Saturday, April 25, 2015

     It is now March, and I am loving the wonderful spring in the desert.  Wow...we are planting gardens, and enjoying cookouts.  I love it.  It feels like June.  I kind of missed the snow and cold around Christmas time, but I don't miss it at all these days.
     We had a nice and busy weekend the weekend before last.  Our niece Callie was married in the St. George temple and it was great to be able to be in the temple with the family.  Callie looked beautiful, and the spirit was awesome.  We also went to her reception with the kids, and it was a typical Bundy reception, with a deejay and a dance.  What got me that evening was Jerusha and some of her phone shenanigans.  She had picked out her clothing, and had decided on some blue jeans with a casual shirt.  I was just not going for it.  I don't think anyone cared a whole lot because of the dance etc.  Usually people are a little casual for that, but I decided we should try to dress up and look nice in shrsh attire.  She didn't agree or like what I had to say.  I had already decided that I wasn't really up for a huge fight with her.  I just felt like we should try to look our best because the temple had been so elegant.  Anyhow, she got on my phone and began texting several people around the valley about what she should wear.  Of course, she didn't explain who she was, or anything of the sort.  So, people (including the father of the bride) get these texts from me, wondering what I should wear.  I was pretty mortified to say the least.  Especially my brother in law Duane.  He had a million things going on that day...his daughter getting married was huge, and here I am not knowing what to wear.  He was probably thinking I was a huge idiot and why would he be familiar with my wardrobe choices.  I seriously decided that Rooshkie was never going to be allowed to touch my phone again.  She kept arguing that she should be given a phone of her own, so that she didn't embarrass me on mine I think not,  I thought the whole thing proved that she definitely should not have a device anytime in the near future.
     Last week, I also had a dental appointment with Jazzerz on down.  I always struggle with dentist days because Oak and Mo are like two little bulls in a china shop.  This visit proved to be no different.  Our dentist was the same guy that Ryan had growing up.  He is older, and I hate to think of him retiring, but I am sure it will probably happen soon.  I go to him, because all of our dental is paid out of pocket, and I don't believe he has ever raised his prices.  His prices are fair, and he is great with my kids.  Anyhow, he has a tv/vcr set up in his lobby, and when we have appointments, they usually clear their schedule of all other appointments.  So, the two boys will go in, and fight over the two videos that are in the cabinet under their tv/vcr.  There is one video that teaches songs about the abc's that is complete with cheeseball lyrics and cartoons.  Mo absolutely loves it.  Oak, however, prefers the video about animals and primates.  They sing a song about primates, and this doesn't excite Mo in the least.  During this semi-annual argument, there is a lot of screeching, banging of the cabinet doors, and bawling.  In the meantime, Salem hates being cooped up and bawls too.  Chlo does pretty good, but hates the sensation of being numb.  This last time, he went in and numbed her mouth, and she fell fast asleep in the chair.  No drugs other than the local numbing shot but Chlo somehow slept through most of the work he had to do.  I, in the meantime, had to take Oak and Mo to an outside location, because the fight over the vcr became too unbearable.  Poor Chlo came out of her sleep, with a numb mouth, and no mom....poor little Chlo.  I am always glad when everyone's teeth are fixed, and we can forget about the dentist for another six months.
     Mo was quite naughty in shrsh last week...even my older girls were not being reverent.  I feel like it is payback time for all of the times my brothers and I laughed during shrsh.  Anyhow, Mo wrestled and wallered all over my lap and flip flopped around until I kind of wanted to scream.  His feet were constantly in my face.  Finally Jams offered to take him out, which Jams was being naughty enough she needed to go out too.  The next thing I know, Mo is doing laps and laughing loudly around the center aisle of benches.  This was during some great speeches about prayer.  Needless to say, I had to be way sneaky and cut him off during one of his laps.  Incredibly embarrassing to say the least.  Wams, in the meantime was trying to catch up with him in the hall, and couldn't find him.  Well, I got news for ya' you totally dropped the ball, and he's running around and around in Sacrament mtg.
     I sat down next to Mo, and tried to have a nice discussion with him.  I asked him about the Book of Mormon hero Moroni, and the reasons why we chose to name our little guy after him.  I told him that Captain Moroni was a very good man, and that he should try to be good too.  He talked a moment about Capn Awoni too, and agreed that he should quit running around in Sacrament Meeting.  He walked back in to the meeting with his head held high, and a determination not to run around.  However, the wrestling match on my lap resumed, and it lasted until the closing prayer was said. 
     Here is the deal with my little Mo boy....he takes his mischief to the extreme.  For years now, I have dealt with kids, and the little things they pull.  I have had to deal with them knocking over piles of clean clothes as they bounce on the couch.  This has always angered me to some degree, especially when the clothes are neatly folded in piles.  Mo is usually not satisfied until all of the clothes are in an untidy heap on the floor.  I have also dealt with kids bouncing on my made bed.  This also irritates me to a small degree, because I like my bed made.  Then, the kids get on there and rumple the covers and pillows with their bouncing and shenanigans.  I probably should have lightened up because now I have Mo.  He isn't simply satisfied with untidying the bed.  He has to make sure all of the covers, and sheets are stripped off of the bed, along with all of the pillows in an unsightly heap on the floor.  He will also overturn the chair that sits in there just for good measure.  Seriously boils my blood.    But, then he gives me a kiss, and tells me how much he loves me.  I cannot be too serious about a punishment, and this isn't good.  The other day, when he messed my laundry...again...I finally put him in his room and shut the door.  I told him that as soon as the laundry was folded and put away, I would let him out.  (Seriously couldn't see an alternative at the time)  He was way upset to say the least.  He has always despised being restrained in any way shape or form (hmmm reminds me of a certain Dad of his).  When I went to let him out I asked him why he hated me so bad.  He was shocked at this suggestion..."Mom!"  he gasped.  "I not hate you!!!"  I laughed and laughed at his shocked demeanor.  He told his Dad the other day that I was his favorite.  Another reason I have a hard time being really hard on him.  He needs it though.  Ryan and I agree that he needs to start working with his dad more.  He is actually quite thoughtful of Chlo and Salem too.  I don't want to just remember the bad, but he does take his naughtiness to extremes. He also asked me the other day why my neck had a head on it...just some points to ponder.
     I don't know if I have ever shared my feelings about balloons on here.  Maybe I have, but I just want to reiterate that I hate them.  HATE THEM.  Jazzerz went to a birthday party last weekend and received one of those huge balloons that has a elastic on the end.  I have hated it almost every moment.  It has caused bawling, and strife, and fights nonstop.  Mo and Chlo have broke into Jazzerz room repeatedly and stole the balloon only to fight over it non-stop all day.  I hated it.  I just could not wait for the moment that it would pop.  I knew it was going happen, and I knew there was going to be a whole slew of bawling when it popped.  Jazz was going to bawl because it was her balloon, and Oak and Chlo were going to bawl for sure too.  I was quite relieved when it popped and it was over.  Let all of the bawling begin, so that it can end, and we can move on with a peaceful life without the balloon.
     Anyhow, another blessed week to remember.

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