Saturday, May 21, 2016

     The Christmas season is flying by, and that makes me kinda sad.  I love Christmas, I love the lights, and the music, and all of the wonderful sweet smells and tastes.  It really goes by too fast in my world these days.  It also brings all kinds of activities that are tied with shrsh and school, and it just keeps us busy.
     To top it all off, Grandma Bundy is in some of her final days and moments.  The doctor told us 3-4 days about five days ago.  This has brought a profound sadness upon everyone.  We will all be happy for Grandma.  Her husband and her family have all gone before her, but we will miss her tons.  We have gone every evening since the doctor gave us the bad news to love on her and give her a kiss and a hug good night...just in case it is our last chance to do so.  She has been loved, and she will be missed.  I know she was a large part of my husband's childhood, and she has been a huge part of my married life.  I have loved her, and we will all miss her.  In a way she has been the ultimate example.  She never had it easy, and yet, she always made the best of her situation no matter what.  It is not going to be easy.
     Mo has been kind of a handful.  He got in big trouble today because he threw a block at my little Dill and hit her in the head...not ok.  He also has been having accidents, making messes, and just in general making me angry...until he comes over, and grabs my cheeks in his hands and gives me a big kiss...he will then tell me how much he loves am I supposed to discipline that kid?  In shrsh over the past few weeks, he has been awful.  Last week, he kept whispering loudly that he really needed me to sing some pirate songs.  We were on the second row, and I was feeling quite sheepish that he kept calling me out to do this...really? Pirate songs?  This week, we were back in the gym area, and he kept running and sliding, and running and sliding.  Sags finally grabbed him and made him a special name tag.  It said fancy lettering.  That kept him distracted for a moment.  Then he went back to running and sliding.  The biggest problem with his running and sliding program, was that he was howling with laughter and squealing loudly with delight.  It was way loud.  Anyhow, Ryan grabbed him, on one of his slides, and crumpled up his beloved MO name tag in the process.  He bawled and howled because his nametag now had "bumps" in it.   He seemed to have no problem making "bumps" all over in the paper Christmas tree that we had to decorate for Chloee's class display.  He crinkled it all up, and felt like it was no big deal.  It was also bad because Oak made Mo a paper airplane...not good.  I hope to make some reverent improvements for the new year, and that is for sure.
     We had some other mishaps this week with Mo.  Sags called with a few of her male Seminary friends and they needed a ride home.  Mo had had another accident, knew he was in trouble, and headed for the hills when I really needed to be leaving.  It is a good fifteen minute drive between home and the school.  Anyhow, Mo took me on a long and unpleasant wild goose chase.  By the time, I caught him, there was no time to clean him up, and we were way late.  Sags was not happy about the amount of waiting time she had, and the unpleasant odor that filled the car.  I explained what had happened, and the boys thought it was funny.  What else can I do???? I am glad some people can laugh with me about some of this stuff.
     We had signed up to go and ring the bell for the salvation army in mid December as well.   This is a family tradition that I love.  Ryan wants all of the kids looking their best, and we stand and sing carols about the Savior during our two hour shift.  Wams plays the violin, and its just great.  Well, Rooshkie had decided that she was definitely not going to come this year.  She just didn't want to come, she didn't feel like singing, and on and on the excuses came.  I really don't think she knows fully who she is dealing with.  I knew she was somehow embarrased by her big family.  This made me furious.  Every excuse she came up with, I dismissed and told her that she would be with us singing and that was that.  As soon as we arrived she begged to go in and use the bathroom.  I told her no repeatedly.  She finally  begged enough that I told her she had five minutes to be back singing.  Well, twenty went by, and still no sign of her.  I finally sent Jazz in to look for her.  Jazz said that she went in, and no Rooshkie.  This upset me really bad, because I wanted to feel the spirit of the hymns and the spirit of Christ, and she was ruining it for me with her selfish behavior.  Finally she comes out sheepishly, and explained that the bathroom had been closed for cleaning, and she had to go and find another one to use.  I explained that that was impossible because Jazz had checked the bathroom.  She insisted and still does that it was.  Anyhow, the truth didn't come out until the next day, and she finally admitted that she figured the kids would tease her if she was caught singing in front of a store...really????  Who are these people?  The friends of hers that I know would think it was neat.  Anyhow, when we did finally get her to particiapte, she caught the spirit of it, and it was a beautiful evening.  The man that was in charge came and took some pictures of us and everything.  The only other mishap was Oak.  He got bored with the singing and tried to climb the walls.  Mo and Chlo also got playing with the morotized carts and I had to get after them, but hey, I felt the true Spirit of the Season for a moment, and it was awesome.
