Tuesday, November 24, 2015

     It has been weeks, and I feel bad about that.  Our computer mouse didn't work for a few weeks, and Ryan was out of town, and I just get so busy doing what, I am not sure.  Seriously weeks go by, and I look around and I have nothing to show for it.   For example, Ryan pulled the travel trailer here weeks ago, so that I could get it nice and clean to store or whatever...I haven't cleaned one thing in there yet.  Not one.  Hopefully, I am improving my attitude or something every day.  Hopefully, I will be a better person in the end, even if I cannot seem to get stuff done. 
     Mo has still been all sorts of high maintenance in his breakfast demands.  One morning he heaped himself up a nice plate of Doritos, because heaven forbid that I had made pancakes.  Huxti happened to text me that morning that he was also having issues with Tommy.  Apparently Tommy insisted on two different kinds of cereals, and I know that Huxti knew he wasn't going to like it at all.  These are the difficulties of the three year old kid.  Just this morning, Mo wanted nothing but "Oatmeal Sugar".  I had to ask him about several times, because I was more than willing to dish him up some oatmeal with brown sugar...but oh no...he just wanted the brown sugar in a bowl with nothing else....sorry Mo...not happening.  Some days I go along with some of the nonsense because hey, battles have got to be important ones, but I just cannot fathom dishing him up a bowl of sugar.
     We had our semi-annual dental appointment this past week.  It was a fiasco as it always is.  To start with, I grossly underestimated how much time it would take to stop by all three schools and get all of the kids checked out.  Seriously..Rooshkie especially took FOREVER.  I am not sure if she was doing the Charleston in the halls or what, but I guarantee a few spins and leaps may have been involved.  I was trying like mad to get there on time, but alas we were probably ten minutes late.  On the way through the gorge, Jazz had somehow found a candy cane to give Dill so that she would be quiet.  It worked, but she was a sticky, red, mess.  She kept throwing all of the neatly arranged magazines all over the office.  Mo immediately turned on the dumb ABC video and poked and prodded Dill anytime she came near to mess with the dials.  This would make Dill cry and cry.  Jazz had brought a toothbrush to clean her teeth with, but this ended up being bad because Oak would go and get it wet and then let Dill brush water all over the magazines.  Usually I can send the kids to the little water walk across the street when we are finished, but on that particular day it was rainy and cold.  I had things somewhat managed until I turned the reigns over to Wames so that he could check my teeth.  Apparently Oak and Rooshkie began messing with the radio dials.  Rooshkie would turn it on her favorite station, and then Oak would crank up the volume.  Mo also began slamming the door loudly until the secretary had to get involved.  No one would listen to Wameserz and her threats and demands.  I didn't even know any of this until we were on our way home.  What can I do at this point?  I thought about sending the secretary flowers or something?  Oh well, I guess no permanent damage was really done.
     I have trying to think about the last few weeks and some of our activities.  We have had Halloween, and Ryan and Dill's birthday.  Dill turned one on the 26th.  I hate to admit that there is a huge difference between her first birthday party and Wames' first birthday party.  It doesn't mean I love the Dill any less, I just know that really, she doesn't really know or care too much about her birthday yet, and for that I am grateful.  Ryan had traded a bin of winter squash for a bin of watermelons, and yeah, she got a beautiful squash cake that was actually quite delicious.  She, and everyone else loved it.  I broke down, and let the kids play and squabble over balloons, and she got a few toys.  For the most part she was just loved and sung to most of the day.  She is a big deal, but I didn't invite anyone and we didn't go anywhere.  I also let her go in Walmart and pick out a toy.  She chose a pink singing bear...perfect for my little ray of happy.  What a wonderful year it has been with my little Salem...I have to remind myself of her beautiful name, and it's meaning.  She is a lovely and happy soul.  My family seems complete.
     On the week of Halloween we had a ton of activities going on. Rooshkie got really sick that week, and I was trying to take care of her.  It was a bad virus, but she is such a little social thing, that some of the worst of it was just her missing out on all of the fun activities.  For Young Women's that week we were supposed to go and help with the Halloween carnival at the elementary school.  Wames was involved with the Drill Team in getting the kids to come and dance in their costumes.  However, on that same night, the FFA put on a haunted hayride, and Sags, and Wames were involved with that, along with Arden, and Falen Hafen and all of the FFA kids.  So, yeah, Wames was supposed to be in two places at once (three if you count the YW activity)  Oak was also supposed to play in a football game that evening.  Anyhow, it was kinda crazy.  Sags also had volleyball practice during all of this.  So, the kids scraped up some costumes (and when I say scraped, I mean totally thrown together)  Oak was a football player (being that he was still thinking about playing) Jazz was some girl off of  "Despicable Me" and actually looked the part quite well, but she isn't a real familiar character.  Some kid asked her if she were dressed up like a piece of trash???  That kinda took the wind out of her sails.  Mo was a super hero, Dill was just herself, and Chlo was a fairy princess.  When we got there, immediately Jazz and Oak wanted to go through the spook alley, but I was sure that Chlo could not handle it.  I don't know if I have ever discussed on here, how skittish Chlo is.  She is kind of spooked about everything.  She won't sleep in her room alone, or even go in her room alone, even if it is broad daylight.  There was no way she could handle a spook alley...which left Oak and Jazz to go alone.  Chlo and I went with Dill, and Mo to see how Wames was doing.  She had dressed up like a spooky doll and was awkwardly trying to get the little kids to come to the drill team booth and dance for candy.  I figured that was right up Chlo Bird's alley and so we went.  The girl running the booth had to ask what her siblings were dressed as though because no one quite knew including Wames.  It was kinda awkward to say the least.  The drill team did figure it out later though, and began playing the Macarena and some of the songs the kids knew the dances to.  Anyhow, Jazz ended up half scared to death in the spook alley, and kept trying to receive comfort and protection from Oak, who was indifferent and board to all of their scare tactics.  I will say this about Oak though...the carnival was getting ready to shut down, and I told him to go and buy his sister a cotton candy because she was home sick...he waited in the dumb cotton candy line for Jerusha for 45 minutes or so.  And then, all of the kids ate most of it on the way home without me knowing until I handed Jerusha a bag with a little smidgeon of cotton candy left...poor Rooshkie...it totally wasn't her night.
