Monday, September 16, 2013

     Well, it has been a beautiful and rainy week.  We have been busy with school, social, and shrsh activities.  Ryan worked a ton of hours this week, when things began to dry out.  He has had to make up for lost time with all of the lovely rain.  It has been good to have him home today. 
     Jazzerz has had quite the week.  She has been bringing home a few love notes from a boy in her class.  He says that he loves her, and is sorry that he chased her around the playground.  I love it!  Jazz has also come up with quite a few interesting maladies this week.  She has even attempted to get out of house work using some of them for an excuse.  It didn't work, mind you, but she tried.  I told her to straighten her bedroom one day, and she told me that her back was too itchy.  Whatever Jazz!  She also complained of having stinky hands (this comes from handling the steers) and she was fretting over having bumps on her tongue.  I think Jazz is just fine, but maybe needs to be concerned about others instead of all of her interesting problems.
     Chlo woke up bleary eyed one night and was afraid of a zombie that she had been dreaming about.  She claimed that it was a one-eyed zombie, but she was quite upset.  I tucked her into her bed, but she has been quite obsessed with zombies as of late.  I cannot figure out where this is all coming from.  They are allowed to play the "Plants vs. Zombies" game on Jams I-pod.  Perhaps this is where her ideas are stemming from.  One morning she woke up and told me that she was grateful that all the zombies had stayed out in the yard instead of coming in the house.  She also claims that there are a few living in her closet.  Poor Chlo!  How is she ever supposed to sleep with all of those zombies hanging around like that?
     I took the kids swimming at the SUU pool on fridee.  We still had some free passes left over from swimming lessons.  Anyhow, the SUU pool is just a pool.  The kids have gotten so used to all of the toys and entertainment at the aquatic centers that they are not quite sure what to do with themselves.  I told them to just swim and enjoy it.  But, they kept hounding the staff for different things until I thought I was going to scream.  I am sure, that the life guards were way sick of my kids after being hounded for goggles, life vests, kick boards, and diving sticks and rings.  Oak had borrowed several pairs of goggles and was still not quite satisfied, when I finally put my foot down.  I told him that if he went back over there and asked for a different pair of goggles that I was going to take him home.  He bawled around about needing a larger pair for a few minutes, and then began wondering why I wasn't taking him home.  I shouldn't have mentioned home.  Anyhow, many of my threats for punishment with Oak backfire on me.  He bawled and whined and wanted me to drive him home.  He even told Jazz and a few of the girls to get out because we were leaving.  We had only been there for about 15 minutes at this point.  Anyhow, I finally told him that he did not have to swim, but could wait nicely on the bench with his towel until we were done.  He finally got into the ring diving contest that Jams had started.  The sad part about the ring diving contest was Chlo.  She doggy paddles pretty good, but I still don't completely trust her out of my arms reach.  I put a life vest on her, and she swims all over in it.  But, when it came to diving for rings, she would find one, and then float helplessly above it.  There was no way she could get down there and get it.  I would spot her floating above one, with arms flailing, and go and get it for her.  Nice floating Chlo!
     Jams and Sags went to a Slenderman party on Friday night.  I believe that slenderman is the current generation's Jason Vorhees.  They enjoy getting spooked and that is for sure. It reminded my about all of the good times playing night games with my family.  The scariest one was Jason.  We would wait until dark, and Gary would come and try to find us in our hiding places.  It was scarier than all get out. 
     Today I was way disappointed in my children at shrsh.  They were so good last week, but this week they were awful.  Chlo kept getting up in front and hopping around.  She also gathered all of the hymn books that she could find, and began making a shelter for her shoes with them.  No, Ryan and I were not allowed to sing with one because she needed all of them for the shelter. She took the one out of our hands for her roof.  Oak was assisting in this project and he was trying to sneek more hymn books.  Jamie kept putting her hand over Oak's face, and Jerusha insisted on sitting on the floor.  Jazzerz was also ticking me off by being squirrely.  I played musical chairs with a sleeping Mo trying to keep them all in line.  Not happy with them today.  Another thing that I didn't catch onto until we were sitting in sacrament meeting was the fact that the younger kids had been having a water drinking contest all morning.  Why???  Anyhow, they were needing to take bathroom breaks pretty much the whole time we were at church. 
     We have the primary program next week.  We are going to be seeing a missionary off, and will not be participating and I let the primary presidency know this fact weeks ago.  This has not stopped them from giving my kids parts and singing assignments.  I realize that they will be missing 5 kids out of their primary, but hey, I warned them.  Anyhow, I have not been pushing them to practice their parts etc.  Oak got up to practice his lines yesterday, and simply gave out a loud "BLAH."  Loud, being the key word.  I guess it was so loud that everyone had to cover their ears.  I think Oak needs to be one of those sound effect guys.  We need a positive forum for his noises.  Anyhow, after this nice practice run, they will probably be glad that we aren't going to be there.
     Oak has been enjoying Kindergarten for the most part, but some days he feels that it is just too long.  He has also come up with all sorts of interesting questions.  He wonders if elephants make friends with other elephants, and I think he still has his theories about cheeks being made out of chicken meat.  He is also still insistant that he wants to be a dragon when he grows up....a red dragon.  He likes learning time, but gets frusterated at all of the rules for recess.  For example, he was kind of shocked at the rule about not climbing up the slide.  My boys in particular like to conquer the slide by making the steep climb to the top.  I am not even sure if Mo has realized that sliding down is part of the fun.  Anyhow, it is good for Oak to have some boundaries set.  He has loved being involved in learning his letters, and numbers etc.  He always takes great pride in writing his name at the top of his papers, and I have noticed that he turns the letters into different objects most times.  Nice little Oakers.
     The first picture is of the love notes for Jazz. Oak, Ryan, and Mo had a nice boxing match, and I have included pictures below.  On Sunday we went over and visited with our friends, the Millers, and Chlo fell asleep by her doll, and the other picture is of Moroni partaking of the treats that Grandma and Grandpa H left the kids while we were out swimming.  They enjoyed the pop-kick (popcorn) all over the house.



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