Wednesday, September 4, 2013

     This week definitely calls for a mid-week post.  It has been a great and interesting couple of days to say the least.  I am grateful that my life is so full of people to love and laugh with.
     Right after I posted on Sunday, Ryan wanted to go and check on one of the families that he home teaches.  The mother of this family is very thoughtful, and has been baking us loaves of bread quite a bit lately.  We grabbed a bucket of honey, took a naked (except for diaper) Mo, and headed down the street.  We had a good visit, and then I realized that it was time for me to meet a couple of friends at the track to go walking.  A few friends of mine, and I try to get together on Sunday evenings and catch up.  Anyhow, Ryan, Mo, and I went over to the track and it was getting dark already.  I realized that we need to adjust our walking schedule because the days are definitely getting shorter.  A cozy thought to me, but a depressing one to Ryan.  He really hates the long winter evenings.  I, on the hand, love them, but that is probably because I don't have to work outside in the winter like he does.  Anyhow, none of my ladies showed up, and so we sat down on the grass to talk. 
     Mo noticed right away that there were a group of six or seven young men playing football.  They were running different passes, and practicing their hand-off's, and perfecting their long aims.  Anyhow, Mo was just dying to get into their game somehow.  He kept urging Ryan and I to go and get involved in their game.  Finally, I just put him down, and told him that if he wanted to play football to go right ahead.  I felt way too sheepish, to jump into the teenager boy game.  I laughed as he toddled over, in his sagging diaper.  He picked up a football, and walked over to one of the young men.  Luckily, these boys worked him right into their game.  They were letting him throw passes (short ones, mind you, but wow...Mo can throw pretty good for a one-year old)  they were cheering him on, and giving him knuckles.  I even heard one of them tell him, that he threw better than Kenny.  Moroni just loved it.  After awhile, I knew they couldn't really get much practice in with the Mo-ster and so I sent Ryan to go fetch him.  This of course, spurred on a great discussion with the youth about the great game of football.  Ryan loved playing football for Virgin Valley.  Anyhow, I will never forget Moroni's first football game in his soggy diaper.  It was great.  Thank goodness those young men were patient with the Mo.
     Monday was labor day.  It was great, because we were still trying to determine whether or not Sags and Rooshkie's steers are going to be ready for the show.  Ryan had some time, thanks to the holiday, to work with the girls.  Anyhow, Leo drug Jerusha and Ryan both across the dirt, and I think Ryan had pretty much given up at that point.  He still decided to clean them both up in the off chance that some miracle occurred.  He got on a horse, and tied the two steers to the horse and led them up to the house because he needed a hose to clean them up.  He brought the steel chute up to contain one while they were being cleaned, and then he tied the other one, to the only stable thing around, the neighbors tree.  I knew that this was probably going to raise a few eyebrows.  Luckily our neighbors aren't really picky about their yard.  This has been great, because my kids have romped around their property a lot.  Anyhow, the steers have gotten big, and powerful, and Diablo is still just mean.  He will let Sage brush him, and pet him, but no one else.  She sprayed him down, but he kept kicking at anyone who walked behind him.  Jerusha's is bad this way too.  In fact, Ryan not only got drug across the dirt, he got kicked really hard by Leo.  It tore through his pants and everything.  Carol suggested that we tie an empty milk jug to their tails.  They usually get sick of banging into the milk jug when they kick, and so they quit after awhile, and hey, it worked.  What I didn't realize at the time, was that Ryan had also turned his horse loose in the neighbors backyard.  I was just starting to say something when my neighbor pulled up.  I can only imagine what he was thinking.  He has a steer tied up to his tree, with a milk jug banging on his tail, and another one being sprayed off.  I guess he jumped pretty high when he looked out his back window and saw the horse too.  Luckily Ryan went and talked to him about that time, and hey, he was cool with the whole thing.  Whew, most people probably would have had a come apart.  Ryan and I agree...we need to get out of the city.  I am sure the Nesmith's will never forget the Bundy's.  We certainly will never forget them.  I am sure they will never experience anyone quite like us.
     On Monday night, we were all sleeping soundly when we got a phone call from Barry.  Mindi was in labor and he wanted to get her checked at the Cedar hospital before they headed down to St. George.  Ryan and I could certainly understand the wisdom in this, as our little Sage was born on the way to the hospital.  Anyhow, Brandon, Kade, and Kyler were with them, and needed somewhere to sleep.  I got up excitedly and began changing sheets on beds.  I got so excited about the arrival of the new baby that I just couldn't sleep.  I was so glad that they had to involve us in the whole process.  Anyhow, I got the boys settled and then I just couldn't sleep.  I had so much nervous and excited energy that I was wishing I could take on Mindi's pains for awhile.  Just for a small while, mind you.  Anyhow, I finally had to put in a hard-core Bob Harper work-out (complete with scary music) just to let off some nervous energy.  At one the boys came wandering in.  Barry had called Brandon, and explained that they did have time to make it to St. George, which is where their Dr. was.  I told the boys to go back to bed.  I had tons of energy and would be happy to drop the car off and run back home for that matter.  Brandon would not hear of it.  You could tell that all three of them were dying to meet their new little sister.
     We were so excited the next morning to hear of her little arrival.  Ryan had work going in St. George, and he wanted to see her too, so it gave us a good excuse to go and see her.  Actually Barry invited us to come, which excited me because hey, there are a lot of us.  Because of the invite, we headed down, right after Jams orthodontist appointment.  She is absolutely perfect.  She carried such an awesome spirit with her too, everyone could just feel it.  We are so blessed to have a new baby in the family.  She is so tiny and beautiful.  I am glad we all got to meet her and hold her.  What a happy day!
     After seeing the baby we determined that we could still make it to the ward pie social.  We grabbed a Costco pie, and the kids and I went to the social.  All was fine and good until it was time to go.  Oak had been playing hide-n-seek with another boy, and no one could find him.  I panicked.  He had been hiding for awhile at this point, and I hadn't realized that they had quit their game because they determined that he had definitely won.  I finally had the whole ward looking for him.  This was an outdoor event, and unfortunately, the boys had set no boundaries for their game.  Luckily after dark he came out.  Wow...he got a lecture about giving up his good hiding place after awhile.  I figure after twenty minutes you can count yourself the winner if no one has found you for sure.  He had hid for a long time.  I was so glad to have him around for scripture study last night.  I have watched way too many true crime shows where people disappear and never return.  All of that definitely came back to haunt me as I searched for him last night.  I thought about how annoyed I had been with him most of the ride home.  Oak really knows how to make some horrible noises.  He makes them really loud too, and usually Ryan is on the phone trying to do business.  It will be quiet and then he will crow like a rooster, or screech a horrible screech that is as loud and ear piercing as possible.  I had gotten after him quite a bit.  I regretted it for sure as we searched for him in the dark.  I definitely decided that this is the year that I will work on being patient.  Our stake leaders are urging us to develop Christ-like attributes, and I chose patience.  Anyhow, I learned that I have a long way to go.  It was good to get my little dude found, and I am grateful that his noises are filling my ears today!

     Anyhow, today Oak is begging him to take him to a circus...any circus so that he can ride an elephant.  Yep, I am glad to have my Oak!

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