Monday, May 20, 2013

     It has been a great week and weekend!  Time flies faster and faster the older I get.  Anyhow, last week was insanely busy.  Jamie still needed some work done on her braces, and so I shuttled her to and from the orthodontist. Mo was naughty of course in the waiting room.
      Jams and Sags also had a concert and it was just excellent.  I have been so happy that they have gotten so good on their instruments.  All of the screechy and squeaky practice those first few years were totally worth it now.  I love watching them.  For this concert, I got to watch Jams, but not Sags because Moroni started screeching loudly.  I do not know what he was trying to prove, but he got very loud with his squeals.  I would step out, and then step in, and SCREECH!  It was not good.  They sounded very good through the door though.  I was so proud of them.  Jams looks swift and cool working her bow.  I am so grateful for Mrs. Hughes and Mrs. Doyle.  They have spent many an hour with my children and their instruments and it shows. 

    These pictures were snapped after the concert.  They actually played with Parowan High School's band and orchestra.  It sounded awesome, especially the Indiana Jones song.
    We ended up going to Nevada for the weekend because Ryan had a childhood friend pass away.  It came as quite a shock to him.  Anyhow, this meant that the kids had a great time living in Grandpa's ditch for the weekend.  They had a great time.  They caught frogs until all hours of the night too.  I think 25 was their final count.  I am so grateful for the ranch.  It is an awesome place.  We watched an awesome lightning storm on friday night and some of the bulls were making a lot of noise about it.  I love going to sleep listening to the sound of the frogs this time of year.  We could hear the water rushing in the ditch, and the frogs.  How fresh and tranquil is that!?  I love it, love it, love it!  They also have a dogie calf down there who is always eager for the girls to bottle feed him, and Oak gets to haul buckets of grain to the cows.  My kids are so blessed to have those experiences.  They are so lucky.
     Arden was awesome and took all of the kids swimming while Ryan and I attended the funeral.  I know from personal experience that this is no easy task.  Jams told me that Oak kept bawling too.  How patient is Arden!  He also took Oak fishing.  Much fun was had by all, and Ryan cooked their trout for them. 
     The one downer to the weekend was the fact that Oscar was not there for Chlo in church.  I feel kinda bad, because I am not aware of Oscar's last name, but he is Chlo's sunbeam teacher in the Bunkerville ward.  She loves Oscar and was eager to go to his class.  What a disappointment that he happened to be out of town for the weekend.  Poor little Chlo!  She looked and looked for Oscar!





     Bailey also brought down little Jaylee for us to see and she is awesome.  She seems really easy going, and she is a beautiful baby.  The picture above shows grandma holding her.  She was great fun.
     We also went to visit Grandma Grapes.  Most of the Bundy's refer to her as "Grandma Great."  My kids somehow mixed it up by calling her Grandma Grapes, and in their defense, she does have grapes.  Anyhow, I love her, but she has a million trinkets and it was quite maddening to keep Mo boy out of her stuff.  He also kept throwing blocks at Chlo's face, and so a bulk of our time was spent outside.  He really wanted to hang out with grandma's sheep, but I was afraid they were going to jump on him.  He had a great time shuttling around her yard.  We would take him in, he would chuck a block and out we would go.  I enjoyed the visit though.  We are grateful to grandma grapes.

     Today was Miss Sager's birthday.  She decided she wanted some cash, and so we cancelled her party and spoiled her as a family instead.  She seemed to enjoy her day and the cheesecake birthday cake. 

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