Wednesday, May 28, 2014

     I am having the hardest time keeping up with updating this because we have no internet at the house.  It is hard to leave the kids for an hour and come up to the office to get this done, but I know I have to do it.  I will definitely want to read about all of our experiences when the kids were growing up.  It all goes by way too fast, even though some days seem to last forever.
     Well, we finally let the kids know that I will be expecting another child at the end of October, or first of November.  They are so excited.  I would think that Jams and Sags would be sick of me bringing new siblings into the world, but they have been bugging me for awhile to have another one, even with all of the risks that I am taking because of my age etc.  I have really good kids, what can I say?  We are all excited, and I cannot wait to rock another one in my chair.  My chair is literally falling apart, but I love to rock and hold those babies at night.  I am very blessed and very grateful.  I came close to miscarrying during all of the Bundy showdown happenings, and I am grateful that this kid is tough and was able to hang in there.  We are happy and excited.
     These last few weeks have been chock full of all of the end of year stuff.  Most of it I have had to go to by myself because Ryan is still very involved with the ranch happenings.  He was, however, able to attend the girls' end of year dance review.  It was quite the deal.  What was kind of unfortunate, was the fact that most of the groups that just happened to be paired with Jams, Rooshkie, and Jazzerz group was all of the really young kids.  She usually splits the groups in half, and has two reviews.  She has so many classes that the program would take four hours.  She splits the groups in half, and has two separate programs.  Anyhow, Ryan and I got really weary of all of the bouncing tutus.  Don't get me wrong, those little girls are as cute as can be, but when you see group after group of little girls, and all they can really do is bounce up and down to some music in a tutu, it gets kind of monotonous.  My girls did really well though and I was happy that we were both able to be there.  Bouncing tutus and all.
     We also celebrated Saggers birthday last week.  She turned thirteen...yeah Sags!  She wanted me to take her shopping for some new clothes, and she wanted to go and get a trim.  Jams wanted to come to, which left Rooshkie my next available option for a babysitter.  Rooshkie does pretty good, but she is still kind of young to leave for too long.  We checked in on her quite a few times.  I didn't realize some of the hazards that occured by putting Rooshkie in charge until the next day.  I had made Sags a cheesecake and the kids always enjoy scraping the sides off of the sweetened condensed milk can.  Rooshkie must have enjoyed it enough, that she opened a whole can, and they began eating that can of condensed milk.  I found traces of this mess everywhere the next day.  There was a pool of it dumped on my window seat in my bedroom.  My parents had taken Sags shoe shopping and a few swirls of condensed milk were found on Saggers new shoes.  The biggest eyebrow raiser was in my freezer.  Rooshkie had tried to make some sort of sweetened condensed milk frozen suckers.  They were made out of odd items like lids and old radio antennaes for the sticks.  I will never understand I guess.  She at least kept the kids supervised and alive, and sticky because of her snack choices.
     We also had a band and orchestra concert which is always somewhat of a fiasco without Ryan's help.  The first thing that Mo did was remove his pants.  He then began running around and around in his shirt and diaper.  I was too tired to chase him and too embarrased for people to think that I had brought him without pants.  I sent Jazz to retrieve him and end the nonsense.  The girls played really well.  They also sang with the choir and did a good job.  I especially enjoyed the music that they played from "the Hobbit."  In one of the numbers the band played "Hedwigs Theme" from Harry Potter.  I seriously thought one of the trumpet players was on the verge of passing out.  That song requires a pretty strong brass section, and well, there aren't very many brass in the band.  I am glad that he made it through the song without falling to the ground.  Toward the end, the kids got really naughty.  Mo was squirming, and screaming, and flailing his arms about.  I finally asked Rooshkie to wait until the song was over, and then take them all out to the playground.  Well, she didn't wait until the song was over, but went out, slamming the door so loud that a large echo was heard right  in the middle of a song....yep I was embarrased all over again.  It is definitely part of being a parent.
     Last weekend we drove to Phoenix and Mesa.  Valerie was graduating from high school and Bowen was getting baptized.  We seriously had the best weekend ever!  The graduation, was fresh and casual.  I was kind of worried about juggling all of the kids at that, but it was held outside, in a huge stadium.  We found a spot in the corner, the grass was like a lush green carpet bed, and there was sand to dig in nearby.  Ryan immediately fell asleep on the soft greenness.  The kids began throwing dirt until seriously, we were all sitting in a dust haze until Ryan got after them.  It was such a nice night, and I really enjoyed my family.  Christine had got us a three room suite at a Marriott for a killer rate too.  It was so nice.  The kids swam late into the evening in their outdoor pool, and then swam most of the next day.  We also went to Ammon and Lisa's where they swam.
     The baptism was really nice too.  We had been asked to sing, and we sang "Families Can Be Together Forever."  Seriously, when I think about what my family has been through together lately, it was all I could do not to cry.  The baptism had a powerful spirit.  Bowen is a really special kid, and when he came out, the kids sang "I am a Child of God" together.  Bowen had thrown his arm around Oak and once again, I tried not to cry.  I am so thankful for this family and mine.  We are so blessed to love each other so much.  We literally faced Hell together last month, and I hope we stay close forever because of it.  There isn't much I wouldn't do for them or for my brothers and parents.
     After the baptism, Ammon and Lisa threw a bbq in their back yard.  The kids played in the pool with their cousins and friends all day.  Mo got to where he was fearless in the water.  He was doggie paddling everywhere.  The kids were not one bit happy when Ryan said that we were going to head home.  Chlo literally bawled and bawled because she really liked the hotel room and desperately wanted to go back.  No Chlo, we cannot laze about in that nice room forever....sorry.
     We spent a night between Wikiup and Kingman, and I was surprised at how good everyone slept.  Jams complained some because her sleeping bag was full of sand and she was sunburned.  Not a very good combination.  Poor Wams, she didn't expect to sleep in the middle of nowhere in the desolate desert.  We never know with Ryan at the helm of the family.  We did make it to Mesquite in time for Ryan and I to make it to shrsh.  I didn't take the kids because they were kind of a mess.  They were content to play at the ranch.  They also spent their labor day learning about families and relatives at the cemetary with Cliven, and they spent most of the rest of the day swimming at the head gate with Arden.  Needless to say, they were not happy to be taken home at all.
     The last few days have been spent cleaning up.  I also attended the middle school festival at the school where Jams and Sags were some of the few students chosen to present their reports.  Jams report on the desert tortoise was really good.  I could tell that everyone learned a lot as she played clips of Cliven from youtube.  Sags report on stem cell research was good too.  She came out against it because of the use of human embryo's.  Smart and ethical Sags.
     Chlo and Mo have spent the day collecting potato bugs and taking them for ride on their toy train.  They have been trying to feed the potato bugs bread, dirt and grass, but I am not sure they are consuming any of it.  I hope that the potater bugs have had a rockin' good time on that train because Chlo has gone to a lot of trouble to try to make them happy.

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