Monday, February 3, 2014

     I love to start a new month.  Bring on February.  It was an interesting week at our house and we had a great weekend with Ryan's family.  We also got some snow which was needed extremely bad.  I am grateful that Heavenly Father answers our prayers.  We had a stake fast for snow and it came almost immediately.  It was needed, even though I loved that we had a great January.  It was nice enough that the kids played outside most of the month.
     Oak and I had a few interesting conversations this week.  He wondered if the requirements to become a giant, included eating people.  I was quite surprised at his question and asked him if he had decided that he wanted to be a giant.  He said that he had no desires to be a giant, but just wondered if that was what it took.  I told him that giants didn't have to eat people.  Giants don't exist anymore.  The Bible talks about giants, but I highly doubt that they got big because they ate others.
     Mo has started a new trend this week.  He likes to get into the bread and eat large or small holes out of the center of the slice.  When I would go to make the girls a sandwich for their packed lunches, there would be Mo-holes in the center of their bread.  I just told him to smile and think of their baby brother when they ate their lunch.  I guess it is all about attitude, but I still don't know what Moroni is thinking.
     Also, I have really struggled with Mo and Chlo this week.  It was so nice when Chlo was smaller, and Oak was the big brother.  He spoiled the heck out of Chlo and took good care of her.  He didn't accept a treat without asking to for her one too.  That was just the type of big brother he was.  He shared his toys, and he and Chlo played well together, thanks to his thoughtfulness. We had peace and contentment in the home until the older kids got home from school. Well, Chlo and Mo just fight over everything all day.  If she has a toy, he wants it.  If he has a toy, she wants it.  Bawling is pretty much all that I hear.  Chlo even went so far as to get up onto Rooshkie's bed with a baby buggy that she had, and he wanted.  She just sat there, unable to play with it so that he couldn't get it.  I mean, what is the point?  She couldn't play with it up there at all, but it kept him bawling and bawling about it.  I really hope that they outgrow this phase and get along.  It is making me slightly insane.  Chlo hasn't always been so mean spirited.  In fact, Chlo is a very affectionate and loving kid.  She is great to help me with tasks around the house, and she always hugs me and tells me she loves me.  She and Mo just don't mesh too well.
     This past weekend we had been invited to Ryan's Grandma's 90th birthday.  She is a cute Grandma.  Anyhow, we headed south on Fridee.  I was glad, because it had been snowing quite a bit and it was raining at the ranch.  Rain at the ranch smells wonderfully fresh.  I love it.  Anyhow we got the kids all cleaned up, and met with all of Ryan's extended family at the Bunkerville Community center.  I had to laugh because there was a certain room that the doors had been taped together.  I recall that the last time we got together, the kids had somehow gotten into that room and dumped glitter everywhere.  I am sure that the glitter dumping was not appreciated.  Anyhow, it was a lot of fun to see everyone.  They had brought Grandma's rocker and everyone brought her silk flowers and she was the queen of the day.  Bailey had also done a video library that was very well done.  It was a great day.  The kids all played well together, and we got to see a lot of people that don't usually come to our family reunions and gatherings.  Wazz got injured, and I am still not clear what exactly happened to her.  She fell off of some cat walk she claimed, but I cannot think of a catwalk in the building.  She got bandaged up and went back to playing with Naomi.  Cute Wazz.
     On Sundee we all got up and got ready for shrsh.  Chlo was eager to go to Oscar's class even though technically she is too old to be in sunbeams anymore.  Oak and a bunch of the boys wanted to build a huge fire, and of course Grandpa B told them to go ahead and do it.  A few of them were apparently caught trying to roast Barbie's over a fire at some point.  Anyhow, Oak was not too eager to get cleaned up for church.  We finally rounded everyone up, but we were late and ended up having to sit in the foyer.  This is never a good thing because the hall brings way too many distractions.  I got so embarrassed at one point I just started laughing.  Ryan just gave me a questioning look.  I explained that I was so embarrassed I almost couldn't handle it anymore.  Chlo kept putting her feet straight up in the air, revealing her blue Dora the Explorer underwear.  Oak put himself between the two doors and was acting like Sassy the calf.  He was head butting the glass louder and louder.  Everyone that came in the doors had to deal with Chlo's abandoned shoes and socks, and Oak/Sassy.  Mo was running to and fro, and Jazz began to entertain herself by trying to annoy Sage.  This is always a dangerous game.  We had a few extras with us too, Gracie, and Whitley.  They of course were behaving very well.  Anyhow, Jazz kept irritating Sags.  Sags asked her over and over to stop.  She was polite at first and then got madder and madder.  Finally Jazz got yelled at and pinched pretty hard.  I cannot say this was justified, but she was asked to stop repeatedly.  This whole fiasco, got Jazz bawling really hard.  I just started laughing because what else can ya do?  I had tried to reason with Chlo about her legs, only to see them in the air again.  I had rastled with Mo until I just had enough of it, and Oak did stop playing between the doors only to run the halls with his cousin Braxton.  Braxton is three by the way.  Great example Oak! Sometimes the kids win.  They won.
     We went back to the ranch, and Grandpa Bundy made us some savory sourdough biscuits to top off the day.  They were great.  We packed everyone up and headed home with a lot of scuffles and fighting coming from the back.  Chlo actually caused a whole lot of trouble.  She was pulling Rooshkie's hair, and knocking Oak in the head.  Ryan had to threaten her and she finally did stop. 
 Chlo, on top of Rooshkie's bed with her buggy
 Mo's bread holes....a new business idea?
 Sags feeding Sassy with Mo and cute Emrie
 Gracie and Mo
 Gracie, Justus, and Wams
 Maysa, Chlo, Grandpa and Aunt Leen
 The kids all came and gave Grandma silk flowers
 Most of the Cliven Bundy family...Chlo had managed to disappear
 Grandma and Grandpa with most of the Grandkids...again no Chlo
 Carol and daughters and daughters-in-law
 Grandma and her family
Cute Grandma 2-4-2

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