Saturday, July 20, 2013

     Wow, I am so grateful for my awesome man tonight.  It has been a very difficult week, and he took all of the kids with him to take care of the animals this evening.  Yep, ALL of them.  He took all of them this morning to run some errands too, and it was nice.  I am grateful that he can tell when the week has been hard.  He has had a busy week too, and yet he takes the time to take care of me.  I am a blessed woman.
     The week was hard because my little Mo Man got sick.  I think he was just have issues cutting teeth because no one else came down with the symptoms that he had.  He woke up from his nap on Tuesday and he was burning up.  I had to cancel Achievement Days, and Visiting Teaching because he was just completely miserable.  He rode on my hip until yesterday, when he slowly started feeling better.  I was up most nights with him, and during the day he was just sad, sad, sad.  I am so glad he is feeling better.
     For our mid-week activity we decided to take a hike on a bike trail up to the waterfall. It is just at the start of Cedar Canyon.  I was going to cancel it too, but the girls reasoned that Mo had been in his stroller tons anyway.  They are right too, the only thing that seemed to calm Mo-ster down was going around and around the block.  We seriously strolled around and around and around.  So, I gave in, and we went hiking.  I wish that I could say that it was just a great idea, but it wasn't.  When I get out of the house, I am much more aware of how I just can't seem to get it together.  Chlo couldn't find her shoes as we were leaving the house, and so I grabbed an old pair of Oak's thinking that they would probably work.  They should have been fine, but I had forgotten to grab socks.  Chlo was jus unaccustomed to them and bawled and bawled when Jamie put them on her feet.  The path is a really nice, paved surface, and Chlo is not used to wearing shoes at all anyway, so I told her she could remove them.  She did, and I hid them in some tall grass.  This didn't seem to make her happy either.  She just wouldn't stop crying.  On top of it all, the Mo just didn't feel good and he was fussy too.  I ended up carrying Mo, and pushing a sobbing Chlo. We also met up with a stink-bug.  I told the kids to leave it alone, and they did, but this kicked off a new round of crying from Chlo, because she claimed that the stink-bug was giving her a headache. I finally got mean with Chlo, and she straightened up.  When we reached the waterfall, the kids immediately got in.  I just sat back and held my sick baby, and watched as Jamie and Sage lifted the kids up and down the different levels of the is probably more of a spillway.  Anyhow, I always amazed at how my older girls take over when they are needed.  They are great gals.  The kids had a great time swimming.  Even Chloee was beaming when we left.  I guess it was worth all the trouble.
     On Thursday I was appalled at Rooshki, Jazz, Oak, and Chloee's room and I demanded that they clean it.  They drug their heels on this project for hours and hours.  I went in to find Jazzerz with a ninja mask on.  I am still unsure of how this was helping them clean up their room, but it did.  It wasn't until the ninja mask was on that it finally got done. 
     And speaking of Jazzerz, she has been giving me the frowns for the last few days.  Just for the record, Jazz is a great gal.  She is so easy going and low maintenance.  What a refreshing child! Anyhow, I guess she needs to be a little bit of trouble every now and then.  Anyhow, yesterday I was sitting at the computer when all of the younger kids came in.  Rooshkie, Jazz, Oak, and Chlo.  A huge tidal wave of Citronella stench washed over me as they entered.  I finally asked why they reeked of bug spray.  Jerusha explained that they were just gearing up to go feed the steers.  Now, this was early afternoon, and we don't need to feed the steers until 6 or 7pm.  Another mind boggling problem, is that I have yet to see a mosquito down there at all.  Yes, there are flies, but just houseflies.  After about 30 minutes of swimming in a citronella ocean, I finally ordered them outside.  My head was just pounding.  They had doused themselves good.  They finally took turns in the bath.  I am still unclear what that was all about. 
     I guess that last issue, wasn't Jazzerz fault alone, but tonight she was supposed to be watching Moroni while I cooked dinner.  He came in drenched, and alone.  He had been watering the tree, and himself apparently while Jazz swam in the water trough.  I then instructed Jazz to go and clean her bedroom.  Instead she got in a warm bath and returned to the kitchen wearing a gown that looked just like Ronald Weasley's dress robes.  She then proceeded to steal Mo's taters that I had given him.  Mo, got bored with his tater's, climbed on the table and started bouncing.  He then threw his chewed up steak in my potaters.  Boo to Mo too.
     Chlo's clothing choices have been interesting at best this week.  She couldn't find her swimming suit today, and just borrowed a pair of Oak's swimming trunks.  She also wore nothing but her underwear and a purple mitten on Thursday.  See what I mean?  I just cannot get it together.  Hopefully they will all turn out semi-normal in the end. 

     In closing I would just like to mention that we have had a great and productive day.  We have cleaned the house from top to bottom, and Chlo, scrubbed both bathtubs today.  Nice Chlo!  This made her happy.  Yep, when we're helping we're happy!


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