Sunday, June 2, 2013

     Well, we have hit summertime at last!  I am so glad because those last few weeks of school are always killer.  Between the play and Jamer's procrastination habits, I had smoke coming out of my ears a few times. Now we can breathe in and out and relax a little bit.  Jams and Sags had a field trip the day before school let out.  They were able to go to the Brigham Young home, the Jacob Hamblin home, the Veyo pool, and the Mtn. Meadow Massacre sight.  I have heard nothing but how much fun they had swimming.  We are definitely going to have to visit the Veyo pool this year.  Yep, it is where its at.  They also had an end of year party out at Zerkleville playing night games and had a great time.  They were very upset with me when I came to get them.  Too bad their mom isn't cool and gets tired at like 9:00 pm.  I am not ready for this out all night stuff.  I don't think they are old enough anyway, but I like to tease them when they get invited to late night parties by telling them that I will be picking them up at 8:30 sharp.  They groan and whine and bawl about staying until mid-night.  Whatever...10 pm is my limit...10:30 if it isn't a school night and I am feeling saucy.  Ryan and I are definitely entering the new teenager territory and so far it is kind of fun.  I like threatening to embarass them.  It gets great results.  When I went to pick them up from playing night games they were dragging their heels and didn't want to come.  I threatened to exit the van bleating loudly like a sheep...they hustled it out of there real fast.  They didn't want to offend the boys they have secret crushes on.
     We went out to Mt. Trumbul for Bundy reunion work day on fridee.  It was pretty clunky because we have to jam pack in the cab of Ryan's truck, and we had invited a boy from the ward who is struggling.  We were packed in there like tuna fish.  10 people in a truck supposed to ride 6.  Anyhow, the family needed Ryan to bring a trencher out there on his skid steer and dig for them to bring electricity to more of the camps.      
We didn't get out of here very early and so when we got there it was time to throw out a sleeping bag and get ta sleep.  We did let the kids roast 'shmallows for a little while and Ryan quizzed the kids on the north star and all of that.  It was so peaceful and tranquil out there.  I had a few weird dreams about deer stompling around me and I am pretty sure there were deer around that night.  I also had a dream that some wards from St. George had come out to our camp to do a road show.  I was kinda relieved when I woke up to Chlo, and Mo and the regular gang.  Ryan cooked breakfast, dickered around with a random cousin about where to place the trenches and went to work.

     We ended up staying at Orvel Bundy's camping spot because that was where Ryan was going to start his trenches.  Someone in that family has brought out a nice piece of culvert and turned it into a cool slide.  The kids slid down over and over. Mo even loved it because the girls would send him down the slide on a pillow.  He loved it, but Chlo, ended up bawling and bawling non-stop.  I am not sure if she was clanking into someone else, or what, but her bawling got old.  Luckily we found her a caterpiller that she lovingly named "Daisy."  She played and played with Daisy and suddenly her world looked much brighter.  I was so grateful for Daisy.  She hauled her everywhere.  We went over to the slab with her, she carried her in all of her travels.  Daisy saved us because it was hot, dry, and miserable out there.

     Ryan came back after his trenching was done and we discussed what to do next.  Everyone had gone home and it was extremely dry and hot.  He fell asleep and so did I for awhile.  Finally he woke up and just declared that he wanted to go home.  We hurried and packed and left.  I didn't question Chlo about Daisy, and I forgot about her.  About half-way down the road, I got concerned about Chlo.  She was riding in the back, and she had fallen to sleep.  I figured she was going to get fried by the sun.  We brought her up front and she wallered all over the cab.  When we got back on the pavement, everyone had to get up front and Jazzerz took one look at Chlo's back and gasped.  They all started making all of the "Ooo gross" type comments.  My shoulder's slumped way down, because I figured I was going to have an unpleasant mess to clean.  I finally got up the nerve to ask what the problem was.  Jazzerz exclaimed that Chlo had sat or rolled on Daisy and she was squashed on Chlo's backside.  Oh boy did Chlo ever mourn over that news.  I handed Jazz a baby wipe and asked her to clean up Daisy.  Jazz was reluctant but did as she was told.  After a few minutes of Chlo's wails, Jazz looked harder and said, "Eww, I missed Daisy's eyes!"  This just sent Chlo into hysterics.  Poor Chlo and poor Daisy.  She was a great caterpillar.  She will be missed by all who knew her.
     We got up for church today and Oak and Jerusha were dizzy, hungry, and nauseous.  I assumed they got a touch of heat stroke.  I kept them home together and the rest of us went to church.  Chlo had to give a speech in primary.  I whispered what to say to her and she would whisper one word out of the sentence silently into the microphone.  Cute Chlo and her first speech.  I was proud of her.
     Mo was being such a wild cat that I finally sent him with Ryan.  When I came out of Relief Society, Mo was swinging around on the hand rails, and Ryan was snoozing with his hat on his face.  All in all, a great day at Shrsh.  (Cute Jazzerz spelling of the word.)

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