Wednesday, April 17, 2013

      Well, I forgot to post about it, but Chlo cut her hair again.  Chloee is a beautiful little girl, but this haircut doesn't help her look much.  I found her stuffed owl with wisps of blonde hair all over it, and I knew that she had been into the scissors again.  I sat her down and explained that if she really wants short hair, then we need to find someone who knows how to cut hair, cut it for her.  She looked at me and just said, "it's ok 'cuz I already know how to cut it."  I guess this is true, but this cut has really been a knock against her looks.  She looks like a "Joni" at best, a "Claude" at worst.  Ryan and I have been calling her Claude and she has not liked it.  I guess I should  be glad that she isn't concerned about her appearance yet.  Jams, Sags, and Rooshkie are way concerned with their looks, and fights break out daily over clothing, hair accessories, and jewelry.  Chlo just chops her hair.  We will just have to wait to grow it out again.
     On Sunday, I got a new calling.  Ryan and I have been over the Webelos scouts for several years.  I have enjoyed everything, but the cheesy scout cheers and yet I was just getting the hang of it.  Sunday we got released and I was asked to help with the achievement day girls.  I am really excited!  This will be fun, and I will get to hang with Rooshkie and Jazz.  When we got home from church the kids were begging me for some old socks and flour.  This did not sound like a good thing and so I asked what they needed these items for.  They explained that they just wanted to fill socks with flour and throw them around.  I must admit that this idea had never occured to me.  I always admire my kids for the things they come up with, but visions of flour and broken socks scattered all over the yard
came to mind and so I suggested they use rice instead of flour.  The next thing I know, there are rice socks being flung to and fro all over the yard.  I never knew that such a thing could create such pleasure, but the kids had a great time with this game.  At one point Sagers sock flew over the block wall and into the neighboring property.   Our yard backs up to some individually owned condo's.  She went back there to get her sock.  There were some people standing around in the parking lot, and Sage innocently asked if they had seen where her "sock" had landed.  Unfortunately, they were not sure.
     Today was our semi-annual Dental appointment.  Our Dentist and staff usually give us the entire office for a few hours for these events.  I must admit that they are quite patient.  I have kids banging in and out of rooms, knocking over plants, and playing with lamps.  Luckily Ryan came with me today and so we had more adult supervision.  A few years ago, when Oak felt that he was Spiderman, he climbed all over that office.  I am so glad that they still seem happy to see us, and know us all by name.  Anyhow, a few of us got done first and so I took, The Beek, the Bean, Oak and little Mo across the street to a "water-walk."  This is an area that they have made waterfalls cascade down hills and around statues of important people.  It really is quite tranquil.  Well, Chlo takes her socks and shoes off and jumps right in.  I don't know what it is about my kids and turning everything into a swimming hole.  Anyhow, I was down from her and was a few steps behind Mo, when one of Chloee's socks floated by.  This turned into a fantastic game with them plopping the sock in at the top of the street, and then racing down the waterfall to chase it.  Oak would then pick it up at the end of the stream and whip everyone with it.  This went on for awhile, until Chlo began putting rocks all over in the waterfalls.  By the time she was done with this she had water backed up and going all over the sidewalks.  I then had to take all of the rocks out so we could leave.  All in all, a great time though.  We had 4 cavities, and Jams needs braces.  Good to be done for 6 months.  I do have to take Jazz back to get one cavity filled but that will be a breeze.  I will just have to chase Moroni and I won't have to be in the chair.
  This is what we get when Chlo dresses herself.  One boot, one flip flop put on cock-eyed.  At least the hat looks good with her new hair-cut!

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