Tuesday, January 28, 2014

     This is a little late because life has been busy as all get out.  I am sure this is just going to get worse as all of the kids get a little bit older.  To top it all off, I am having to face the fact that my little captain Mo is getting too restless to take much of a nap anymore.  I hate to admit this because it means that I am really baby-less.  I also enjoyed the fact that for at least an hour a day, he was immobilized and snoozing safely on my bed.  It is a good feeling, but it is over.  He has been as bad as the dickens to get down at night lately.  He likes to sleep on my neck, which really is uncomfortable.  I also have no bed to put him in, and no room to put another bed.  I have been trying to put him down on the couch at night, but he falls off every night and comes crying into my bed.  Then I have horrible nightmares about being strangled and not getting enough oxygen.  I wake up to him on my neck.  I am glad that his tantrum phase is over.  I am sure that the tossing and turning around on my neck will phase out too.  I might try putting him in with Oak or Chlo tonight.  Hopefully this works out better than the couch.  He also insisted one evening on going to bed with a wash cloth.  Whatever Mo.
     Oak has been getting all kinds of outland-ish ideas lately.  He spent quite a bit of time one day trying to convince me to purchase him a pet tiger.  There was just no reasoning with him on this idea.  I explained to him that the tiger would want to eat him and others.  He didn't care.  He just shrugged it off and said that he would just keep him in a cage and all would be well.  All of my "absolutely no way" replies just went in one ear and out the other.  It was pretty bizarre.
     Chlo had some troubles this week with wanting to look her best.  We had to run Jams to an orthodontist appointment.  Unfortunately we don't get out much and Chlo got kind of excited about the trip.  She got pretty overzealous and came in with something odd roughly smudged around her lips.  I at first got after her for messing with my lipstick, but when I tried to rub it off it wouldn't even smudge.  I asked her where she got the lipstick and she produced a paint pen that Ryan uses to mark steel and wood etc.  She rubbed and rubbed with water and she ended up looking only a little bit like Ronald McDonald.  Poor Chlo has great intentions.
    Because the house is for sale, I have all closets clean etc.  The kids have been enjoying hide-n-seek a lot lately.  Chlo and Oak have been folding themselves up and hanging out on the bottom shelf of the hall closet.  It looks extremely uncomfortable and awkward, but hey...it keeps them busy and safe so whatever.
     Jams had the opportunity to speak in shrsh on Sundee.  She has spoken with the fam several times, but never as the youth speaker.  She kept wanting lots of "help" with her speech, but I wouldn't budge.  I just kept telling her to pray about it, and she would get the direction she needed from the source she needed.  She finally listened to me and she did a great job.  She was even on the verge of tears when we walked in because she had dropped and broken her I-pod on the way out to the car.  There went her whole summer babysitting wages.  I was very happy with the way her speech went.  Mo was a juggle because I had no diaper bag this week and nothing to keep him entertained.  Chlo and Oak were pulling the old "put your heads into mom's side and push."  I hate it when they do this.  It is way uncomfortable and I had them doing it to me on both sides.  Chlo had her hair all fixed up in a cute curly ponytail with a ribbon when we entered shrsh.  By the time primary rolled around she looked kind of like a q-tip.  Not too happy with Chlo on Sundee.
     After shrsh I went in and fell asleep for awhile.  This proved to be a huge mistake.  Ryan and I both fell asleep actually.  Oak came bursting in at one point to inform me that Mo had broken into one of Ryan's cans of varnish.  I groggily asked where he was when he opened it and Oak mentioned that it happened outside.  I just figured it was spread all over the grass and we would have to mow it a few times when spring rolled around...so what?  Well, he jumped on the can of varnish on the back patio.  Not good.  Now we have this huge stain that we don't know quite how to deal with.  Boo to Moroni and his entertainment tactics.  Why would you grab a can to jump on?  That must have sounded like loads of fun, but now its a big mess.
     Mo has also had an interesting way of asking for a drink.  I cannot even spell it.  Lately though he just squeals for "GLACK" when he is thirsty.  He has also been acting like a lion and growling and snarling at the girls non-stop.  They are pretty good about running and acting scared by his aggressive growls.  He looks pretty small and un-intimidating when he is on all fours, but we all act scared out of our wits just for him. 
    I had the opportunity to go to the temple on Saturdee.  It was completely enjoyable.  Ryan spent several days in Bunkerville helping Davey repair and paint his crusher that he is trying to get sold.  I enjoyed my time in the temple, and I know he likes to help his family out whenever he can.  The weekend activities did us both a lot of good.



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