Tuesday, January 20, 2015

     Well, welcome 2015!  It has been an insanely busy December, and I am always a little bit glad when the new year begins, and all of the partying ends.  I love seeing family, and enjoying the holidays, but I always like to get back into a routine too.  We had a great December, but it just flew by too fast.
     We had a great Christmas.  We were able to go to Hatch on Christmas eve and enjoy associating with my family for a brief visit.  Barry and Mindi hosted the Christmas eve party, and we had a great time.  My mom had brought all of the nativity costumes, and she drew all of the different parts out of a hat.  Jerusha was Mary, Jamie was a wiseman, Oak was a shepherd, Mo was a reluctant wiseman, Sage and Chlo were angels, Madelyn was the star, Kyler was Joseph, Kaden was a donkey, and Jazz was a cow.  Of course little Salem was our baby Jesus.  Mo and Oak refused to wear their hats...Mo removed his crown, and Oak removed his shepherds hat.  It was a whole lotta chaos as the beautiful story was being read.  My mom had also wrapped all of the kids their Christmas eve gifts.  She had the oldest begin by unwrapping their gifts first.  Of course, all of this was done deliberately slowly, as Mo and Chlo were dying with anticipation.  Finally, I just threw her rule out the window, and told all of the little ones to open their gifts too.  She had wrapped Mo up a pair of pj's with Olaf the snowman on them.  She also had bought him a stuffed Olaf.  He was so thrilled about his pajamas, he about couldn't stand it.  It was fun.  Chlo's pajamas had included two pairs, one for summer, and one for winter.  She happily put both pairs on at the same time.
     Christmas morning came way early for me.  I still had not finished wrapping gifts.  I got up at 3am to finish.  Salem wanted to be up too, and so she happily watched me wrap the remaining gifts.  By the time I finished, my older ones were awake.  We finally woke up the babies...which seemed to me a little backwards.  Anyhow, Mo received a pickup truck that he was really excited about.  He was also given a race track and cars that some anonymous person in our ward gave us.  He got so excited about this race track, that he was shaking with excitement as my mom put it together.  In the meantime, the snow had begun to fall in the night.  It was a classic, wonderful, snowy Christmas.  We were lazy, and enjoyed not having a schedule or commitments.
     The next day Doug and Larissa came over with Lyvia and Tommy.  Lyvia is hilarious.  My mom went in her room to take a picture of all of the kids as they played together.  Lyvia instructed my mom to go and draw a picture of what they were doing too.  My mom kind of ignored those instructions until Lyvia came out and wanted to see her work.  Lyvia promptly went up the stairs and got my mom a blank sheet of paper so that she could complete the assignment.  Mom finally gave up and drew something, which seemed to satisfy little Lyvia.  She is a funny kid. 
     Our car ride home was typical hell.  Heck, I should say.  Anyhow, traveling with the kids has become torture to a large degree.  They are constantly fighting over who gets to ride where, someone is always carsick, and someone is always in tears...seriously always.  Bawling always.  Anyhow, I get to where I just try to retreat inside myself.  I try to ignore it all.  I usually cannot do it for a few hours though.  Then the kids wonder why we don't take them on exotic adventures around the world....I have a hard time going from our home in Bunkerville to the ranch.  A whole six miles.  Sage is the worst at wondering why we don't take them to Orlando, or Disneyland.  Ummm Hello...I would like to remain sane if at possible during my duration on the earth.  Sage's latest demands include some Harry Potter theme park in Florida....I hate to say it Sager, but it just isn't gonna happen in this lifetime.  Not without a bunch of strait jackets anyway.
     The new year celebration was quiet.  Sage had invited a bunch of friends from Cedar down, but I knew they wouldn't be able to come.  She had also invited one of our favorite families from down here over, but they got sick and were unable to come.  Jerusha had a few friends over until 10:30, and Jamie had gone to St George to the youth dance.  Salem and I fell asleep at like 8:30 or so.  Sage came up and informed me that Oak laughed so hard he puked, and that I had to come and clean it up.  This was probably at 10 or so.  This was as wild as it got.  I am not, nor have I ever been a stay up all night kind of gal.  I have stayed up a lot with kids over the years, but I am a morning person, who is happy to get up early after a decent amount of sleep.  Sorry Sager...I am not a partier either.  Maybe someday you can party in Harry Potterville with your in-laws.
     Mo has a new obsession called "Peppa Pig"  I am not entirely sure about his new favorite cartoon.  The episodes are on youtube, and he begs to watch them all day every day.  I still hold to my guns about not watching tv during daylight hours, but that doesn't stop Mo from begging and begging.  It involves some odd shaped pig that talks out of the side of his mouth in an English accent.  I cannot see why it appeals to Mo so much, but it does.  He adores his time watching Peppa Pig.  I must admit that Peppa Pig time is about the only time I can count on him not jumping all over me, so I like Peppa Pig too.  He is begging me for Peppa Pig now in fact.    

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