Saturday, April 25, 2015

     I am so in love with the spring down here.  I never dreamed that spring could come so early, and be so nice!  Today has been hot and windy.  The wind is pretty rare around here, and yet it is such a nice warm day too.  Cedar is windy most of the time, but the wind is usually cold and it makes a lot of these spring days kinda dumpy.  I am loving the weather, and the crickets at night.  Yep, summer is in the air.
     We are having a busy week, this week with kids going every different direction.  I am down to six kids this week, and it seriously feels like an empty house.  My biggest problems stem from Mo and Chlo and their water wasting pastimes....hello children....welcome to the desert.  Every time I turn around there is a hose running in a spot that never needed water in the first place.  Usually a sidewalk.  Seriously about to drive me crazy and I don't even want to see the water bill.
     Jams went to state FFA convention.  I actually bought her a phone for the occasion.  I really couldn't stand the thought of not being able to communicate with her for almost a week.  Not that she has called at all.  She has texted though, so that's good.  Sags went with Ryan to Cedar.  He had a weeks worth of work, and she attended school which is good.  I just miss everyone.  It will be good to get everyone back on the weekend.
     Ryan has been trying to take Mo more and more with him these days.  Mo resists a little because to go with Dad means harder work.  He went with his dad the other day, and Ryan called midday to see if I could bring all of the kids out after school to help him store melon seeds.  We had saved a bunch of seeds out of the melons and put them in a dryer.  Anyhow, when the kids arrived, we went out there to help.  The first thing I see is my little Mo boy.  He was so excited to see me too.  He climbed right into the van first thing, and seriously, the smell of the boy about knocked me out.  It was the smell of death,and it was terrible.  He literally smelled like a rotting carcass.  I held him out at arms length and began to question him about his activities.  He claimed that he had been playing with Wishbone.  Wishbone is Ashelyn's dog.  Anyhow...Wishbone and Spur had the same awful smell.  I quickly removed Mo's clothes, put him in the bath ( I had to talk Carol and Cliven into letting him get in their was cold or I would have just taken the garden hose to him) I also removed his clothes and threw them into a washing machine that is set up outside of the travel trailers.  I was seriously nervous that it was going to be like a scent removal program like a skunk.  He reeked for miles.  Anyhow, thankfully, some nicely scented soap did the trick.  I guess the dogs had found a dead cow carcass to roll around in for awhile.  The scent was transferred to the Mo, when he went to pet them, and play with them.  I will never forget how bad that car reeked for awhile.
     Bailey and Josh purchased their first home.  It is a nice little spot in Bunkerville.  I can honestly say that I have been next to no help to them in their moving process.  I did, however keep Braxton and Jaylee a few times as she moved stuff in, and painted etc.  Chloee and Braxton are great little pals, and they always entertain each other really well.  That same week, I had bought a large package of prepackaged cookies and crackers that come in handy as I am required to pack up to six lunches a day.  Well, for whatever reason, Chlo and Braxton thought that it would make for good times to take a baseball bat to my cookies and crackers.  My confusion was apparent one morning as I sat and studied the contents of yet another package of crackers that was pulverized to crumbs.  Rooshkie informed me then of Chloee's and Braxton's game with the baseball bat.  They thought it was great fun.  Why, did I not catch on to this?  Why didn't Rooshkie stop them, and what am I supposed to do with a whole bunch of unsavory cookie and cracker crumbs?  Thanks a heap Chlo!  I hope you made some good memories!
     With the start up of spring, I have had the kids out weeding all of the gardens and planter boxes that the Mikkelsen's left to our care.  In one of the planter boxes, Mo found a little chew toy that belonged to Aggie.  It was in the shape of a round life saver....the kind that are on boats.  Anyhow, he was all excited about that find, and he claimed that it was his Father. ??????  After questioning him a bit, I realized that he understood that Ryan was his Dad, but I honestly don't think that he even knew what a father was.  We were all a little confused, and we laughed quite a bit about it until he threw his father and nailed Jazz in the head with it.  I explained that it wasn't ok to chuck fathers at all.  Poor Jazz....she was just trying to help me weed the garden.
     We ended up planting a small patch of melons last weekend.  It was quite enjoyable riding on the tractor with Ryan.  There is a big, mean bull, in a pen that separates the corral area, and the field that we happened to be planting.  I was a nervous Nellie.  We usually waltz through that pen with ease when we need to enter that particular field.  But, that bull came after Ryan as we crossed through, to go plant.  Of course when Mom and Dad are missing, the kids always want to come and find us, or join us.  I about had a coronary when we saw Jazz enter that pen with my baby and Chlo.  Luckily the bull left them alone, but when Mo came down, I made him stay, and wait for me to take the long way around to pick him up.  I wasn't about to let anyone else enter that pen.  Anyhow, he came and joined Ryan and I on the melon planter.  He complained about it being my fault that he had been rattled a little bit.  He claimed that his bones had been bumped, and that I was the one who had bumped his bones.
     I was able to help a friend out this morning by keeping her daughter for her.  She is really cute, and her name is Hazel.  She is Chlo's age, and they had a great time together.  They wanted little Salem with them at all times, but they weren't as wild about Mo.  Mo didn't seem to care, but tagged along anyway, and called her Easel the whole time.  Chlo and Hazel, reluctantly let Mo play with them.  He put up train tracks around their nice game of barbies.  He also explained to me later that my head, along with Chloee's had been bit off by Zombies.  I found this kinda curious because my head was still intact as far as I could tell.  I had a hairdresser butch my hair yesterday, much to my dismay, but my head is still functional.  I am glad that Mo has an imagination, that is for sure.
     The bees have been out pollinating the orange tree this week.  Mo and Chlo have both been stung.  Their stings have been painful initially, but they have both had a delayed reaction, and gotten really swollen the next day.  Chlo's sting just happened to be on her foot, and she seriously hopped everywhere yesterday.  It looks way better today.  Poor little Chlo bird.

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