Sunday, August 9, 2015

     I feel like we have been thrust into the oven of summer.  It is so blasted hot!  I am still so grateful for the air conditioning.  And cold water....and I have a mini celebration if a cloud ever appears in the forecast.  It seriously makes my day.
     We have been trying to stay on top of the weed situation out at our melon patch.  Ryan has been rousing the kids at 4am to go and hoe weeds.  I helped the first couple of times, but ended up sitting in the car for the most part.  There is just no where for my little ones to be, and Dilly wants her mom.  Especially, when she is roused out of her bed that early.  I actually really want to help though...I enjoy the work, and the feeling of accomplishment that comes from digging weeds out of the ground.  I was able to be a workaholic in our patch last year, but this year, the baby has made that a real challenge.  We had the Litmer kids help us, and they were great help while they were here.  I was amazed nonstop at Caleb.  Ryan would rouse him, and recruit him all hours of the day and night to help with various tasks, but he was always willing and excited to help.  They did go home this week.  I will miss them.
     This morning Mo woke up really early and demanded a waffle.  I had begun cooking french toast, but that is not what he wanted.  He begged for a waffle several times, and I finally gave in.  Some things are not worth fighting over, and with Mo, I have plenty of things that I have to fight with him about.  So. I mixed him up a quick big deal really.  Anyhow, when the waffle was done, and I had it on a plate, he made it clear that he wanted syrup on it.  I brought it to him and got the syrup out.  Only, he was way picky about which squares he wanted syrup on.  He sat there and pointed out which ones, and how full they were to be drizzled.  Do I have the time and the patience for this kid???  He takes being three to a whole new level that I never before even imagined.  After his waffle, he fell back to sleep.  Because he slept in, he was pretty happy when he woke up, but he wanted a bunch of books read to him.  Luckily, Oak was in the mood to read, and he needs the practice.  However, while the rest of us were busying ourselves about the place to get the days work done, I noticed that they must have been reading a book about the number nine.  I noticed them stomping nine times.  How does cheering and shouting nine times help us out with housework?  I would like to know.
     We have had a busy week.  We ran out to Nays with the kids one afternoon.  We had heard that they had a million apricots rotting on the trees out there.  The ride was crazy of course, but it was worth the ride.  It was so much cooler out there.  Sags was way upset though, because one of the major perks about picking fruit out there is their wonderful pond.  It has fresh water trickling into it from a spring, and unlike most of our favorite swimming holes around here, it is cemented.  It also has a nice rope that is hung from a tree that can be used to swing and drop into the water.  Well, they were irrigating the orchard, and so the pond was half full.  Half full mind you, not half empty.  Anyhow, the rest of the kids were a little disappointed, but got in and made the most of it.  It still went up high enough that they were able to swim around, but the rope was too dangerous in that shallow of water.  You would have thought that Ryan and I had been torturing her from all of her complaints.  "Why didn't you call and check on the water level of the pond?"  "This was a horrible idea, why did we come today?"  " The fruit is still too green, and we should never have come out today..."  and on and on.  She was wrong about the apricots though....there were some green ones, but many of the trees had a ton of fruit that was just going to waste.  Dropping off the tree, and the birds and deer were helping themselves.  Ryan and I went to picking fruit because really, that is why we went out there in the first place.  There is always a beehive somewhere near the pond out there.  This time was no exception...because of this someone usually gets stung out there.  Caleb got stung with minimal complaint, and Mo got stung which wasn't a pretty sight....what was sad, was that it got all swollen the next day.  Mo was hobbling around on his balloon foot.  Sags also got stung, but she didn't say too much about it either.  We now have some fresh apricot nectar, and syrup in is delish.
     Rooshkie has been a social butterfly this week.  She is currently with some secret friends at the rec center.  She has been kinda making me scratch my head as of late with some of her behavior.  Yesterday, I was sitting in my favorite rocker nursing Dill.  She came up, and casually grabbed my phone and took it in the basement.  Usually she does this so that she can practice her dances or whatever.  Not long after she took it though, an alarm sounded and echoed up the stairs.  She was sheepishly walking up the stairs and of course I asked her why an alarm was going off.  She pretended like she didn't hear me.  I asked her about it again, and she explained that Jazz was napping on the bed and she kinda wanted to hang out with her, so she set an alarm on my phone and walked away casually.  Jeez Rooshkie, maybe Wazz needed to catch up on some sleep.
     Not long after that she got some urgent call from her friends that she was needed.  She desperately wanted to get to Bunkerville so that she could see some prize that one of her friends had gotten on her recent trip.  She paced the floor and begged Ryan until he finally went and dropped her off.  A few hours later, I had to run into the shrsh to drop Wams and Sags off at Young Women's.  I wasn't watching really close, but as I drove by I noticed Lydia, Ivey, and a sneaky person trying to hide behind a baby doll...really sneaky Rooshkie!  Like I cannot see you behind the tiny baby doll.  I slowly stopped and looked at her with questioning eyes.  She loudly made it clear that she was wanting to stay in town longer.  Fine Rooshkie!  Be that way...but, do you think that I am spacey enough not to notice you sitting behind a baby doll?  Nice try.
     Wams got her drivers permit this week.  I have been kinda amazed at the good driver that she is.  All of those hours driving in the field as the men buck bails seems to have paid off.  I was way glad that she passed because I hate sitting at the DMV.  Dilly hates it too.
     We had an unfortunate event happen in the passing of our friend Raquel this week.  We have been half expecting it because she was diagnosed with a brain tumor a year ago.  It was still horribly sad because Raquel was such an incredible young lady.  She always treated all of my kids like they were really important.  She even allowed Oak to hang around them, and for that, she never got insulted by him.  When we found out that she wasn't going to live very long, we have all been heart broken.  Chlo even named all of her dolls after sweet Raquel.  She was a very impressive young lady.
     Moroni has been putting eggs in the toilet.  I am not sure why, or what kind of an impact this will have on the plumbing.  Sager told me the other day that she was in the bathroom primping and saw an egg in the toilet.  When she went back in there a little bit later, it was gone.  He got caught putting one in the toilet a few moments ago...I am all the way confused....that was a conversation that I never thought I would have with my spouse...."Dear, what happens if a bunch of eggs are flushed down the toilet?"  He looked at me with an amused look on her face..."Well, you're not going to get them back."  he told me.  He then started laughing..."why are you asking me this?"  So then I had to explain that Moroni had been caught putting eggs in the toilet.  Then we had to sit and try to figure out why.  Earlier that day, he had also got into a pack of cough drops, and had unwrapped them all...Ryan had to sit and re-wrap them all.  Really, why does he do that stuff?  We will be forever wondering why.

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