     The haunted hayride was fun, and is a totally different story.  It was an FFA fundraiser, and they had people ride through a haunted and spooky field.  We went over there to pick up Wames and Sags, when things were winding down.  Derek Hafen was getting ready to pull another load of people through the field when the kids began piling out.  He looked at them and told them to hop on, and that he would be happy to let them see the spookiness for free.  ( Did I mention I love the people in this valley?)  They all found a spot, and so Ryan, Dill and I hopped on too.  It was actually a ton of fun.  They had silent, spooky types follow after the trailer slowly, and scenes of blood and horror around every corner.  Chlo felt brave next to Ryan and shouted all sorts of insults just to show that she wasn't scared.  Wames was a spooky doll in a haunted play house, and I was secretly glad that Arden's chainsaw scene had broken down earlier.  It was a quiet, spooky, still night and a light rain was falling...seriously, thoroughly enjoyable.  We got home to a sad little Rooshkie, and I didn't even have hardly any cotton candy to give her ( I had purchased like four bags of the stuff).
     Halloween was fun.  Ryan worked all day, and I always feel like his birthday is largely over looked.  The ward does trunk or treat, and we also stopped at Grandma Greats to say hi.  She was really struggling that night, and Margaret felt like she had maybe broken a rib from a fall that she had had earlier in the week.  It didn't stop an extremely sticky Mo from shedding his costume at the front door, and wanting a glass of hot chocolate in his underwear.  Of course, Margaret got him one.  We gave Grandma a quick hug, and I promised to send Ryan over to give poor Grandma a blessing. 
     We ended up going over to Grandma's the next day so that Ryan and Cliven could give her a blessing.  She was in terrible pain.  She is way tough, and so to have her complain and cry like she had been was really concerning.  Margaret had given her some pretty powerful pain killers and that made her way disoriented.  I will never forget the way that the room felt as Ryan and Cliven placed their hands on her head.  She had been in so much pain just moments before that she was crying out and moaning.  In the middle of Ryan's blessing, peace came over all of us.  She began snoring softly as he finished speaking.  How grateful I am that the Lord shares his peace and power with us.  I cannot tell you how many times that the Priesthood has given me the boost that I needed to go on.  It was just what cute Grandma needed that day too.  I am also grateful for difficulties that require me to stop and ask for blessings.  I always feel such a powerful connection with  my Heavenly Father during those times.  I am thinking that I haven't written about it in this blog, but on the day that I was in labor with Moroni, I was just getting up the courage I needed to deliver him.  I was in a lot of pain, and my midwife asked if I would like a blessing.  I explained to her that I had already had one.  She looked at me kind of incredulous.  "Well, would you like another one?  I don't see it said anywhere that you can't have another one."  Ryan blessed me, and I was no longer scared.  Yep...I am so grateful for Priesthood power.  I believe in it wholeheartedly.
     Ok...we also have had to take several trips to Cedar so that we can work on our house.  It has been up for sale, and it has needed some work.  We have hired some of the work done, but most of the guys that we hired, had since found full time employment.  We went up on a long weekend, rented a room through Jeff's wonderful employer, and hoped that we could buckle down and get some work done.  The realtor wanted everything painted white, and all of our cabinets redone, along with trim on the exterior painted.  Ryan also needed to replace some flooring because we had some flooding happen when a pipe broke the previous winter.  I was quite pleased with my older kids...we stripped paper, and painted the whole living room on the one day that we were there.  Also, staying with the kids in a hotel is always quite the adventure.  We had checked in pretty late, and I was hoping that the kids would keep it down so that we didn't cause a disturbance.  Yeah, they all insisted on a swimming session, and quiet was far from everybody's behavior.  Yelling, and fighting in that echo-y pool room had me pretty nervous.  To top it all off, I had forgotten my suit and Mo kept jumping in willy nilly.  I saved his little body from death several times, but had gotten all wet in the process.  Needless to say, that staying at the hotel made the whole weekend fun, even though we had gone up there to get some work done.  Thank goodness for Jeff and the discount he can get us on rooms.  In the morning, Ryan and I woke up to a very disgruntled Sags.  She had gotten into the shower right after Rooshkie.  Rooshkie had used up all of the little shampoo and conditioner sample that was left in the shower.  That isn't really a surprise because it is just a sample, and Rooshkie has a ton of hair.  Anyhow, she hollered and yelled, and asked Ryan and I what we were going to do about Jerusha.  I was kinda dumbfounded.  What did she want me to do with her, squeeze any excess products out of her hair?  She was upset that she didn't have any shampoo or conditioner for her hair, but in my book, that isn't even close to a crisis.  I was going to do nothing about it, that was for sure.  Needless to say, Sags was ready to string Rooshkie up.  I knew that her hair would be fine if it wasn't washed that day...no biggie, we were going home that night for crying out loud.  Oh...the teenage drama, people warned me about it for years, and we are totally there.

somehow this was an indication that things were haunted?

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