Monday, July 8, 2013

     The Bundy Reunion is where it's at, and that is all that I can say.  It was the best time ever!  I am so grateful that my husband's family is organized and that they insist on having the reunion every year.  I kind of feel like a child after Christmas morning because we gear up for it so long, and then it is so sad when it is over.  Maybe I am just easily thrilled, but I love getting up Friday morning out at Mt. Trumbull, to hear the Orvel Bundy family throwing roping dummies around, and then Steve Gifford gets his music playing and yes!  Let the reunion begin!  Mo immediately started bouncing to the beat.  Jams, Rooshkie, and Ryan joined the roping contest, but need to practice because they didn't win.  In fact Jams came and asked me what team roping meant.  I mentioned that it involved two people.  One ropes the first guy in the neck and the other guy ropes his partner in the heels.  Apparently that isn't entirely accurate.  I watched Ryan and Clance.  One guy ropes the steer around the horns, and the other guy stands behind and ropes his partner in the heels when he jumps.
     We also enjoyed the bb gun shoot, and Jams did quite exceptional at the skeet shoot.  Her gun wasn't working quite right, and yet she was hitting the clays pretty good.  Go WAMS!  The talent show was a lot of fun this year, and there were some really good songs including Ryan's.
      I went up to get all of my girls ready for the dance.  Ryan rigged me up an exceptional shower this year.  He strung tarp around 4 cedar posts, and hooked me up a real hot water heater that ran on propane.  It was so refreshing...he also brought a deep water trough to bathe in.  Anyhow, I was busy getting all of the girls ready, when Oak came strolling up.  I asked him if he was going to get cleaned up for the dance.  "Nah," he said.  "Bo Bo and I are just going to go and jump in the dumpster tonight."  I took that all in and said, " Um, What?"
     "Bo Bo and I are just going to go jump in the dumpster tonight, so I am not going to go to the dance."  I just nodded and kept curling Jamie's hair.  Later I went and asked him about it again.  He was very insistent upon his plans, jumping in the dumpster, was all he wanted to do.  I was unsure about how to talk him out of it.  According, to Angie Houston, who happens to be Bo Bo's mom, they had already been caught in there once.  Anyhow, Cliven suggested that I explain to him that he could do it, but that no one was going to be there to help him get out.  He would probably have to sleep in it.  We walked down there, and he decided against it at the last minute.  Thank goodness! He decided to go to bed instead.  I. on the other hand, had a great time dancing the night away with my kids and my family.  I was really happy to see old and young alike dancing the Macarena, the Cupid Shuffle and others.  Where else but at the Bundy reunion?  Steve Gifford rules for deejaying all of the events.
     The next day the kids did pretty good at the races.  Jamie got first in her race, and in the potater sack race, Jerusha placed second too.  Sadly, Mo slept through his race. 
      Anyhow,  my favorite are the church meetings out there.  I am always intrigued with the lives that the Bundy's led so far from civilization, in a harsh desert, and without water.  They got really creative at catching rainwater, and they could wash their dishes, and clean their kitchens with one cup of water.  I absolutely love the stories.  They talked about Pat this year, and it sounds like his life was horrible.  He had a son that died out there of pneumonia at eight, and his life just went downhill from there.  There is always tons to be learned, and said about the Bundy's and their struggles out on the strip.  I love being out there, getting hot, getting tired, and extremely dirty, and it makes me appreciate what made the Bundy's who they are.  They are a strong bunch, and I love them wholeheartedly. 
     All of the kids kind of dink around during Shrsh out there.  Oak and a bunch of his cousins had formed some kind of a secret club in the trees and were climbing and warring with each other.  Chlo and her cousin Rebecca kicked it up all over camp...literally.  I don't think I have ever seen so much dirt in anyone's hair, ever.  Chlo was a dirt ball.  Brinklee had caught a bee for a pet and had successfully removed its stinger to make it more of a friendly pet.  I am unsure of how she accomplished this, but it had somehow survived the removal and was plupped in a cup with some juice in the bottom.  She claimed that it was the juice from the bees heart....nice.
     Everyone had been praying and fasting for rain and on the way home we had to cross literal rivers that were running through the dry warsh (wash) beds.  It was a lovely and late ride home. 

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