Saturday, June 29, 2013

     The kids went a little stir crazy this week.  It has been unbearably hot, and dry.  Sage threw a big fit that we never went farther than a neighboring state, and began making demands to visit California and Hawaii.  I realize that Ryan and I aren't into exotic trips.  Her fit fizzled after awhile.  Anyhow, I decided that it was reasonable to get them out doing something fun at least one day a week.  I get into a house cleaning rut, and I think that we can't ever leave unless the house is clean.  Well, it never gets completely clean anymore and so I feel like I can never leave.  I need to change this.
     Anyhow, we decided to go and hike the "C" trail on Wednesday.  We grabbed some shicken at the grocery store and Jams bought some yucky potater salad so that we could have guilty feelings for not eating it, and we set out.  We got up to the C in good time and began our descent.  My problem was, I had not planned ahead and got someone to pick us up at the bottom, and so I knew we were going to have to hike back up.  Oak is just like my brother Jeff in the fact that he felt like he had to be in the lead.  He kept getting too far ahead.  Anyhow, we reached a meadow, and had a picnic.  It was starting to get pretty hot at this point, and I knew the kids were not really used to hiking.  We began hiking back up.  Chlo really struggled with this.  She began crawling on all fours, and we had to rest at every scrap of shade available.  I was carrying the Mo-ster and finally passed him off to Jazz so that I could carry Chlo.  She of course had refused to eat her chicken and as a result, had no energy.  When we got to the top she bawled and bawled.  We got some good pictures though, and enjoyed talking and laughing.  Other than Mo meeting up with a cactus, we did pretty good.
     Moroni has begun calling me BOB.  Oak also called me Bob when he was Moroni's size.  Why?  Why not Mother Dearest or something feminine?  He also calls Ryan Bab.  It is quite comical hearing him yell "Bob" when he is delighted to see me.  I love that little guy.  He is growing up too fast.  He wants and begs to go with Ryan daily and he does go with his Dad more and more.
     Ryan came home from work the other day late in the evening and mentioned that he still had a bunch of dump truck hauling to do.  We went on a dump truck date and we had a great time!  His truck is loud and kinda clanky, but we had a nice chat even though we had to yell to do it.  I am grateful that we can have fun doing anything together.  The evening was nice and fresh.

     The last picture shows Chlo and her "wishing berry"  she found a few along the trail to wish upon and blow into the wind. 
     I had the opportunity to go with my parents to St. George on Friday and attend the temple while they went to some doctor appointments for my mom.  She has been suffering from kidney stones for a few weeks and has just about had it.  I hope she can get better soon.  Anyhow, while I was gone the kids made Moroni a hut, and a sign to go on the hut.  There are some pictures of this too.  We did get a little bit of rain which has made me excited for the Bundy reunion!  Next weekend, WAHOO!

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