Saturday, July 9, 2016

     Some of my latest parenting situations have been happening with Rooshkie.  She has been an interesting little gal to say the least, and she is motivated a ton by her friends lately...well, she has been motivated by her social life, to a large degree, for awhile.  She get's embarrassed way too easily, and yet, I don't seem to notice this all the time. 
     I guess the other evening, before I went to go pick her up at the park, she called and told Wazz that I did not need to come and get her, because she was embarrassed by the van that I drive, and she would get a ride with a friend.  I was so intrigued and enlightened by this news, because it brings a lot of insight into her behavior lately.  I didn't notice some of this stuff, until that was brought to my attention.
     To explain the situation of the van, it is kind of a pitiful ride.  When Ryan and I went to purchase it, I was a little embarrassed myself, and I tried to talk him in to a suburban. or a Tahoe...something a little bit cooler.  But, he was way more practical, and I was pregnant with my fifth child at that time, and I had no plans of slowing down, in bringing more children to the planet.  The twelve and fifteen passenger vans were $20,000 less than an SUV, they fit more people, and they had the same wheel base etc.  They didn't have four-wheel drive, but Ryan can usually maneuver wherever we want to go without it.  Anyhow, he was paying for the car, and so being cool kind of went out the window then.  We were literally buying a shuttle bus.  Since that time, the paint has come off of the roof in large sheets, Wams backed into Ryan's utility trailer, and dented it all up, and it has been messy from time to time.  I get way embarrassed when the kids get out of it, and dum papers from shrsh or school blow out in a trail behind them.  But, it has our nice "Bye Bye BLM" sticker, and it has the VO sticker, along with some bow hunting stickers.  I don't care at all what the appearance is, as long as it gets me where I need to go, and it has been a way reliable car in that aspect.  We have replaced a few batteries, and tires, but that thing has been nice because it never requires much maintenance other than that.
     Anyhow, this evening, Rooshkie was again, wanting to go and play night games at the park with her friends.  She made it clear that it was fine if I just dropped her off at the church.  This is when I noticed that once again, she was embarrassed of the van.  I was like "Naw..I wouldn't hear of it, I will pull right in to the park, maybe I will even pull onto the grass."  She squirmed with that idea.  I told her that maybe I would even come back every half hour and spray sunscreen on her for good measure.  I was laughing pretty hard at this point because I could tell that she was mortified at that thought.
    Anyhow, I stayed long enough that her friends could definitely see my cool ride, and then I went to the post office to check our mail.  I was thrilled to see that her new sandals had arrived.  She had been begging for a pair of sandals that I had kind of balked at buying.  They were kinda ugly, even though I am sure that they are some cool, new trend.  I told her that her Dad had a pair just like them that he wore at the prison, and that perhaps he could get her a pair???She did not like that idea, and did not find it funny.  Anyhow, she earned the money, and I ordered the shoes.  Those wonderful little things were right in my mailbox.  I drove right back over to the park, made sure that she got a good look at me and the van with all of her friends, and I began to wave those shoes at her with all kinds of excitement.  I laughed and laughed because I could tell that she was way embarrassed and did not realize what I was doing.  She finally sheepishly came over, grabbed the shoes and walked away with her head hung down.  How am I going to convince her that I am cool?  Really, really cool?  I am as cool as any person can get ha ha!
     We had another issue come up.  Sags has a paper due this week, and her teacher specifically asked her to educate the class on the problems and situation that our family is facing.  Why did we take the stand that we did etc? Well, that was a good idea and all, and Saggers was looking forward to completing the task, but every time that she went to write, she wanted to consult with her Dad, or her Grandpa.  She cannot call either one of them at her convenience, and she would end up crying about our situation.  Ryan called one evening, and I gave up my talk time with him, so that he could instruct her on how to proceed with her assignment.  She got a pocket Constitution and highlighted a bunch of things, and took some good notes.  Well, when she went to sit down at the computer, after taking a short break, her pocket Constitution with the notes from her dad were missing.  She got frantic and went on a search for it.  Well, Dill had taken it, and taken a huge bite out of it.  I seriously did not know what to say.  I mean, you think that your pocket Constitution would be safe from someone eating it when you set it down....not in my household, and I cannot even tell you why.  Dill is fed plenty.
     What finally ended up happening, was we had decided to use some information that she had used for a report a few years ago.  Her Dad and Grandpa had helped her with it, and the information tied in perfectly. 
     Speaking of little Dill, she is really struggling this week.  She hasn't really slept much for two nights in a row, and she is getting hurt non-stop.  She fell off the porch early this morning, banged her head against the wall, and fell off of a toy car during my Presidency meeting.  I felt pretty bad for my little Dill.  She needs some rest, and so does her Mom.
     Rooshkie's latest has come because she is convinced that I am pretty much the only mom anywhere that won't allow their twelve year old to have their own phone.  She has begged and pleaded and whined and moaned.  Ryan and I both feel that she doesn't need one yet.  We told Jamie and Sage they could get phones at 16, and I believe that Jamie was 15, and Sags was 14...not 12.  Anyhow, I came to my room the other morning, and was met up by a nice note on a poster board from Rooshkie...this is what it said:
     My Goals
        Topic: a phone
Why should I have a phone:  In my eyes a phone is not a toy, it is a tool.  Going into 7th grade I will be doing many activities.  It will be difficult to communicate with you and keep you in contact.  I know you don't think I'm ready, but I know I am.  I feel I'm very responsible and take care of my things.  I know there are bad things on the internet and there always will be.  But I do my best to stay away from those things.  I would use my phone to good use by reading/listening to my scriptures every night!  It is harder for me to pull out my Book of Mormon/ Bible and read them.  I feel that by having a phone it would become easier for me.  Also during this hard time I would like to keep in contact with my cousins and loved ones.  I know your worried I will never get off it if you let me have one.  You probably think I'll be glued.  But I promise you, I won't because you know how I had that laptop.  At first I was glued. But after awhile, I let it go.  You are the best mom anyone could ask for.  I know you will always do what's best for me.  PLEASE CONSIDER it is very important to me.  I LOVE YOU!  PLEASE KNOW I AM VERY STRONG TOWARDS THIS.  I THINK I'VE EARNED IT!
                                                                                 Jerusha Bundy
    Still not happening for my Rooshkie girl, unfortunately


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