained that Chlo did not approve of the game that they were playing.  She wanted to play a different game.  She bawled and bawled and I realized that she was just hungry.  Ryan brought her home and loved on her and got her a plate of roast.  After that we had a different kind of Chlo on our hands.  A friendly and fun-loving Chlo.  Mo still has something against attending the nursery.  He lets out loud wails if I even approach the door.  This means that he is still stuck with me in Relief Society because I haven't really wanted to attend the nursery with him.  I ended up going around and around the building.  If I tried to stop then Mo would throw a fit on the floor.  I would sit and ignore him and get caught up on my scripture reading.  When he learned that I wasn't going to do anything when the tantrum was in progress he would stop.  Yep, I think we are slowly making some progress.
     Now that the tree is up, all of the little ones cannot wait to sleep under the tree.  It isn't so bad this year because we put the tree in the living room with the carpet.  There have been years when we have put the tree in our kitchen.  It always looks so horribly clunky to see them arched around the tree on the tile floor.  I cannot figure out why a person would want to sleep under the tree, but hey....why not?
     The temperatures are still ridiculously low.  It is currently like 5 degrees outside.  I have been going down every morning and breaking through the show steer's water with an ax.  He is still very skittish.  Ryan and Jams definitely need to spend some time calming him down.  I cannot say that he is mean, but really jumpy.  Hopefully we can get him to show by next fall.
     We are starting a week full of Christmas activities.  Jams, Sags, and Rooshkie all have a Christmas concert.  Jams, Rooshkie, and Wazz have a dance review on Fridee, and I believe it is the Creche Festival this weekend.  I love December!





1 comment:

  1. Darling Ang! I am excited to peek in on you are your cute family to keep updates. Love you guys!!! Congrats on putting an offer on a new home....I hope that it closes and you have the room you need for your cute family.
