Thursday, April 11, 2013

     Well, I got my Oak back a on Tuesday and my husband and I can now feel complete again.  I must admit that I missed Oak's loud animal noises even.  It is great to have them back.  He came back with stories of roping calves off Buck and encountering rattlesnakes etc.  From what I gather, he did ride Buck, and the horse chased a cow around for awhile and his Dad told him to just hang on tight.  this much is true.  We had a winter storm roll in on Monday and the weather has been cold.  Chlo got bundled up against the weather and was somewhat upset that her jacket did not have a hood.  To fix the situation she simply put a bucket on her head.
     We also celebrated one year with our little Moroni.  It was a great day and I was so grateful to see the little one on his cake.  Because of a horrible case of pertussis, I thought I was going to lose him in December.  It was horribly scary.  We got him up, and sang, and made a big deal about him all day.  I was not sure if he knew it was his birthday though because we make a big deal and sing to him every day.  We gave him a big, red, ball for his birthday and he rolled around on it all day.  Oak wrapped his gifts and although his gifts look like a wad of paper, he just didn't get it.  The girls ended up blowing out his candle and helping him with his gifts.

     Jazzerz has been doing a report on Africa.  I am so, so, tired of her report.  She is doing one of those shoe box deals with the animals and environment etc.  I bought her a bunch of african animals and I thought she would whip it out in no time.  Well, we have been going for four days now and she wants to cover every inch with dry grass.  She has glued and glued grass for days.  In the mean time this grass gets all over the floor.  I have swept up grass over and over again.  I thought about bringing the lawn mower in if it gets any worse.  I have tried to encourage her to get it done and get it turned it, but so far she is still not satisfied with the grass situation.  Her animals that I bought have been scattered far and wide too.  Chlo insists on having a giraffe in her bath, and so the african animals are everywhere.  She will be lucky to find a couple of cows and a dinosaur to glue amongst her grass.
     Speaking of Jazz, she purchased one of those rinky dink journals with the cheap locks on it yesterday...not a good purchase.  The lock broke and fell off before she even made it home.  She bawled and bawled until I took the journal and headed out to the school book fair.  I complained, and they promised to order another one to replace the broken one.  Why do the girls always want to buy these?  Do they think that we are all lined up to read their journals or what?  Anyhow, while at the school book fair a girl about ten kept being very friendly.  I kind of enjoyed her until she wiped her nose on my back.  This made the whole journal fiasco more unpleasant.  Let's hope this journal keeps jazzerz thoughts private!

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