      After our shift, we had to go across town, because Wams and Sags had a Christmas concert at the school.  Ryan offered the kids hot chocolates from Maverick and all were excited about that.  Maverick has creamy and dreamy hot chocolate.  Anyhow, it was pandemonium in Maverick.  The hot chocolate machine was down, and the kids weren't hiding their disappointment very well.  The man that was working there gave all of the kids a candy cane off of the Christmas tree display, and hurried and fixed the machine....what a guy!  I seriously love this town.  Anyhow, we rushed to the school and had to leave most of our hot chocolates cooling in the car so that we could make the concert.  As soon as we got in there, Mo and Dill began running wildly up and down the aisles.  I knew that after standing in the cold for two hours, and then the sugar from the hot chocolate were going to be a bad combination for a Christmas concert.  It was terrible.  Dill especially would twist and turn and try to get away, and Mo would make all kinds of promises to sit, and be still, but then something inside him, would get the better of him, and off he would run.  I had finally had it before Wams and Sags even made an appearance.  I threatened Moroni over and over that if he wouldn't sit and listen, he was going to have to go and sit in the car.  I finally had to back up my threats.  I hauled a squirmy Dill and Mo to the car.  It was a cold enough evening, that I couldn't let them play outside, and the hallways were off limits because Dill had already tried to rip a bunch of art work off of the walls.  In the car we had to sit until the concert was over.  Sags had placed her hot chocolate high up on the dash, and as I was reading something, Dill grabbed it and the lid came off, dumping it all over her head, and my lap.  It was a huge disaster.  It was one of their larger cups, and it was almost full.  Luckily, it had sat and cooled long enough that it wasn't hot, but yeah, we were a sticky mess after that.  Dill and I were both glad when the family returned in the car, so that we could go home and get cleaned up.
     On the way home, the kids began begging to stop and tell Grandma Great goodnight.  Dill and I literally swam in hot chocolate.  Ryan looked at me and said "it is up to Momma, if she is ok with it, then I will stop."  I really wanted nothing more than a bathtub at the moment, and yet I knew that there was no way that Grandma was going to live much longer.  I finally and reluctantly told the kids that we could stop.  Grandma's house was full of her descendants.  Dave was at the foot of her bed, rubbing her feet and her bed was surrounded by her daughters and grandkids.  Cliven and Carol were there visiting quietly too.  I sat and watched as she would stop breathing for a long time, and then catch her breath again.  I knew that she probably wouldn't last another night.  Anyhow, the kids all gave her a love and a kiss on the cheek, and then Lily asked us to sing her to sleep.  We pulled out the hymn book and sang "Silent Night" to her as we tried to choke back the tears.  I am so glad that I wasn't selfish and that we stopped.  Sweet Bodel Bundy passed away three hours later, surrounded by her daughters and son.  I am so grateful that some of her last moments on earth were spent with us, and that we had taken the opportunity to take care of her, often at the most inconvenient times.  She has taught me a lot over the years, and we have a lot to live up to.  I love cute Grandma and I always will.
     The next several days were spent with family as they came to pay their last respects.  Ryan was asked to sing, and Wams was asked to accompany him.  The kids were all going to sing together.  The morning of the funeral arrived and I was once again amazed at all of her descendants.  There are a ton of us!  Normally they hold viewings in the Relief Society room, but as large as her family is, they opted to hold the viewing in the gym.  It still wasn't big enough, and I felt bad when a lot of Ryan's cousins and kids had to stand nearby in the hallways.  The funeral was beautiful, and I heard so many incredible stories about an extremely strong little lady.  Tough, tough, tough.
     At the graveside, they had asked Wames to play her violin, and Ammon dedicated her grave.  It was a day, that I shall never forget.  I am sure it is the last time that the Dave Bundy family will probably ever all be together again.  I love all of those people.  Ryan had also dug her grave for her, and later, he quietly went and back filled it, placing all of the grass back so that she could rest by her husband.  I know that she was the biggest constant mother figure in his life, and I will forever be grateful for all that she did to raise him.
     The next few days were spent catching up with family and relatives.  Lisa had mentioned that because of Ammon's involvement in trying to get the Hammond's released from serving their unjustified jail sentence, she had had zero opportunities to get her Christmas shopping done.  She invited all of the women to spend a day in Las Vegas with her finishing up.  I jumped at that chance because the kids were out of school, and could babysit, and I still had some shopping to finish up too.  I had the best day with my sister-in-laws.  They know how to shop, and they know where to go.  My eyes were opened because shopping has always equaled major drudgery for me.  One of the reasons, is that usually I have a naughty kid tagging along (Mo and Oak).  But, these ladies knew how to scan coupons off of their phone, which stores had the best buys on items, and just being together was way fun.  I will always remember that I need to shop with them whenever, and wherever possible.  We had the best day together.
     After getting home, I was able to settle in and focus on Christmas a little bit.  And we had a lovely Christmas eve and morning.  I got really mad at Ryan for a little while on Christmas morning because he insisted that we couldn't leave until a calf at the ranch was standing.  I was furious...we visit my mom and dad twice a year.  It had been since July that we had gone to see them, and I couldn't go if a calf didn't stand??? Yeah, I wanted him to designate the calf-standing project to someone else.  It didn't happen, and several of the kids went with him.  He has Christmas issues and he always has.  I hate it because I love the season, and he doesn't seem happy again until January.  Anyhow, he did accomplish his calf standing goals, and we did have a lovely visit with my family.
     At my moms, the kids had a ball in and out of her jetted tub, they ate way too much chocolate and chips, and they laid around way too much.  It was such a nice break.  The snow was piled high outside of my parents cabin, and it is the perfect place for a snowy and cozy Christmas.  Gary and Julia came up with a huge load of citrus.  Jazz was way excited at that news.  My brothers and I sat around and laughed, and I got to enjoy my nieces and nephews.  It was a great visit.  I love Christmas.
     We went to shrsh in Hatch, and Ryan and the kids sang.  They did a beautiful job.  Dill and Mo were naughty like usual.  Dill kept reaching into the plant in the hall and spreading dirt everywhere.  I took them into a closed classroom to play, but Mo felt too confined, and began yelling under the crack in the door for someone to come and rescue him.  It was disasterous, but classes were enjoyable and I got to help my mom teach her lesson in Young Womens.

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