Thursday, May 2, 2013

     Well, we were loving the spring weather, only to have a cold spell and be stuck in the house for a few days.  Moroni just about cannot take it.  We actually filled the water trough on Monday and the kids have happily been splashing about in it all week, even on these cold days.  Chlo got a new swimming suit for the season and she wore it for a few days.  Yep, she even slept in it.  It is her favorite color, purple you see, and this excites little Chlo.  She came out yesterday in a swimming suit and it was put on backwards.  Every one of my little girls have done this at some point, and I find it hilarious.

     She also came in with some rocks and were smashing her cheeks with them.  I am afraid that Chlo will always be a mystery.  Speaking of rocks, she seems to be bringing them in the house in droves lately.  I find them in the beds, on her dresser, in the car, in her clothes.  I am glad she can amuse herself with rocks. 
     Oak went with Ryan again today, and once again, I am glad that Ryan is teaching him how to work.  Oak always comes home exhausted, and happy, and feeling very worthwhile.  I am so grateful for his Dad.  Ryan claims that he really is a lot of help too.  It will be good to send little Moroni, being that he has tons of energy.  I get way too much work out of him during the day.  He empties the trash onto the floor, empties the dishes onto the floor, empties the clean laundry all over the house.  Let's put that energy to some good use!  Mo must have been instructed in heaven to work hard, and he took it to heart.  He just doesn't quite know how yet.  Cute little Mo.
     Jerusha has been busying herself lately with some fine recipes.  She has all sorts of opinions on how to fix food and has been putting her ideas in writing.  She and Jazz have also been offering their foot rubbing services around the place and the smell of vicks always hangs heavily in the air.  I cannot figure out why vicks has to be a part of their foot massages.  FHE this week was supposed to be on missionary work, but the vicks came out and everyone just ended up with a foot massage from Rooshkie instead.  She is quite the gal.

     We got a bunch of citrus from Gary this week and it has been great.  Rooshkie has been juicing them and giving everyone samples.  She has also been practicing all of her dance moves for the Alice in Wonderland play.  She spins and twirls again and again.  Sags did get the part of Alice after all, by the way.  I am very excited for her and I don't think I have mentioned it on here yet.  She will do a good job.  Jamie is officially the two of spades.  I told her that she will be the cutest two of spades ever!  She and Ryan have been shopping around for braces and she is getting more and more excited to get them on.  We have also been shopping around for some show steers. I guess the girls are getting antsy for some chores to do.  All in all a great week so far!


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